Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2264: Relative

  Chapter 2264 Relatives

So Guo Zhao unilaterally stood aside and got to know Zhou Man. He just saw Zhou Man take a saw and saw off a soldier’s leg. A lot of blood bleeds. Not only her hands and body, but also her face. Blood.

  The soldier whose leg was sawn off wailed, and a teenager who was not much older than her squatted aside and pressed his thigh forcefully, and the blood slowed down at a speed visible to the eyes.

  Guo Zhao was stunned, "Here, can this still live?"

It was also the first time that General Meng saw such a thing, and he was too shocked. Then, like Guo Zhao, watching Zhou Man and Bai Shan who were busy with their heads down, they trembled together and said secretly: Ruthless people.

  One thought, don’t look at it as a little lady, but look harder than their men.

  The other thought, didn’t they all say Confucian scholars were quiet? Is this quiet?

  Since then, the two dared not to despise each other in the future.

  Man Bao and a few didn't officially meet with Guo Zhao until dawn the next day.

  Mr. Zhuang and Zhiren both helped heal the wounded soldiers. They were too old and only fell asleep in the early morning, and they did not wake up at this time.

The young people are energetic. Although they still want to sleep, there are no tents here. The carriages are given to the seriously wounded soldiers. They sleep on the sand padded with clothes. They can feel the brightness as soon as the day breaks, and they can't sleep no matter how they sleep. , Can only get up.

  So a group of young people stood on the sand and saluted each other, and introduced themselves by the way. Guo Zhao himself was the first to come. When he introduced him to the Guo family in Xuzhou, Liu Huan couldn't help but look up at each other.

   Then there was Man Bao. She introduced her name and official position, and Bai Shan introduced his most commonly used identity-a student of Chongwenguan.

  Bai Erlang followed closely, and only used this identity, Yin Or followed this identity, and Liu Huan followed closely, without a word of extraneous words.

  To sum up, we are all students of Chongwenguan.

  Little General Meng felt that they couldn’t do this, so he pointed to Yin or introduced: “This one is the only son under the command of Yin.”

   said, winking at Guo Zhao.

  Guo Zhao:...

  Although it hurts his eyes, he still understands. There is only one Yin leader in the Manchuria. He couldn't help but look at Yin Or. He was really good-looking, but his stature was not enough to look at. His face was pale and weak, and he was very sick. He didn't know whether he should be envious or regretful.

  The little general Meng introduced Liu Huan with a smile, "This is Liu Shangshu's grandson."

  Guo Zhao smiled and saluted. After the ceremony, he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't remember what was wrong.

  It was just at this time that General Meng introduced that Bai Erlang was the emperor’s future son-in-law or his son-in-law.

  He turned his head and looked back at Liu Huan, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Liu Shangshu, is it Master Shangshu from the Ministry of Households?"

   Seeing that he seemed to remember, Liu Huan smiled embarrassedly and said, "Yes."

  He paused and saluted, "I have seen my cousin."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao were surprised, how come they suddenly recognize their relatives?

  Little General Meng was also surprised. He looked at Guo Zhao with the same gaze as he looked at the heartbroken.

  Guo Zhao was overwhelmed by the gaze, and said: "The wife of Liu Shangshu is our aunt of the Guo family."

   Liu Huan also explained to Bai Shan, "My grandmother is from the Guo family in Xuzhou."

  Why didn’t you hear about it?

  When they disperse, Baishan and Baijiro clamped him from left to right, and exclaimed, "Our study tour is the way for others to visit relatives."

  The other said: "And he didn't say it yet."

  Man Bao and Yin or Zhou Liru nodded in agreement.

   Liu Huan quickly explained, “If he didn’t mention that he came from Xuzhou, I would have forgotten about this relative.”

  Bai Shan was puzzled, "The relationship doesn't seem to be very far, so why did I forget?"

   Liu Huan tilted his head and thought, but didn’t think of it. He basically doesn’t care about family affairs, he only needs to be responsible for eating, drinking and playing and not causing trouble. How does he know?

   "Anyway, there are festivals coming from Xuzhou and other places every year, but not once from Anxi."

  Bai Shan smiled and said, “Anxi was only granted the title two years ago. Before, Gaochang belonged to someone else's family. General Guo should also be working elsewhere, right?”

  "Guo Xiao does not receive gifts every year anyway."

  Guo Xiao is Anxi Duhu and Guo Zhao’s father.

   Liu Huan doesn’t understand, but Guo Zhao understands. He and General Meng said, “My father has a very bad relationship with Liu Shangshu. Well, I don’t have a good relationship with Master Liu in Suzhou.”

  The little general Meng was puzzled, "Why, it's just a foreigner, no matter how polite, you still need it? There are conflicts of interests among different races."

Guo Zhao was a little hard to say, and after a while, he said: "The son never tells the father. Anyway, Liu Shangshu doesn't like my father's style. He also impeached my father in the court before. He attacked Gaochang. Ji Yi was in charge, but because of Liu Shangshu’s impeachment, my father became Hou Ji’s deputy. After he captured Gao Chang, his majesty changed Gao Chang’s name to Xizhou, and asked my father to temporarily take over the military and administration of Xizhou. Anxi was officially established two years ago. Guardian, my father has become the guardian."

  Otherwise, when his father returns to the capital, Houji rebellion is taking place, and I am afraid he will have to sit on the bench.

  Little General Meng pondered for a while, then whispered: "So the contradiction between the two of them is still the fault of uncle?"

  Guo Zhao:...

  He was silent and did not speak.

Little General Meng understood, and patted his shoulder sympathetically, and asked, "What do you want to do, do you want to take him home? Is it a relative, and the grandmother is still your aunt, if it's a little bit? It didn't mean that, it was your Guo family who didn't take care of it when you sent it back to the capital, right?"

  Guo Zhao said bachelorfully: “I’m nothing, I don’t know if Liu Huan is willing to do it.”

   "Will he be willing to do anything? Mainly, will General Guo be willing?"

  Guo Zhao’s expression was a little weird, and he was silent for a while and said, “If my father knew his identity, I’m afraid he would be very willing, right?”

   will not only be willing, but I'm afraid it will make a big fanfare.

  That’s why Guo Zhao hesitated. Would you like to mention Liu Huan’s identity?

  Fortunately, General Guo didn't let Guo Zhao struggle for too long, because he already knew.

  The battle was very beautiful. It not only killed a general in Tubo, but also captured a lot of soldiers. Except for those who fled, both the number of prisoners and the number of casualties of the other side are very good.

  So as soon as the war was over, Guo Zhao asked people to report back. By the way, he told his father that they not only came out to support the Shazhou Army, but also saved the envoys sent by the imperial court to the Western Regions.

  As soon as it was heard that it was an envoy group sent by the court, General Guo immediately asked in detail.

  We don’t know much about the soldiers who sent back and forth to call back, but when they left at that time, in order to report on the military situation in more detail, they asked the envoy for detailed information.

  So the name and origin of each person are clearly stated.

  (End of this chapter)

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