Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2271: Gold and silver (April monthly pass plus 8)

  Chapter 2271 Gold and Silver (April monthly pass plus 8)

  Nie joined the army until he returned to the inn without mentioning the beauty.

  The next day Man Bao and Zhou Liru went to see the wounded soldiers living in the inn next door, while Guan Shi took Bai Shan and the others to see the yard, and finally picked one place to move there.

  This time I rented three large yards in a row. They lived in the middle, and the left and right sides were for soldiers and guards.

  As soon as he rented the yard, Manager Li took the guards to buy some things. By the way, he invited some people. This time they will stay in Xizhou for a long time. How long will depend on the time they find the prescription.

  They didn't seem to hear much about this recipe even though they were looking all the way.

  Because I have to live for a long time, I have to have a few things. Manager Li is also very careful in selecting people.

  As a result, he hadn't picked the person, but the beauty from last night was sent to the hospital.

  Bai Shan and the others did not expect the Duhu Mansion to move so fast. They all forgot to talk to Guan Li last night, and they forgot to do so today, so Guan Li looked confused when he received someone.

Seeing his gaze slipping past him and these beauties, Bai Shan coughed lightly: "These are all given by General Guo to Young Master Liu. Man Bao has already agreed for him. You should take the people first. ."

   Manager Li secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but then became sad again, "How about ten people, Master, how to arrange for so many people?"

  Bai Shan thought for a while and then said, “Aren’t there still two wing rooms in the yard where we live? Let’s make room for them.”

   Manager Li: ...but it was vacated in advance for the next person to live in.

  Forget it, the servant who made the master worry about is not good, he can only go to the room again and move some guards to the yard on the left and right.

  Man Bao has lighted a fire in the kitchen next door, instructing people to boil medicine.

  Because of the trauma, everyone took the same medicine, so she boiled the same medicine together.

  They have to prepare to go out, so they have to prepare some wound medicine to carry, so they also need to do things like ointment, powder and pills.

  The two previous battles were basically exhausted.

  Mr. Zhuang helped them choose medicinal materials in the yard, weighed them according to Manbao’s prescription and put them on the paper, and took the medicine when the weighing was over.

  Man Bao sighed as he made the medicine, "The medicinal materials are too expensive."

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and said: "What's the problem? You tell it to the outside world that someone came to the house with money to ask for medicine."

  He ordered some of the medicine she was making, and smiled: “You need to trade to raise medicine. Anyway, you have to do it. It’s better to make a few more pots.”

  Man Bao heard it and thought it made sense, so he handed it over to Bai Shan, "By the way, aren't those beauties here? Let them help me."

  Man Bao asked for someone yesterday. First, seeing that they really wanted to leave the Duhu Mansion, she felt that General Guo was not a good person, and these beauties were really beautiful; second, because she was in urgent need of manpower.

There are not a few of their people, including the guards, who are completely uninjured, and there are more serious injuries, including those with missing arms and legs. Nie Chenjun never thought of leaving those who are still alive in the Western Regions, and there are no treasures. Think about it, then they are in urgent need of manpower now.

  Just as General Guo wanted to send it, Man Bao asked for it.

It’s not difficult to say whether the beautiful women of Jiao Didi can do this kind of rough work. Although it is a little embarrassing, the beautiful women still change their clothes and come to help. Do less rough work.

   Liu Huan quietly said to Zhou Man when they saw him: "No wonder they want to leave the Duhu Mansion so much. It turns out that they are doing rough work in the Guo family."

  Man Bao looked down at his hand, "Is this rough work?"

   Liu Huan chopping the medicine, while saying: "Yes, I see that the uncles and concubines don't need to work."

  Although they are just dancers and not concubines, they are similar to Liu Huan.

  But it doesn’t seem to be here.

  Little beauties can not only wash away these rough jobs, but also martial arts.

  Man Bao saw a beauty catching the medicinal materials falling on the shelf with a light jump, and he couldn't help but open his mouth, and asked, "Are you still martial arts?"

  Beauty people know that it was Zhou Man who asked for them, and she was also the chief official of the mission, so she bowed her head and smiled in embarrassment, showing her most beautiful gesture, "The concubine can only dance swords."

  That is much better than her. Man Bao is already fantasizing about the power and prestige of taking them as their female guards. Bai Shan breaks her fantasies lightly, and asks: "They fought well?"

   Seeing her silence, he made persistent efforts, “I heard that Jin Kuian woke up in prison. General Guo admired his martial arts and referred him to the military for appointment. Even Erge was used in the military.”

  Man Bao frowned slightly, but the criminal slave was the law of the Da Jin as a military status. General Guo’s move was not illegal, but Jin Kuian was too fierce, and she was not happy in her heart.

   But it also dispelled the plan to ask the beauties to be female escorts. Alas, they can't even beat them, let alone people like Jin Kuian. It would be in vain to let them serve as escorts for her.

  Man Bao made medicine for most of the day, and it was not until the evening that he had time to deal with the luggage with Bai Shan. Before Nie Canjun and others asked, they asked people to move the boxes to a warehouse.

  These yards are leased to merchants. Therefore, each yard has a warehouse without windows, let alone beds and the like, so people cannot live in it.

  Although they don’t know why Bai Shan and the others are so careful to put these boxes of stone and hay in the warehouse, the soldiers and guards helped move them in.

  Then Bai Shan disbursed the people and closed the door. There were only two people in the warehouse.

Bai Shan first peeled off the few seals and opened the box with the chain heads broken. Most of them contained only half a box of stones and hay. Obviously when they fell before, the soldiers listened to them to put things back, but they were very perfunctory. It is not fully installed.

  He poured these things out, and Man Bao kept taking out some gold and silver ingots and jewelry, etc. and put them in...

Finally, after opening the boxes whose seals were good and the locks were not broken, Bai Shan replaced cloths, silks and other obviously large items in them, and when they were all processed, he opened the door and asked someone to come in and clean up the trash in the warehouse. By the way, they moved the box out, and they wanted to return the things to everyone according to the previous list.

  Nie joined the army and they changed things as soon as they entered and exited. They were dumbfounded, and the soldiers and guards were also stunned.

  Nie Junjun turned his head and looked at the four empty large boxes carried out by the soldiers, and he had a guess in his heart. He remembered that these four large boxes were bought in that village in the Western Region...

  (End of this chapter)

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