Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2272: People's Heart (April monthly ticket plus 9)

  Chapter 2272 Human Heart (April monthly ticket plus 9)

  Nie joined the army and approached Bai Shan and asked, "You are hiding in the hay separately? But how do you ensure that the box containing them will not be lost in the battle?"

  Bai Shan pretended to be profound: "There is no guarantee, I can abandon all my luggage when I work hard."

  Nie also thought about joining the army. They had indeed given up all their luggage before. If Guo Zhao hadn't arrived with reinforcements, the luggage would definitely be gone.


Bai Shandao: "This is just to reduce losses. If we hadn't encountered forces with too great a difference in strength like the Tubo Army, we could completely give up some and keep some, and by then I can guarantee that we give up with the least value. The baggage we keep is the biggest."

  Nie joined the army suddenly realized and was convinced.

Bai Shan is smart and has a good memory. Although he feels that he can't remember what is in so many boxes, and he has to distinguish their respective values ​​in these similar or even identical boxes, Bai Shan should be able to do it. arrive.

  Man Bao on the side heard it, and couldn't help lowering his head to have fun. Anyway, the thing was done, naturally despite what he said.

  At the same time, it seemed to open up a new world.

  It turned out to be suspicious not just to conceal and hide, but also to confuse.

If people don’t doubt your true behavior, then arrange a reasonable fake behavior for their suspicion. No explanation is needed. If Bai Shan is half-exposed, everyone seems to be able to automatically come up with a better reason. .

  Thinking about this, Man Bao became excited and wanted to try his own ideas now.

  She glanced at Bai Erlang and others who were dividing things according to the list, and pretending to go to Nie Canjun pretentiously, "I need to find a place and find a few people."

  She handed him the paper she had just taken out from Ke Ke, and Nie Shenjun took it. She thought she had been keeping it close to her body, so she couldn't help being more solemn.

   Above is a place name, and a long list of names.

  Nie joined the army and asked, "This is?"

"This is a village with the names of the people living in the village. I want to find this village and the people in it." Man Bao paused and said, "It's just that this village is a bit special. In the year 2000, Xizhou was unstable, I don’t know if they are still there."

  Nie had a fight with the Anxi Army before joining the army. Although the time was short, he lived and died together. He still made a few friends in the Anxi Army.

  I am afraid that the trustees are more convenient than Zhou Man and the others. After all, Guo Zhao has been busy recently, and because of his father's relationship, he may not come lately, so as to avoid embarrassment on both sides.

  Nie joined the army and collected the paper, smiling and saying that he would do his best.

  I thought that part of the treasure would be lost, or the things were hidden in that village, and may only be seen again when I go back, but this time the things appeared in front of everyone, and the soldiers and guards were all excited.

The morale that had been sluggish because of the heavy casualties instantly rose, and slowly walked out of the pain of losing the same robe. Even the soldiers who lost their hands and feet were happy and decided to take the gold and silver properly. After returning, they would retired. The money is enough for them to live a lifetime.

  Those who have the brain instigated them and said: "Take the money back. How much is it now? How much is it? It's better to take it out and buy some things and return to the capital to make a profit at least."

   "Don't talk nonsense, what if you lose?"

   "How can you lose money?"

   "Why not?" A smarter and more prudent humane said: "Nothing is absolute in this world. Drinking water may clog your teeth. Isn't it common to lose money in business?"

He said: "I think this is enough. This is money for nothing. We can hide it and take it back. It is also good for us to join the army, and Lord Zhou is also kind, or else the remnants like us will just be thrown on the side of the road. Or it is normal for us to report back to the capital. Now the adults are willing to keep us and take it back. There will definitely be a resettlement allowance when we return to the barracks. With this money, it is enough to raise a few people in the family. So don’t be too greedy, lest the horse lose its way."

  Many people dispelled the thoughts that had just arisen.

"Tsk, you're too brave. Which gems and spices in the capital is not lacking? Although we have little money, we have to stay in Xizhou for a long time. We will carefully look for one or two, and then sell them to the nobles for sure. There is no shortage."

"Hou San, if you want to do this business, you just do it yourself, don't sway other people," Cao Dade couldn't help but said, "Why are you so easy to find? If you buy something but you can't sell it, this gem and spice It should not be eaten or drunk, especially the spices, which will not smell after a long time, and they may break on the road. Then..."

  He didn't finish what he said, but the soldiers understood it, and then it would be worthless.

Hou San complained a few words and murmured: "We don’t know each other, but Master Zhou do know them. It’s still the same as this time. When you go back, give them everything with them. When you return to the capital, you will drag them to sell. …"

  At this moment, even the heartbroken wounded soldier stopped talking, "Isn't this a fight against the mistress? We don't want to embarrass adults like this."

These words were passed to Bai Shan's ears without knowing why. Bai Shan smiled and said, "Then tell them that when we set off again, the business route should be cleared, and there will be more horse thief on the road. Most of them don't dare to rob a convoy of ours. Moreover, gems and spices can be faked. If they can't distinguish between the real and the bad, it is best not to buy these things."

  “But it’s not difficult for them to make money. You can consider buying some edible spices, such as pepper, which are also valuable and you don’t have to worry about selling them in the capital.”

  A guard passed the words back, and the soldiers thought about it.

  Nie joined the army involuntarily to find Bai Shan to thank him, and also talked about the gold and silver left by the fallen soldiers. At that time, Bai Shan consolidated the list and handed him the list and things together.

  Joining the army, Nie originally wanted to take back the gold and silver treasures they had allocated to their family members, but now he couldn’t help but want to do more.

"Their family background is average. Some people have not only old fathers and mothers, but also wives, sons and daughters, all of whom are still young. It will cost a lot of money to marry in the future, and it is said to live, so I think it is better to put them The money is counted as a member, and after buying things, they will be sold after they are returned, and then the money will be divided."

  Bai Shan frowned, "What if you lose money?"

  Nie joined the army and said with a smile: "You are not talking about buying spices..."

Bai Shan said, "That's a small amount. What's more, these spices need to be preserved properly. You transport so many spices to the capital at once, and everyone can't eat pepper as a meal? It's definitely impossible to sell them all at once. But military members can't afford to wait."

  (End of this chapter)

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