Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2277: Loose mouth

   Chapter 2277

  "Write while you are angry now," Bai Shan suggested: "This way you can be more sincere, and send it out when the business is open."

Bai Erlang also gave a suggestion, "You just cry, anyway, how pitiful you can write, think about you alone in the Western Regions, when you met a relative, you wanted to come forward happily to admit your relatives, but he digs holes to frame you. , Isn't it pitiful?"

   Liu Huan nodded, "But..."

   "No, but you just write it like this, what happened to Anxi, what happened to the sky and the capital? Don't they still have to rely on the Ministry of Household to allocate funds?"

   Liu Huan said weakly: "But I am not alone..."

  But everyone didn’t listen, including Yin or Du said: “It’s okay to exaggerate it moderately, but it’s not good to exaggerate it too much.”

  So with the help of five people, Liu Huan immediately wrote a letter from the hearer that was sad, and the listener wept in tears, and then put the letter away and brought it back with the merchant who planned to entrust it back as soon as the business route was open.

  The next day, Zhou Manbian, the chief official of the mission, happily followed them to set up a stall. General Guo, who was handling military affairs in the Duhu Mansion, was speechless for a while.

  The confidant who came to report hesitated for a while and said: "General, I heard that they took all the ten beauties today. Everyone said that these beauties were given to Master Zhou by you, so..."

  General Guo raised his eyelids and glanced at him, and asked, “Did he collect the things sent to Master Liu?”

   "No, they are all returned, even if our people put down their things and leave, their guards will also return the things afterwards."

  General Guo sneered, “Like his grandfather, he is used to being a dramatist. Would anyone in this world not want to cherish Chinese clothes, but prefer to live a life of poverty?”

  His confidant lowered his head and did not speak, General Guo said: "Go, let people continue to send it, and send it in a different way. I would not believe that he has no good intentions."

  He just wanted to show Liu Hui, his grandson is not a good thing either.

   "By the way, Zhou Man and they are not missions? Since it is a tolerance, what does it mean to always do private affairs? Let people ask about the situation."

   confidant immediately replied: "I asked someone to ask before he was dismissed. Mr. Zhuang of the mission is currently waiting for the reply with the paperwork in the yamen. They are scheduled to stay in Xizhou for two months..."

The confidant looked at General Guo’s face and said carefully: "But the yamen is busy, and now I can’t worry about these things, so the paperwork is temporarily pressed. He has been sitting in the yamen almost every day and waiting, you see that you need to give Did he jump in the line to approve it?"

   is to ask General Guo if he wants to let them go.

  General Guo rubbed his forehead and asked, "Where do they want to go with the paperwork?"

   "It's still uncertain. Recently, their accompanying Nie Canjun is inquiring about Danshi Village."

  General Guo frowned and thought for a while, "This village is a bit familiar, it seems to be closer to Tingzhou?"

"Yes, the next official checked. Three years ago, there was a noise in the capital. Hou Ji used a poisonous stone from the Western Regions to poison His Royal Highness. The poisonous stone fell from the sky. At that time, the people in Danshi Village were responsible for polishing the poisonous stone. Things also fall near Danshi Village, so..."

  General Guo couldn’t help being more solemn, frowning and saying: “It’s been three years and Hou Jidu has turned to ashes. What are they looking for in this village? Is it the prince’s meaning?”

   He was also suspicious, but he didn't dare to say.

  General Guo hesitated, and said after a long while: "Forget it, let people stop, and the document has been approved for them."

  I heard that since the crown prince had a son, his position in the court has been stabilized a lot. Even the emperor rarely scolds him, and now he can take over a lot of court affairs.

  So in the future, it is really possible for the prince to sit in this world.

   Zhou Man, they are considered princes, and being too stubborn with them is not worth the loss. Now the most important thing is the matter of the prince.

  Thinking about this, General Guo suppressed the fire in his heart and let his confidant back down.

  It's just that people have retreated, but he couldn't calm down for a long time. He couldn't help thinking, that Zhou Man and they came to the Western Regions this time for the purpose of epidemic prevention, or for the crown prince?

The more he thought about it, the more General Guo felt that it was the latter. He has been here for several years, and he has never heard of the cowpox method in the Western Regions. After receiving the inquiry document from the capital, he also inquired carefully, and no one has heard of it. pass.

  So they are drunkards, not drinking?

  But what was it that made an imperial physician come to the Western Regions all the way?

  Is there any secret behind the prince’s poisoning? Or what does she want the poison stone to do?

  General Guo had too many thoughts in his mind, and he couldn't work quietly for a while.

  Mr. Zhuang, who had been on the bench for four days, finally got the paperwork for staying in Xizhou and walking within Anxi area. He smiled slightly, got up to salute and left.

  In fact, the past four days have been pretty good. I have tea and snacks every day, and I can sit in a small room to see how Anxi Duhofu works.

  Mr. Zhuang took the paperwork with his hands on his back and wanted to go back. When he passed the street, he saw his three disciples leading people to drink and sell things.

  He shook his head slightly, and said to the guard: "Let them save a little effort. We can go elsewhere if we can't sell it here."

  Anyway, they can leave anywhere in Anxi.

  Man Bao came back and said to Mr. Zhuang: "Sir, are you going with us too?"

Mr. Zhuang raised his eyebrows, "Why, don't you let me follow?"

  Man Bao smiled flatteringly at him, "Isn't this afraid of you being tired? We don't go far, just walk around Anxi, inquire about the situation, maybe we can inquire separately, maybe it will be faster."

  Mr. Zhuang thought about it, "It's also a way to go, so how many people are you planning to take?"

  His eyes are smoother than Yin or Liu Huan and others.

  Man Bao turned his head to Yin or said, "Don’t go, we have to go to a place to see some people."

She said: "The poison stone that was used to murder His Royal Highness back then fell from the sky. After it fell, it affected a village. Although I gave them some antidote back then, I didn't know how effective it was, so I thought Go for a follow-up visit. The place is dangerous and you are weak, so it is best not to go."

   again to Bai Erlang, Liu Huan and others: "You guys don't go either."

  White Erlang dazedly: "Then what are we going to do?"

"Just sell things in the city to see what good specialties are in Xizhou, and then help me find out about cowpox," Man Bao said, "The poison stone is still very toxic, but it will affect it when it is invisible. Now I don’t know what the situation is, so don’t risk it lightly."

  White Jiro said: "Then you guys don't go anymore. If you want to ask the situation, why don't you ask someone to come and ask?"

  Man Baodao: "Good idea, so we decided to inquire about the place and people first."

  Yin or: "...that means you don’t even know where people and places are now?"

   "I don't know, didn't you let Nie join the army to inquire?"

  Don't talk about Mr. Zhuang now, even a few friends think they are a little unreliable.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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