Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2278: Let's go together from now on

  Chapter 2278 Let's go together from now on

  General Guo relaxed, Nie Canjun finally found something, "The village is near Tingzhou, and it will take three or four days from Xizhou. If we ride horses, we should be able to arrive in three days, but..."

  He paused: "No one wants to lead us."

  Man Bao: "Is the money we paid not high enough?"

   "No," Nie Canjun said, "There are rumors outside that Danshi Village is a place cursed by gods, and no one wants to go there."

He said: "Since the prince's poisoning incident came out, the Duhu Fu has sealed the village there. Few people can come out from there, and there are no people who enter. After I found out about the place, I thought about asking. People who know the road lead the way, but as long as they say to go to Danshi Village, they refuse. No amount of money will be used."

  Man Bao was speechless for a while, and Bai Shan frowned for a while and said, "Then find out the way clearly, and we will go there by ourselves."

  He turned his head to look at Daji, and said: "Daji, you go with Nie Canjun."

  He didn't plan to take Nie Canjun and the others with him, he only planned to take Daji a few guards there.

  Nie had some opinions on joining the army, but when he heard that Mr. Zhuang and the others would not go, he accepted the arrangement.

They began to buy things, the water on the road, a lot of rice noodles and local fabrics. They only planned to bring a carriage, so everything was loaded on the car. In addition to the inside, the roof and the belly of the car had the back. There are a lot of things tied up.

  The heavy rain and others who rented a house on the opposite side met, and immediately ran over to inquire, "Are you leaving?"

   "No, go out for business." Man Bao remembered that he hadn't seen them for several days, but he didn't expect people to live on the opposite side. It was strange, "Why do you live on the opposite side?"

   After the heavy rain, he said, “It’s not cost-effective to live in an inn for a long time, so we also rented a yard.”

  Man Bao figured out the smell, and asked: "Aren't you going home?"

  Heavy rain sighed, "Isn’t there a lot of horse thieves on the road? So we want to wait for a while. If you are done with the business, we can go together. The money you get back will be a little less for you."

  Man Bao: "...Are you afraid of horse thieves?"

  Aren’t you guys who used to be horse thieves?

And they don’t have many goods to carry. If the spices and gems are small and easy to carry, they can be packed in a box and stuffed in their arms. They look like this and they are not easy to provoke, as long as the horse thief is not blind. Trouble them.

  She thought they would go back after they sold the goods.

  They were really so prepared before the heavy rain, but...

The heavy rain sighed deeply and leaned forward in a low voice: "The horse thief is not terrible. The terrible thing is the officers and soldiers. According to reliable sources, as long as we are on the road, we will be killed by the officers and soldiers as horse thieves, and even prisoners will be taken. There is no chance. If you just chop off your head and count it as military merit, the gems and spices we bring will naturally be counted as others."

  So follow Zhou Man and them to be safer, anyhow they won’t be smashed as horse thieves.

  Bai Shan pondered for a while and said, "In that case, you should pay for our guards, right?"

  Heavy rain:...

  He turned his head and left, "Forget it, you just assume that I haven't been here. When the commercial road opens, there are more people on the road and we go again."

  He does not believe that the Anxi Army can suppress the bandits until next year.

Bai Shan smiled and stopped him, “It’s a joke. It’s okay to go back everywhere, and to take care of each other."

   is to take care of each other, but not to hire.

  He also understood the heavy rain, but he was quite happy, and thought about it secretly: Although they don't have the money for the guard, they will be less embarrassed by the officers and soldiers when they go back, and it should be easy to enter the customs.

  The big event was initially set, and the heavy rain also cared about them leisurely. He leaned against the wall and shook his legs and asked, "You are going to travel a distance. It happens that we have sold a lot of goods. Do you want us to protect them?"

  Bai Shan declined, but he didn't bring all of his guards, and he still can't use them at the moment.

  Heavy rain is very curious, "Is there really a prescription for smallpox in Anxi?"

  Why hasn't he heard of it?

  Bai Shan calmly said: "Listen carefully, you can always hear some news."

   "You are asking about this when you go out now?"

  Bai Shan smiled, without explaining much.

The next day they left the city. Bai Erlang and the others sent people to the gate of the city. When their carriages went away, Bai Erlang immediately gave a wow, and put his shoulders on Liu Huan and Yinor’s necks, calling for friends. Said: "Walk around, let's take a stroll around Xizhou City."

   Zhou Liru turned his head and said, "Take me!"

  Shirajiro agreed, "Okay!"

   Liu Huan hesitated, "Well, there are some places where girls are not easy to go."

   Zhou Liru said, “What’s not good about going, don’t you just want to go to the dance hall?”

   Liu Huan: " do you know?"

   "I heard you talking to Young Master Bai Er."

   Liu Huan dared not speak immediately, and turned to look at the other two friends.

   Yin or said: "Go and go."

  Anyway, I haven’t seen it before, there are still ten in the family.

  Bai Erlang didn't think there was anything wrong with Zhou Liru going to these places, didn't Manbao just play with them since he was a child?

  Subconsciously, wherever they can go, their aunts and nephews can naturally.

  Only Liu Huan struggled a bit, but he quickly put aside his worries, and the four of them went to play without going back to the yard.

  As soon as Nie joined the army, they ran away. He shook his head. If Mr. Zhuang did not come, they would be free of restraints. It was true.

  The guards who followed them didn't feel that there was anything wrong, and just like the masters, they headed towards the entertainment venues.

  At this time, Bai Shan and Man Bao were wearing drapery and heading north. Tingzhou was in the north of Xizhou, a more desolate place.

  But there is no Tingzhou, just close to Tingzhou.

The place where the meteorite fell is not too far from Danshi Village. Man Bao remembers what the two villagers who were sent to Beijing said that at night, a particularly shining star fell from the sky and broke into three pieces in mid-air. When a fireball fell, the whole earth shook.

  They rushed out of the house in fear and looked into the distance, and they saw a fire in the direction of the desert.

  It was in the desert, but the fire stopped after two days of burning. Later, the noble master who was in charge of their area found a sinkhole and found a very beautiful huge gem in it.

  Danshi Village has noble master craftsmen who were conquered to carve gems. At that time, the noble master said that as long as the gems sent can be loved by the king, they will be rewarded heavily.

  At the time, the craftsmen thought about dismissing their craftsmanship or moving to the village to live in a better place.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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