Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2286: quietly

  Chapter 2286 Quietly

  They didn’t have a tent. Man Bao placed a medicine packet by the fire, and the fire burned the medicine packet. After a while, the fragrance of the medicine was released. This is a medicine for repelling insects.

  It is very useful in the desert. When they camp in the desert, there will always be some rustling sounds under the sand. It is not a scorpion, a sand ant or a gerbil, and there are also a lot of flying insects.

  But now there are no scorpions and sand ants, but there are some flying insects.

  But after the smell of medicine came out, they also slowly disappeared.

  Daji took the felt cloth and spread it on the sand, and lay down directly to sleep.

  I don’t know if it’s the reason for the clothes in the inner layer. I didn’t feel very cold at night. But Bai Shan still put a cloak he had prepared on Man Bao.

  Man Bao lay on the felt cloth and rushed to him, then he pulled the cloak up to cover his head, and his consciousness sank into the system to communicate with Teacher Mo.

  Ms. Mo looked at the pictures and videos she sent in the past, and sent her an email.

  He didn't expect that the fallen meteorite in a sinkhole would be so big, and he was very excited, so he was encouraging her to work hard and try to dig out the meteorite sooner.

After reading the email, Man Bao was stunned for a moment, and then replied, "Teacher, I want you to see that this rock is so big and so deep underground. It is difficult to dig with manpower, especially with the manpower of me and my friend. It comes out."

  Manbao finally asked Keke to type the three words "seeking support".

  Not what he said, is it difficult to find a teacher?

It was the first time that Teacher Mo encountered such a simple problem. After a moment of stunned thought, he did not give her an idea like "Invite someone to dig." Instead, he said directly: "Wait a minute, I will give it to her. You apply."

  Teacher Mo disappeared directly, Man Bao waited for a long time without seeing him come back, Bai Shan lay beside her, seeing that Da Ji had closed his eyes and seemed to be asleep, he turned to face Man Bao lying on his side.

  When Daji placed the felt cloth for them, they deliberately separated them by a large distance. Although they had already made a marriage appointment, shouldn't they keep the ceremony?

  He spread felt cloth on the other side of the fire, at an angle of exactly ninety degrees to them, so that he could guard the periphery without disturbing the two masters.

  But when Bai Shan first gave Manbao a cloak, he moved his felt to Manbao. At this time, there was only half of the sandy ground between the two of them.

  Bai Shan looked at her with his head on his arm. Well, because she was hiding in the cloak, she could only see her crow-like hair.

  Man Bao poked his head out of his cloak, and met Bai Shan's gaze at a glance.

  Bai Shan thought she had fallen asleep, but he suddenly saw it with a pair of round eyes open, but didn't react at all, staring at her in a daze.

  When the reaction came over, his gaze couldn't help but moved to the side, a little erratic.

  But he quickly moved back, looking at her with piercing eyes, with starlight in his eyes, "Are you tired?"

  Man Bao whispered back: "Not tired, are you tired?"

  Bai Shan smiled softly, and also whispered back: "I'm not tired either."

  You two look at me and I look at you. After a while, Bai Shan reached out and pulled her cloak up again, and asked in a low voice, "Is it cold?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "It's not cold."

  She asked: "Are you cold?"

   "I'm not cold either."

  Man Bao: "You must be cold."

  She glanced at his clothes, half raised her head to look at Da Ji not far away, and whispered to him: "I don't wear a cloak to be cold, why are you not cold? I divide you half."

  Bai Shan hesitated for a while, then shook his head, "I'm really not cold."

Man Bao had already got up and moved the felt to his side. Seeing that the two felts were about to be close together, Bai Shan got up and held it down. He also took a peek at Da Ji, and then whispered to Man Bao: "It's okay. "

  The two felt cloths were re-laid, leaving a sandy area the size of a fist in the middle, and Man Bao crossed the cloak over it, so that it could not cover the whole body, but it could cover both the upper body and the stomach of the two of them.

  The two lie down again, so that they are very close when lying on their sides. Man Bao is slightly embarrassed by Bai Shan's gaze, so he closes his eyes.

  Bai Shan looked at her softly, stretched out his hand and touched her face. When he realized what he was doing, he half rose and leaned in and kissed her gently on the cheek.

  Man Bao closed his eyes, fanned his eyelashes like a fan, and then he didn't move.

  Bai Shan immediately returned to her position to lie down, reached out to hold her hand, and then lay down properly.

  Man Bao opened a slit to look at him, his cheeks were slightly red, and seeing that his ears were red, he couldn't help but smile and let him hold his hand.

Because it is open air and there are few people around, Man Bao thought he would be scared and could not fall asleep. Who knew that just calmed down for a while, her hand was held by Bai Shan, and soon became warm, and then she became confused. Fell asleep.

  Bai Shan heard her breathing getting lighter, so he opened his eyes and looked at her for a while, smiled and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

   Daji lying on the other side waited for both of them to fall asleep, and then opened his eyes.

  He sat up from the ground, added a little wood to the fire, and listened carefully around him. By this time, he did not hear the wolves, and there was no rustling under the sand, so he lay down again.

  If this is in other places, the camping place is so quiet, he will not worry about lying down, but here, there is a sinkhole, it seems to be a normal thing.

Daji actually had a lot of questions in his mind, but just now listening to the greetings and care between the two little masters, he suddenly felt that there was no need to ask those questions.

  They have been growing up under his eyelids, and they are still the same people. Although they have grown up, they are still pure-hearted.

  While the two of them are far from smart enough, he knows that he is not smart enough. If this is the case, he might as well just do what they say.

Daji woke up three times in the night, all adding wood to the fire. When he woke up for the last time, the sky was about to light up. At this time, it was the coldest time of the day. He did not dare to stop. All the firewood was put in.

Man Bao and Bai Shan slept very well. The hands of the two of them were still touching, and they landed on the empty sand in the middle. A corner of Bai Shan's clothes passed by, and the hands of the two of them probably felt too. The sand was cold, so it was placed on the corner of the garment.

  Daji did not sleep anymore, but got up and walked around, making sure that there was really no animal around, and there were little flying insects with their wings flapping when they walked farther, which is smaller than a mosquito and is not dangerous at all.

  He then relieved his heart and went back to sit by the fire and gave them hot water and steamed buns.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan were awakened by the aroma of steamed buns. As soon as they opened their eyes, they saw each other and couldn't help smiling.

  Daji gave a light cough, and the two of them returned to their senses and immediately let go of each other's hands and sit up.

  Bai Shan pretended that their felts hadn't moved closer, and greeted Da Ji with a look as usual.

  Daji just didn’t know what to do, and said warmly: “Master, Miss Man, I will send you in after breakfast, and I will go back to get things when you enter the sinkhole.”

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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