Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2287: do not worry

   Chapter 2287 Don't worry

  Man Bao sat beside the burnt fire, and the red glow on his face was startled by the sound of jingle bells in his mind before he completely receded.

   She lowered her eyes slightly and asked Keke: "What's the matter?"

  Keke: "Ms. Mo responded to the email."

  Actually, Teacher Mo replied to the email last night, but at that time the host was asleep, Keke did not force the person to wake up.

  And this morning, Mr. Mo not only sent another email, but also sent new “teaching materials” to the classroom.

  Man Bao was immersed in consciousness to check Teacher Mo's reply.

  Ms. Mo ran to give her the tools she applied for excavation-two excavating robots.

  Man Bao was startled and couldn't help but jumped up from the ground. Bai Shan and Daji turned their heads and looked over together, "What's the matter?"

  Man Bao sat back with his face suffocated, and said with a stern face, "It's okay."

  She said that it was all right, then looked away, and continued to pack the luggage for them, but Bai Shan squinted his eyes.

  Man Bao lowered his head, excited to see the robot, but because he was too excited, he couldn't concentrate and couldn't get in for a while.

  Waiting for Man Baoping to regain his mood and go in and see those two carts-like robots, he was startled, "Is it such a robot?"

  Keke has already seen it, and said: "Yes, the Alliance can find such a retired excavating robot is also very powerful."

  But even such a robot should not be sold to Manbao, let alone given to her as teaching materials.

  Because this has nothing to do with medicine. It is different from the simulation robots that Zhou Man got. These two robots have the core technology of energy conversion, and they have never been sold in such a backward civilization.

Therefore, although the alliance came forward to negotiate with the Encyclopedia, the Encyclopedia allowed the Encyclopedia to relax the restrictions on Professor Mo, allowing him to put the two robots as teaching materials, but they agreed that they would be temporarily loaned to Zhou Man, waiting for her After the meteorites are collected, these things have to be returned.

But Keke said: "Ms. Mo specifically emphasized that you should use it well and don't wear it. There are very few robots that have been eliminated. Although the league may not care about it, it should still be very important to recover. ."

  Mingmingkeke’s tone of voice has not changed much, but a few of the words have been aggravated without any emotion, and the treasure is blessed to the soul, "It turns out that it can be worn out..."

  Man Bao started thinking about it.

  Waiting for them to return to the edge of the Tiankeng, Man Bao had already figured it out.

  She had bright eyes and said, "Daji, don't worry, we will be here obediently. You go slowly, don't worry, just come back before dark."

  Even Daji understands the underlying meaning, that is, don’t be anxious to come back. Come back as late as you can.

  Good luck:...

  Bai Shan looked at Man Bao again, and then nodded with Da Ji: "Then you go slowly and pay attention to safety."

   Reluctantly replied, "I know the young master, you can go down."

  This time, Bai Shan and the others did not put the water on the top, but took it below. The two rushed down holding hands. When they rushed to the bottom of the pit and looked up, Da Ji waved with them before turning to leave.

  Wait for his back to disappear, Bai Shan then took Man Bao and asked, "What's the matter?"

  Man Bao said excitedly: "I got two new tools, they can dig things for us."

  Man Bao said with some pride: "Don’t be too surprised when you get the things."

  Bai Shan nodded, "Okay."

  He hesitated not to let go of Man Bao's hand, and his eyes were chopped up everywhere, wondering if the little father-in-law would have any comments on this.

  Keko had no objection, it took out the two robots directly.

  Bai Shan saw appearing on the ground? He paused, glanced at the shovel and drill around the car, and was stunned. How to dig this?

  It’s not easy to hold even together.

  Man Bao has pulled him forward excitedly.

The car is not high. It only reaches Manbao’s chest. There is a screen. Manbao does not need to do anything, because Mr. Mo had already uploaded the picture before sending it, and ordered them to dig the rocks in the picture. , So it can be started directly.

  Manbao is also the first time to come into contact with such a robot, but she has experience in operating anthropomorphic robots, so she quickly found the switch.

As soon as she opened it, the robot moved. It turned around and quickly scanned the stone in the picture, so it clicked forward, the car began to drill, and the drills around the front and rear of the car also dropped. I started to drill the ground. After a while, I loosened the sand and gravel, and then loaded the loose gravel into the car in twos or twos, and transported it to the side and dumped it...

  Bai Shan opened his mouth wide, he was surprised from the moment it moved, and now he has recovered, but strangely, he doesn't seem to be surprised.

  He looked up and down for a long time, and asked Man Bao: "Why do they move? It can't be something like Fulu?"

  He also looked disbelief when he said this.

  Man Baodao: “Of course it’s impossible. It’s because of energy.”

She tilted her head and thought, but she didn’t know how to explain, she said: “It’s something that can make many dead things move. I don’t know much about them. I don’t know how they came into being, and I don’t know how to explain them. How they are used, I only know that they are called electricity, called energy stones."

The robot diligently went to dig the ground, Man Bao simply took Bai Shan to sit on a rock and chat with him, "I only know that the power of sunlight, wind and water can be turned into energy, and then used in these strange things. Something weird."

  Bai Shan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Can you see the world of Uncle Zhou?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "I can't see it, but as long as they show me something, I can see it."

  Bai Shan couldn’t help it, and asked in more detail for the first time, “Are there things in that world that can’t even be used by Uncle Zhou at will?”

  Keke did not warn Manbao, but Manbao knew that the topic had actually violated the rules up to this point, but Keke could not warn him.

  Man Bao's heart jumped slightly, and he looked at Bai Shan's gaze and nodded, and whispered: "I can't use things that are too different from our world, nor can I come to this world."

  Bai Shan looked at her and asked, "Can't you talk to others?"

  Man Bao nodded repeatedly, looking at him with dazzling eyes.

  Bai Shan stretched out his hand to hold her, held her hand tightly and said, "Don't worry."

   did not say anything to reassure her, but Man Bao understood at once, she smiled openly and nodded fiercely.

Koko silently erased this part of the data, lengthening some of the daily data of the previous host. For example, she only blinked her eyes, she blinked more in the data, and her action of drinking water was repeated shortly after the interval. ...

This kind of ordinary data record is the easiest to be ignored by people, but this lengthening can cover up the past few minutes of their conversation. Even if the main system checks, they can only see them sitting after operating the robot. On the rock, holding hands together silly and happy.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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