Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2291: Offspring

  Chapter 2291 Heirs

  Man Bao chose six out of the box of medicine given by Teacher Mo, poured them into the medicine bottle together, and gave them to them, and then divided them among the six people.

  She also told the village chief honestly, “There are so many people in the village, and only they can be cured. The foundation of other people...the blood has been determined, and it can’t be cured.”

This result is much better than the village mayor expected, but this time, except for a couple who are still young at the end of the village, the other four are not young, and there is only one woman. Unfortunately, the other three are all widows. .

  So the village chief had a headache after walking around them, "Can you still have children?"

  The three: "... Village Chief, we can have children but we have no daughters-in-law."

  There is no woman who can give birth to children in the village.

  The village chief said: "If you can give birth, our village will save a little money, and then go out and buy you three female slaves back."

  Man Bao heard from the side, and couldn't help being speechless. This is how stubborn he is about blood inheritance.

What she didn't expect was that everyone in the village agreed. Even teenagers said, "We won't marry the uncle and them."

  The head of the village comforted them and said, “You can still marry. There are many girls in our village, but it’s not easy to have children.”

  "Then I will marry Maissa, she looks the most beautiful."

   "No, Ma Yisha is the one I want to marry," the teenager who had been smiling at the side immediately sullen and said, "Ma Yisha also promised to marry me."

   "You are not as strong as I am, and farming is not as good as I am. Can you let Ma Yisha live a good life?"

"So what, I look better than you, and I can't have children anyway. I can support myself and Ma Yisha. Ma Yisha also promised to marry me. She said she wanted to look at me. Face, don’t look at you."

  So the two teenagers had a fight in front of the village chief.

The village chief saw them making such a fuss in front of the distinguished guests, and he was so angry that he was about to reprimand them. As a result, he saw Zhou Man jumping up to cheer them, and after they finished the fight he gave them medicinal wine and rubbing medicine, and then said: "Or you will be together. Ask Ma Yisha. She is also one of the parties involved. She said that she will marry whoever she marries."

   So the two teenagers looked at each other vigorously, turned around and ran to find Ma Yisha.

Seeing that Zhou Man was so enthusiastic, the village chief let his anger down, and instead said with a worried look: "Adults, although children cannot have children, they must get married. There are boys and girls in our village. It's all okay, but..."

  He was a little bit embarrassed when it came to this. Although he looked embarrassed, he still blushed and said: "But a couple will always get pregnant. You can't get pregnant if you get killed? I heard that it will be dead."

  Man Bao said: "Yes, some people are not suitable for abortion, or if the medicine is not used well, the bleeding will disappear easily, so you can't take abortion drugs indiscriminately."

  “But it’s not difficult if you don’t want to get pregnant. I’ll give the medicine to everyone later.”

Contraceptives are available for both men and women. You don’t need to ask Teacher Mo. They are available in the mall and they are very cheap. Also, because there are contraceptive decoctions in this world, the system automatically classifies them into the ranks of no science and technology tax. Manbao is not expensive to buy.

Manbao immediately placed an order for two bottles, one for women, one for men, and one for life. According to the instructions, in addition to the various ingredients, the medicine also plays a key role. Among them, the nano-robot will always ensure that the person taking it will not give birth unless it is removed by taking drugs again in the future.

  Man Bao directly mixed the pill with honey and flour and wrapped it in a layer of beeswax, and then one person sent one. Except for the six people who were hopeful of recovery, even the village chief was given one.

  The village chief looked tangled after getting the medicine, "My lord, we old people don't need to take it, right?"

   "Eat it, I made it anyway."

   Village head: "...It's expensive, isn't it?"

  Man Bao is very generous, "No money."

  Even three children under the age of three were divided into one, “Don’t worry, it’s suitable for all ages, and it’s not bitter, and it won’t affect development.”

  So the whole village ate all but six of them. Okay, now you can get married with confidence.

  Therefore, there is no news from Teacher Mo whether to upgrade Keke, the village has held five weddings in a row.

  In the past few years, because the children born in the village have problems, the men and women of the right age in the village dare not get married.

  Now it’s okay. Once there is no worries, everyone will start looking for someone to get married.

  The most popular girl is Ma Yisha. Although she has agreed to a teenager’s proposal, there are still many teenagers who do not give up. They block Ma Yisha in the village every day, hoping that she can think about it again.

  Not only Man Bao, Bai Shan also watched with gusto. Every day, he squatted on the wall and watched with Man Bao when Ma Yisha was blocked by other teenagers. Then Ma Yisha's fiance became a ball with them.

  Fortunately, there is no serious injury. At most, some medicinal wine for invigorating blood and removing blood stasis is needed.

  Because it is not very serious, the village chief rarely sees the lifeless village come back to life, so he just turns one eye and closes the other without taking care of him. He often reprimands them and fines them to go herding.

  Bai Shan watched it enthusiastically for two days and finally realized that something was wrong, and could not help asking the village chief, “Why are the teenagers fighting, do their parents care about it?”

  The head of the village said: "You can't have children. The children can be with whomever they want to be with."

  After a pause, he couldn’t help but said, “Maisa was going to give it to my third grandson before.”

The village chief’s three-grandson was also one of the people who fought, but he still couldn’t fight. Without the restraint of his parents, there would be no burden for the children in the future. Ma Yisha was very careful, so she chose one that she felt looked good. The most handsome, her favorite is married.

  Her parents have no objection, anyway, they will not have grandchildren in the future. Both of them are not very lazy. They will naturally live a good life on their own in the future, so there is no need to worry.

  After they die, there will be nothing left.

  Bai Shan thoughtfully, "It turns out that having children can add so much trouble?"

  Man Bao said: "But without children, they will also be less restrained."

  This is also the case. Fortunately, Danshi Village is remote, and the villagers don’t want to go out and socialize with others. Even if there is no guarding them outside, they don’t even think about migrating to live elsewhere.

  Only in this village, even without the restraint of future children, there will be no trouble.

  And the village chief is still very prestigious.

  Bai Shan has already reached out to the prestigious village chief to discuss the price of going out to find meteorites.

  The village chief was grateful for Zhou Man’s care for them, so he didn’t plan to ask for money, as long as Bai Shan was responsible for their food and drink, no other remuneration was required.

  Of course, Bai Shan will not treat them badly.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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