Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2292: Foreshadowing

  Chapter 2292 Foreshadowing

  The head of the village chose people for them, and then prepared water and cars.

  Horse There are only two horses in the whole village. They are still old grazing horses, so they didn’t give it.

  This time, because it was the position calculated by himself, which is not necessarily accurate, Bai Shan made a lot of preparations. After all, he did not know when he could find it.

  But he also told the people in the village, “The water we bring, as long as we go out for half a month without news, we will return, so we will be back one month at the latest.”

  If they haven't returned for more than a month, then they have found a place, or something happened on the road.

  Man Bao saw that there was no news from Teacher Mo, so Bai Shan made such arrangements.

  So a group of people set off first.

The two directions Bai Shan chose were determined based on the known tiankeng positions and the impressions of the villagers, but not to mention the time passed, the memory will be wrong, that is, the direction in the sky and the direction on the ground are also very different, so Bai Shan is also ready to look for a long time.

  Therefore, they are not at all surprised when they meet other people and villages on the road.

The people in Danshi Village have not seen outsiders for a long time, and when they see outsiders, they subconsciously lower their heads to avoid them.

  But the young men who came out did not have any defects. They looked like all the Western Regions, and were thinner at best.

  So the people I met didn’t pay attention to them. On the contrary, Bai Shan and Zhou Man were more eye-catching. The two of them were so good-looking and had good temperaments. Everyone couldn’t help but be attracted to them.

Bai Shan and Man Bao didn’t avoid these people’s gaze. They took out some silk fabrics to ask for lodging or buying water. After they stayed, they determined the direction with them. By the way, they inquired about the news. The fireball hit three big pits on the ground, have you seen it?"

  Someone shook their heads directly, “I haven’t seen it. It was bad luck from heaven, and the kingdom was destroyed for this.”

  Bai Shan: ... Gao Chang was obviously confiscated by Gao Chang Wang, what's the matter with Guan Meteorite?

  But some people said excitedly: "I saw it. I didn't sleep that night. The sky was falling and the ground was trembling."

  Bai Shan asked curiously, “Did you see the direction of the fall? I heard that there are gems in the sinkhole, and I want to see it.”

   "Oh, I heard that the gem is poisonous, but I don't dare to look at it," said the humane: "And who can find it? Master Ayi only found one place after searching for a long time."

  Master Ai is the noble master of their territory. The stone was dedicated to the prince through his hand, and from the prince's hand to Hou Ji's hand, and then to the prince.

But unfortunately, he couldn’t wait for the prince to liquidate. As early as when the prince noticed that there was a problem with the stone, his family was found and imprisoned by the prince. They died before Gaochang was destroyed. It's all gone.

  Now there are no noble masters in this territory, and it is directly under the jurisdiction of Anxi Duhu.

Bai Shan couldn't ask for useful information, so he looked around and saw that the guards were all busy. There was only one guard by the side. He brought up another topic, "I heard that there is a country farther west that has great medical skills. The people there can not only prevent and treat smallpox, but also detoxify. Maybe they can detoxify this kind of poison?"

  Everyone is not very interested in this poison anymore. After talking about it for three years, I am tired of talking about it, but I am very interested in the smallpox which is very windy now.

  Because of the traffic congestion, the news spread very slowly. In Bai Shan's opinion, the smallpox that had passed half a year is already in the past, but ordinary people in the Western Regions have just heard of the outbreak of smallpox in the Central Plains not long ago.

  So the person who was asked glanced at Bai Shan and Zhou Man, nodded and asked, thinking he knew, "Lang Jun and Little Lady are looking for someone from that country to treat smallpox, right?"

  Bai Shan smiled without denying it.

  The people of the Western Regions couldn’t help but slander. They all said that the Han people had a crooked heart, and it was true that they were clearly heading for the smallpox, but they didn’t mean to look for the stone descended from the sky.

  He just said, poisonous stones, everyone should be as far away as possible, why bother to look for them?

  It turns out that their original purpose is smallpox.

  They had never heard of this country, but it seemed to be very powerful, so they couldn't help asking, and Bai Shan told them vividly the story they had worked hard for a long time.

  It is said that there is a country in the West, where the birds and flowers are scented, the plants are luxuriant, and the herbs are also very complete. Therefore, there are many people with good medical skills, and many difficult diseases are common diseases...

  The beginning of this is what Bai Shan thought. When Man Bao and Bai Erlang heard this, they felt that the country was too unlucky to make many difficult and difficult diseases become common ones.

However, people outside apparently liked it very much at the beginning, but the people who listened to the story at the beginning were already yearning for it. When they heard that they had a method of inoculation, it was to inoculate cows with smallpox, and then inoculate the pox from the cows to people. On the body, then a person can be protected from smallpox for a lifetime.

  I heard that people in that country must be vaccinated after birth, so they are not afraid of smallpox, go wherever they want, and are not afraid of epidemics.

  People who listen to the story yearn for it more and more.

  Except for good luck.

  Although there have been speculations, the young masters came to the Western Regions and they were afraid that they were not really looking for a method of inoculation, but when they really heard this story, Daji still shook God.

  He couldn't be more familiar with the beginning of such a story. In the past, when the young master would tell such a detailed story, it was mostly purposeful.

Daji knew it, but others didn’t. When Baishan and the others left, the story spread widely in the village. Elsewhere...

  When the people in Xizhou heard this story vaguely, the story had been spread and evolved many times.

  Of course, it was General Guo who got the news first.

  Seriously, the mission is living in his Xizhou City. It is impossible to say that he has no doubts in his heart. He has been asking about it before, and he has never heard of a method of vaccination in any place.

   And he himself sneered at this method, facing smallpox only to hide, where is there to rush to plant it?

However, the emperor and the court seemed very convinced of this law. He could only entertain the mission, so that Zhou Man and Bai Shan in the mission could leave, but the others lived in Xizhou and did not leave, stirring the wind and rain in the city every day. To be honest, even if he claims to know the emperor enough, sometimes he can't help but wonder whether the mission sent by the emperor is really for inoculating acne, and not for something else?

  And at this moment, he got a report from his subordinates.

  General Guo was shocked and immediately sat up from his seat, "What did you say?"

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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