Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2298: talk

  Chapter 2298 Discussion

  Everyone sat in the lobby and had tea together. The kitchen was already cooking, and the dishes were not ready yet, so we served them snacks first.

  There are no good snacks in the Western Regions. Fortunately, Sister-in-law He is from the Central Plains. She knows several kinds of snacks, so she barely made up two plates.

Man Bao squeezed a piece of snack to eat, and Nie Senjun told Man Bao a good news, "Your Majesty ordered General Ashina to be the chief of the march and General Guo to conquer Qiuci as the deputy. , General Ashina has also been here for seven or eight days."

  He said: "If we fight until next year, we might be able to return to the court with General Ashina and the others."

  The security is too guaranteed, regardless of whether there are horse thieves along the way, that is, do they dare to attack the army of Dajin?

  Man Bao was speechless, "Why did they come so fast?"

Nie Shenjun took a look at them and said, "General Ashina was already in Lanzhou. Your Majesty ordered that Liangzhou, Suzhou and Shazhou all began to deploy troops. The general only brought some troops from Lanzhou. Take it away and come all the way, just like us through the desert, it only took half a month."

  On the other hand, it took them three months to travel from the capital to the city. This is because they didn’t linger after leaving Shazhou, but instead drove normally, otherwise...

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and said, "Our mission is different from theirs. We have to ask for news, so it will naturally be slower."

He changed the subject and said to the two of them: "Two days ago, General Ashina and General Guo captured Yanqi, and they are now resting in the city. You are the envoy of the mission. Since you are back, do you want to see Ashina? General?"

   said again: "Since I want to be together on the return trip, then make a good relationship early."

  Joining the army, Nie glanced at Zhou Liru and said to Zhou Man: "Master Zhou, a person from the Duhu Mansion wanted to buy back ten dancing girls two days ago. I heard that they wanted to give them to General Ashina."

  He thinks they can send it.

  Man Bao directly refused, and said to him: "General Ashina is still a concubine, counted as Mingda and Changyu's uncle, why should we send her uncle a concubine?"

  Nie joined the army at a loss, what happened to the princess’s uncle sending her concubine?

  Man Bao and Bai Shan murmured, "If Mingda and the others ask me about this after I go back, I will be ashamed."

  Bai Erlang also feels that this is not righteous. Mingda’s aunt is his aunt. It doesn’t matter if he doesn't give the princess a face, there is no reason to give a dancer to his uncle?

   So also nodded in agreement with Man Bao's decision.

  Bai Shan glanced at them and said: "I have heard Zhao Liu mention General Ashina. He said that General Zhao Guogong mentioned that General Ashina was a clean and prudent person, and his Majesty married the princess to the general."

   Yin might ask, "Isn't it to win over General Ashina?"

  Man Baodao: "There must be this thinking, but if he is not good, your majesty will not marry his sister to him, right?"

  After all, they are not young anymore. People in their 20s and 30s, the princesses are much younger than their counterparts.

  Nie joined the army when they saw that they talked more and more, and Mr. Zhuang didn’t stop him, he could only cough lightly, pulled the topic back, and asked, “Then how do we come to see you?”

  "Go directly," Man Bao pointed to Bai Erlang and said, "I'll go first. If he doesn't see Bai Erlang, they are relatives."

  White Jiro nodded, "Yes, I am his future niece and son-in-law, and I will always be a servant in the future."

  Nie joined the army:...

  Then you have too many relatives.

  Bai Shan said: "We still have to give some gifts. We don’t have better tea leaves. The best one is to pick out a box and send it."

  Nie joined the army and couldn’t help it, "Is it too little to give only one box?"

  Bai Shan said: "Well, let’s go with relatives, just send some everyday things, and General Ashina is not a luxurious person, and if you give too much, it’s not beautiful."

  Yin may also nod his head, "If he is really a prudent person, this gift is neither light nor heavy, I am afraid it is just what he wants."

  Mr. Zhuang then smiled and nodded: "Now that you have made up your mind, then go and prepare."

  Man Bao did not move, she said: "Always have something to eat first."

  Bai Shan also nodded, “Because we think we can go back to the city today, we ate two bites of pancakes for lunch, and then poured a pot of water.”

  I'm so hungry at this time.

Mr. Zhuang turned his head to a beautiful girl waiting in the corner of the room and said, "Go and tell the kitchen that you don't have to cook too many meals. Those who are left for dinner before serving, just serve them two bowls of noodles."

  Man Bao then saw a girl in the corner of the house, and immediately said, “Let them cook a little more, and they will eat too.”

  The girls confirmed that they would not be sent out, and were happy, so they saluted happily and ran to the kitchen to tell Sister He and the sisters.

  They also helped to do it together, and quickly prepared the noodles.

  Man Bao tasted the taste as soon as he ate it, then raised his head and said to them: "Why should such a capable girl give it to others?"

  Zhou Liru nodded repeatedly. With their help, she has done a lot of things easily.

  That is, they eat more, even better than her.

Mentioning this, Zhou Liru said with Man Bao: "Sister, you can make a prescription for them in a while. They used to dance to keep their bodies, so they always can’t eat enough. I said that if they don’t want to be dancers, they won’t I’ve been on a diet and eat more than me for three meals a day. I’m afraid their stomachs can’t stand it. Anyway, I touched their pulses. I think there are some problems.”

  Man Bao said: "No wonder I think they are a bit fatter than before. It turned out not to be an illusion."

  She applauded: “The meaty ones look better, but they really can’t eat more at once. I’ll show them back.”

  Nie joined the army, seeing that the topic kept spinning around them, and wanted to turn back to General Ashina, but couldn't find the opportunity to speak a few times.

   But there is no need for him to change the subject anymore, Man Bao raised it naturally, "What were you laughing at when we walked in?"

  Bai Erlang and Liu Huan couldn't help laughing up to the sky when mentioning this, and even Yin May couldn't help but smile.

   Bai Erlang said: "General Guo was embarrassed a few days ago."

He happily said: "You don’t know that General Guo is extravagant. Even in the army, the military tents he uses are all decorated with gold and jade, not to mention the tools in the military tents. He travels with his concubines and entourage. A few days ago, he gave the concubine and military account to General Ashina, but General Ashina refused."

Not many people knew about this incident. After all, it was something that happened in the army, but Liu Huan was afraid of being beaten. Seeing General Guo and the others returned to the city, they kept sending people to stare at the barracks for fear that he would toss him again. I knew about it.

  That’s why they are so happy.

   Yin or said: "General Guo thought that he used the concubines of General Asina, so he wanted to buy back these ten dancers and give them to General Asina."

  Bai Shan frowned slightly, "This is too extravagant. Is fighting in the army such a trifling matter?"

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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