Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2299: Decide

  Chapter 2299 Decision

  General Ashina also felt that General Guo was too extravagant and trifling, but he didn’t say anything, but said to his deputy: “Restrict the soldiers. We will train strictly these days. We will go to Kucha in the next few days.”

  Deputy responded and asked: "A visit from the old nobles of Gaochang..."

   "Rejected all," General Ashina said nonchalantly: "Except for military affairs, the rest of you will be gone for visits."

  Because General Guo loves luxury, the local aristocrats are very fond of tastes. Actually, the local people in Xizhou also like General Guo very much.

  Although he is extravagant, he rarely asks for money and food with them. He either intercepts the spoils during the war, or asks for some beautiful things to play with the passing merchants, which is called the **** caravan.

  He didn't take money from the local people, but he was able to maintain local law and order, so he was naturally loved. It was only after Liu Huan and the others came here that the local people in Xizhou began to look at the jokes of General Guo.

  In the past, although everyone vaguely thought he was extravagant, they didn't think there was anything. They thought that the nobles in the Central Plains were like this.

  After all, their royal family used to be extravagant, isn’t it?

  Because of this, General Ashina didn't want to express too much opinion on General Guo's words and deeds. He was only here to conquer Kucha and left after the battle. But this place still needs General Guo to manage.

  He thought that no one would be able to disturb him after this order, but someone came to report the next day, "General, there is someone outside asking for advice."

   General Ashina frowned slightly, "Who is it?"

  The soldier gave a post, saying: "It is the mission that came to the Western Regions to find the cowpox method by the emperor's order."

   General Ashina reached out and took the post, opened it and looked at it and asked, "What are they doing to see me? They are going to go to the army and not manage local affairs. They should go to the Dubofu."

  The soldier said: "General, there is Princess Mingda's future consort in the mission."

  General Ashina took back the post he had just dropped, looked at it again and asked, "I remember that the chief of the mission is the doctor of the hospital?"

   "Yes, it is said that she is the first to treat smallpox, and that the disease of His Royal Highness is cured by her."

  General Ashina said: "Please come in."

   After a pause, feeling that it is not good to meet guests here, he said: "Please go to the lobby."

  The soldiers went.

  Mr. Zhuang and Nie Canjun did not come, only the six of them brought a box of tea by themselves.

  On the identity of the public, Zhou Man’s identity is enough; on the identity of the private, Bai Cheng’s identity is just right, but it would be inappropriate for him to come too.

  So there are six people standing in the lobby.

  General Ashina was also surprised by them after he came out. Except for Zhou Liru, no one's identity is simple.

  Especially Liu Huan.

  Now they still need money from the Ministry of Household to provide food for the war. It is conservatively estimated that this battle will be fought until the end of the year or next year, and there will be a lot of food and grass needed.

I think of the documents I received last time. The Ministry of Households was crying poor. At the beginning of this year, there was a smallpox epidemic. In June and July, there was a flood in Jinzhong. I stretched out my hand for food, but couldn't pay the national tax for a penny, so the Ministry of Households was also very difficult this year.

  General Asina knew that if it hadn’t been too much for Qiuci this year and colluded with the Western Turks and broke the trade route, your majesty would not want to conquer Qiuci.

After all, at that time last fall, Dajin and Kucha were still in love with their concubines and exchanged documents and gifts. At that time, King Kucha generously invited General Guo’s protective mansion to be placed in Kucha, and he wanted to become a feudal town. Who knows that after only one year, when smallpox appeared in Xiazhou, Qiuci turned his face and refused to recognize him?

  Thinking of these powerful relationships, General Ashina raised a smiling face at Liu Huan, and also showed friendly smiles to Zhou Man and Bai Erlang, asking them to exempt them, and then gently said: "Please sit down."

  He looked at them and felt that they were not very old, and they looked two or three years older than his son, so he became more kind, "How long have you been in the Western Regions? Are you safe along the way? Are you used to it here?"

   finally asked about their errands, "Is there any news about cowpox?"

  Man Bao, seeing that he was so kind, let down most of his heart, and answered one by one, especially highlighting the two horse thieves they encountered when they came over, and one Tubo soldier, which caused heavy casualties.

  In the end, I mentioned about the return trip together.

  General Ashina didn't expect that they had thought about the class teacher's return to the court, and couldn't help laughing out loud, thinking that they were still children.

  Whether it is so simple to fight a war, how can he know what will happen today, let alone what will happen so far later, he himself doesn't know when the war will end.

Therefore, he smiled and said: "This time the business road of Yumen Pass is open. When we came over, all the bandits on the road were suppressed by the imperial army. General Guo and the others turned it over three times, you have soldiers to protect each other, and then play the banner of Dajin, forgive them no matter how bold they are, they will not dare to run into you again."

Bai Shan referred to Jin Kuian, who caused them heavy losses, "I heard that he has some power in the Western Regions, and he is now serving General Guo. We are going back this time. If he wants to harm us and the desert is vast, I am afraid he will really succeed. ."

  This plaintiff complained, but General Ashina didn't hate him. Instead, he was a little dissatisfied with General Guo. He frowned and said: "Why would General Guo use him for such a vicious and evil person?"

  Bai Shandao: "Perhaps because of bravery, this person can be ten, which is very powerful."

  General Ashina sighed, and thought for a while and said: "If you want to go back at this time, I will send a small team of soldiers and horses to **** you. General Guo knows that he will restrain his subordinates, so don't worry."

He looked at a few young people, and smiled slightly: "If you want to stay more time and come home with me, you will probably have to wait a long time. It will snow after September, and it will snow on October 10. In January, the snow is heavy, and it will not be easy for you to think of the grassland. You have to wait until next year, so you can think about it carefully."

  Man Baobian and Bai Shan looked at each other.

  The two said: "We have to go back and ask the mission."

  The opinion of the mission is to listen to them.

Nie Shenjun said: "Since Master Zhou said that the vaccination method can be tried, why don't we leave after trying it here? Can't you travel a thousand miles to the Western Regions again?"

  Wei Xingren also thought so.

Their goal this time is the vaccination method. If this method works, they will make great contributions when they go back. Now Zhou Man, they have only inquired about some steps, but the specific prescription is still unknown, let alone determined, so they will go back like this. I am afraid of doing nothing, but guilty.

   But this matter still has to listen to Zhou Man.

  Coincidentally, Man Bao thought so too, so he said: "It seems we have to go to General Guo and talk about this cowpox experiment."

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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