Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2300: Have to agree

  Chapter 2300 I have to agree

  General Guo was preparing for the next conquest. Hearing that the concierge reported Zhou Man to see him, he had no idea for the first time.

But thinking of her coming back from the outside, maybe she really found out the prescription for vaccinia. This is indeed very important. As Anxi, he really needs to be notified, so he suppressed his temper. : "Please come in."

  Man Bao only came with Mr. Zhuang Bai Shan, and the others were not happy to see General Guo’s old face.

  General Guo picked up a cup of tea and drank half a cup. Hearing Zhou Man's intention, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Master Zhou found a recipe?"

Man Baodao: "There is no specific prescription. After all, the legendary West Country is still unknown how far away, and Qiuci is uneasy, it is difficult for us to go through, but we also know some steps, so we want Give it a try."

  Man Baodao: "We didn’t know everything when we tried the human pox method in Beijing. Didn’t we also try it out? We are also very confident this time with the cowpox method."

  She was confident, but General Guo did not.

  Now that the battlefield is really the worst, how could he let something like smallpox appear in Xizhou?

Once    spreads, the consequences will be disastrous.

So General Guo smiled and said, "Since Lord Zhou is so confident, why not go back to the capital and try again? Xizhou is remote and barren, and there are not many medicinal materials. Moreover, when he returned to the capital, there are also the imperial physicians from the hospital and Mrs. Zhou. Negotiate together."

"Although we have confidence, we have no complete assurance," Man Bao said, "So we want to try it out here. If it fails, we can continue to inquire. Are you going to the Western Regions?"

General Guo smiled and was about to practice Tai Chi. Mr. Zhuang suddenly smiled and said: "The general does not need to worry too much. From the merchant you sent to the yard last time, you know that the cowpox method exists. Since it exists, we will be able to test it out. ."

  General Guo said: "That is just a legend after all."

"So we can't just go back with a legend," Mr. Zhuang said: "We have traveled thousands of miles to the Western Regions, and we have gone through two horse thief attacks along the way, one attack by the Tubo soldiers, and the loss of so many soldiers and guards. If you only get a legend and go back to Beijing, your Majesty will not ask for sin, and I will have no face to return to Beijing."

  Mr. Zhuang looked at General Guo implicitly, waiting for his decision.

  General Guo pursed his mouth. Zhuang Xun said it all. They have to get the result here before they return to Beijing. What else can he do?

  The mission has a high degree of autonomy, and His Majesty has already had a will to come over and let him give them the greatest support.

  General Guo was unhappy in silence for a long time before he finally had to ask: "What does Lord Zhou need?"

Man Bao originally only planned to ask him how many people to do the experiment, but after seeing Mr. Zhuang and General Guo's confrontation, she was blessed to her soul and knew that attitude and softness were of little use to General Guo. On the contrary, being tough was more effective. So he smiled and said, "I want a few cows, and an open place, and built a house for experimentation. Of course, I also need people who want to experiment with acne."

  Man Baodao: "We also have precedents. Just recruit from prisoners."

  General Guo snorted and said, “Most of the prisoners in Xizhou have been on the battlefield. If they are recruited voluntarily, I’m afraid no one will respond.”

  Bai Shan smiled slightly and said: "Although it is possible to die from vaccination, but they will also be on the battlefield. If they don't want to, then they can give more money in addition to exemption."

   To put it simply, the silver and the two can't both protect the house and come out?

  General Guo thought of something, and pointedly said: "Master Zhou doesn't know. Now Anxi is fighting, and even the military expenses are not available. Where can there be so much money to recruit prisoners?"

  Everyone's eyes fell on the jade cup in his hand. Legend has it that General Guo, who even had his military tent inlaid with gold and jade, would cry poor?

   But Bai Shan quickly said: "The adults just help us recruit, we can't do things like exemption, but we still have some money."

  He said: "We also brought some silk fabrics from the capital, and the quality is not bad. If they are willing, I will give them a piece of silk fabric whether they are alive or dead."

   "When they are born, things are naturally delivered to them. If they are dead, whether they want to be buried or sent home, we can do it for them." Bai Shan said, "I must prepare thick coffins for them."

  General Guo choked. After hearing this, ordinary people might think that Bai Shan was cursing or cursing people, but General Guo knew that for these prisoners, this was really obsessive.

  Many of the prisoners exiled here want to go to the soil for safety, but who prepares the coffins for them?

It’s okay to die in prison. At any rate, I can dig a pit and use a piece of straw to bury it. If you die on the battlefield, if you have time to collect the body and bury it in the big pit with everyone, if there is no time to collect the body, most of it is to feed the birds and feed. Wolves.

  General Guo rubbed his forehead and nodded: "The three of you will go back first. I'll let someone make arrangements. I'll talk about it when the arrangements are in order."

  Of course, General Guo wouldn’t have to handle such trivial matters personally. He hired an official from the Protectorate and left it to him.

  The other party asked secretly whether to procrastinate for a while?

  General Guo thought about it, and shook his head after a long while, "Forget it, do it for them as soon as possible."

  He felt that he might be at odds with them. Since they appeared, he has not been very comfortable. At this time, their food and grass still need to be given by the household, and it is not suitable to fight with Liu Huan.

  And he is an elder after all, he always cares about with a junior, and there are already bad reviews outside. He really doesn't want to always fall into the hands of Liu family ancestors and grandchildren, so forget it, finish things early and send people away as soon as possible.

  At this time, General Guo didn't know that Zhou Man and they wanted to stay here and wait for General Ashina to return together, otherwise he would definitely take back today's instructions.

   By the time he knew, they were already on the way to the expedition, and sending someone back to tell the officials of the Duhu Fu was too troublesome, so the matter was let go.

  Of course, they don’t know these Manbaos.

  At this time, they had just walked out of the Duhu Mansion, and after walking a distance, Man Baocai said, "It turns out that he eats hard but not soft."

  Mr. Zhuang felt that she was too naughty, so he patted her head and said: "No nonsense, General Guo is the chief. How can you talk like that?"

  Man Bao shrank his neck, but his husband did not object to it when they were discussing it yesterday?

   slandered, and two horses ran up to each other. The people immediately stunned when they saw them, then ran over, greeted them with a smile and said, "Master Zhou and Young Master Bai are back? Is everything going well on the road?"

  It was General Guo and General Meng. Man Bao and Bai Shan had a good impression of them, so they smiled and said hello, "It's going well. Where are the two generals coming back?"

  Little General Guo smiled and said: "We have just returned from training in the barracks."

   See you at ten in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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