Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2321: Into the city

  Chapter 2321 Entering the city

  General Li generously asked the soldiers to carry the box to Bai Shan’s camp at the moment, apparently wanting him to leave behind if there was anything worth seeing before going out.

   deserves to be the confidant of General Guo, and he is in the same line on this point.

  Obviously, he also felt that this mission was very dangerous. Since it was dangerous, he naturally had to give something to comfort people.

  Bai Shan didn't move these things, but opened it up so that Bai Jiro and the others had a long experience.

  Bai Erlang opened a box of pearls and exclaimed, “Although the country of Kucha is small, it is also very rich.”

  Bai Shan nodded. These items were selected deliberately, but they are not the best. The best batch is naturally to keep people's appetites.

  Bai Shan closed the box and said to Bai Erlang: "I and Man Bao will go in, and the outside will be handed over to you."

Bai Erlang patted his chest and said: "Don't worry, if the army arrives, I will urge them to enter the city to rescue you immediately. If General Ashina doesn't go, I will roll around in front of the army, and Liu Huan, I will let him give Liu Huan. Shang Shu wrote a letter, it can be a little bit difficult to prepare the next batch of grain."

  Bai Shan couldn't laugh or cry, "General Ashina is not that kind of person. I asked you to stay here to guard against the lateness of the army. I'm afraid that the barracks will really have the idea of ​​surrendering to the enemy."

   Shirajiro: "...not so much."

  Bai Shan reached out and patted his shoulder.

  Suddenly Shirajiro felt that his shoulders were so heavy. What should I do? He also wanted to go into the city. Anyhow, the sky fell inside and the tall man was holding it.

Both Daji and Nie Chanjun followed them in. What General Li did not expect was that Bai Shan not only ordered Jin Kuian to follow, but also ordered Erge to follow.

  Except for the two of them, the others are all warriors in the army, who were personally selected by General Li and General Meng. The two said: "They are absolutely loyal and righteous."

  Bai Shan breathed a sigh of relief. Except for Jin Kuian and Erge, everyone else could hand over their backs.

  However, Bai Shan did not reveal this kind of disbelief. Instead, he showed a lot of faith in Jin Kui'an and Erge, especially to Jin Kui'an. He said to the soldiers: "The battle depends on General Jin."

  Jin Kuian is just a general banner in the army now. This is because he is brave in combat. General Guo felt that it was a pity to let him be a soldier, so he was promoted in an exceptional manner.

   also made it clear when he was promoted that Jin Kuian should be guilty and meritorious.

  Everyone is rumored in private that he might be promoted to a partial general this year, only General Li and his confidants know that General Guo only intends to make Jin Kui'an perform meritorious service in the position of the general banner.

  But the soldiers did not know, not even Jin Kuian himself, so Bai Shan kept yelling from General Jin, he acquiesced, and the soldiers also acquiesced.

   is just a title anyway, Bai Shan is not a member of the army, even if he is called the wrong one, the general can’t ask him about his sin when he is well.

Two boxes of gold and silver jewellery were carried to the car and tied up. Man Bao changed his clothes and got on the horse with Bai Shan. She turned to Zhou Liru and said, "Everyone’s injuries have stabilized these days. You follow the prescription. Just treat them, and if you don’t understand, please consult a military doctor."

   Zhou Li is as it should be.

  Man Bao left with Bai Shan.

  Twenty people, eighteen horses and a cart, and after passing three levels, they arrived at the bottom of Wangcheng. Wangcheng opened a small door to let them in.

  Bai Erlang watched them go in from a distance, and then beat his horse to go back. He asked General Meng, "Is it necessary to boost morale when I go back?"

  Little General Meng said: "Bai Shan said that he is not in a hurry today, and he will boost his morale tomorrow."

  He said: "Otherwise, if the time is long, the soldiers will think a lot, and it will be bad for them to feel homesick and change their hearts."

  Shiajiro held the reins tightly and asked, "Will the army arrive tomorrow?"

  Little General Meng said: "If there is no accident."

  Shirajiro temporarily pressed his anxious heart.

  There were people waiting in the king's city early in the morning. As soon as Bai Shan and the others came in, they were surrounded by groups.

  Bai Shanbian smiled slightly, turned his head and clapped his hands, and the two coachmen in the car opened the two boxes on the car and let the people of Kucha see the gifts they brought.

  Not to mention the soldiers surrounding them, even the officials who came to receive them were blinked by the gold and silver jewelry inside.

  Bai Shan smiled and asked, "I wonder if our sincere kings are still satisfied?"

The officials saw the green eyes of the Turkic soldiers in the crowd, and couldn't help but change their expressions. He quickly asked Bai Shan and the others to close the box. He looked sideways and said, "Please, messenger, but you have to Unload the sword."

  Bai Shan said: "Don't worry, it is the three of us who will meet the king. We will never bring weapons in. As for my guards, they are afraid they will not be able to remove their swords."

  The official frowned.

  Bai Shan already pointed at them and smiled: "We are only twenty people, and these three of us are even more helpless. This is in the royal city. What are the kings and adults worried about?"

  The official then carefully looked at Bai Shan and Zhou Manji Erge beside him.

  Except for Erge, the two of them really don't seem to be people with high levels of force, especially Zhou Man, who are actually baby girls.

  The official frowned and asked, "Who is she? Your messenger actually has a woman?"

  Bai Shan sighed and said, "This is the imperial physician of my dynasty. He was originally ordered to come to the Western Regions for a prescription. Who knew that he was conscripted into the army, but now he can’t go back if he wants to."

  He explained: “The general is seriously injured and is in urgent need of medicine to help her life. She was ordered to ask for it, and even though she surrendered, our general also wanted something.”

  The official was slightly surprised. This was unexpected, so he didn't worry about weapons anymore. The main reason was that the Turkic people had been watching from a distance and staring at him. They couldn't elaborate too much.

  So the officials took them to the palace.

  Of course, only the three of them and two large boxes can get in, and the rest were left at the gate of the king city and carried by Jin Kuian and Nie Canjun.

  The official left the three of them in the side hall and reported to the king first.

  King Guci was surprised, "Ask for medicine?"

   "Yes, did the king forget that Guo Xiao was hit by Liu Shi on the same day, and we thought he was bound to die. Who knows that there has been no news, and their military spirit is stable. On the third day, an envoy came to ask for peace."

  Wang Shang suddenly realized, "No wonder Guo Xiao would ask for peace, it turned out to be to save his life."

  The officials nodded repeatedly.

   "What are the identities of the three messengers?"

"The one at the head doesn't know, but it seems to be a civil servant. This kind of thing does require them to come forward. It is estimated that he used to be a clerk in the army. One was an imperial doctor, and the other looked like a Turkic person. It's a feudal general."

"Then be careful." The emperor of the Central Plains didn't shy away from employing people, and how many people he defeated, he took all those who had surrendered. So there were many vassals under his hand, and those vassals were very powerful, like Ashina. The famous ones are naturally unknown ones.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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