Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2322: Negotiated

   Chapter 2322 Negotiation

  The official responded, and was about to speak again, when a small official trot in and said: "My lord, General Pulling Li is here..."

   Before he could say anything, the generals of the Western Turks stepped forward and said with a smile: "I heard that the king's distinguished guests are here, won't the king let us meet?"

  Unhappy flashed in King Guci’s eyes, but a smile appeared on his face: "General Pulli is here, please take a seat soon."

  General Pulli directly took the seat.

  Bai Shan and the others came in with the two big boxes and saw a person sitting under the throne. After a pause, Bai Shan only saluted the throne.

  King of Kucha was very curious about the injuries of General Guo, so he asked Zhou Man.

  Man Bao dare not say too much, otherwise he thinks that General Guo is about to die, what should he do if he sends troops directly to attack the camp: he dare not say too lightly, if he doesn’t believe it, what if he suspects them to detain them directly?

  So Man Bao dropped the book bag all over the floor, so he must make him not understand, and finally tell him the consequences, "...If you can't get treatment in time, it will be better now, and it will affect your life expectancy."

  I didn’t understand the previous words of King Guizi, but he understood this sentence. He lifted his spirits and asked, “What medicine does Guo Xiao require?”

  Man Bao offered the medicine list that was written in the morning, all of which are good medicinal materials for invigorating blood and qi, and ginseng ranked first.

There was only one box of this thing in the Kucha Palace. It was bought by someone and a merchant in the Central Plains. When King Kucha ran away, he didn’t take many things in the warehouse. But he didn’t forget this box of ginseng. Of course he couldn’t. To Guo Xiao.

However, King Qiuci wouldn’t say it, he could only say that there are many medicinal materials in the palace. After all, the palace has been looted, but he will mention it to the ministers to see where they are in the city and they can buy them for them. them.

  Bai Shan took the opportunity to say: "It is benevolence and justice for King Ken Kaien to let us buy medicinal materials. How dare we let the king spend more money?"

  King Qiuci couldn’t help but fall on the two boxes.

  Bai Shan immediately stated that they weren't buying with these gold and silver, and even without the spoils this time, General Guo still had some savings.

  The smile on King Kucha’s face is more real.

  So the topic entered the topic. King Kucha mentioned when they entered the city and surrendered. Bai Shan said that he would wait until he bought the medicine to go back and give General Guo a uniform, and when he could get on the horse, he would lead the surviving army in.

  Bai Shan also mentioned the future treatment of General Guo.

Pulli, who had been sitting silently by the side, suddenly sneered: "The defeated commander, the king is willing to accept his surrender is a kindness. He still dares to ask for an official position?"

  Bai Shan looked at King Qiuci with a look of embarrassment.

   King Kucha laughed with Ba Li: "General Ba Li, Guo Xiao is still somewhat capable. If he is willing to surrender, we can still get a general position in Kucha."

"The king believes in them like that? The Han people have always been cunning. This may be their strategy to slow down the army," Pulli said in Turkic language to the king of Kucha: "If you want me to say, it is better to bring the army to level them, and then the army will become a prisoner. Isn't it better to listen to the words of the king?"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao could understand without using Ergo translation. The two frowned slightly and did not hide that they understood. They quickly said to the King of Kucha, who were not very proficient in Turkic, "Please keep the promise."

   again said to Pulling Li: "This general, although our General Guo is injured, we are resourceful and have powerful generals. We have three thousand troops. Wouldn't it be easy for you to attack my camp directly?"

  Bai Shan said tit-for-tat: "Otherwise, the king and the general have to wait for so many days instead of winning the pursuit on the second day when our general is injured?"

  This is the sore spot of King Qiuci, why didn’t they chase after victory? It's not because Pulli feels that the money is not in place, so no matter how many times he mentions the other party, he turns a deaf ear to it and finds all kinds of excuses to refuse.

  Now knowing that Guo Xiao has a large amount of gold and silver treasures in his hand, he wants to fight again, but if he goes, where is his share of those things?

  Be aware that most of the trophies in Guo Xiao's hands were raided from the palace.

  Bulli wants to take away the things from his Kucha Palace. How can there be such a reason?

Therefore, King Guizi became more determined to accept Guo Xiao’s surrender. He quickly comforted Bai Shan and also pacified pulling power, saying that Guo Xiao also obeyed the emperor of the Central Plains, and the war between them had nothing to do with Guo Xiao himself, so he had grievances in the past. After a sum of write-off, we will all be friends in the future.

  Pulli's cheek twitched, and finally held back his breath, barely chatted with King Qiuci before leaving.

King Guici looked at the time and found it was late, so he asked Bai Shan and the others to stay for dinner. Tonight they will live in the post outside the palace. The next day they can get the medicines they need and go back out of the city to discuss with Guo Xiao. A matter of surrender.

  At that time, Wangcheng will send envoys to discuss specific matters with Guo Xiao.

  How can King Guici dare to let Guo Xiao, who claims to have three thousand troops, directly enter the city? Naturally, all soldiers lay down their weapons and take off their armor before they can enter the city and be surrendered.

  Bai Shan responded with a smile, and then went out of the palace with Man Bao.

  The officials sent to receive them took them to the inn, while tactfully saying that Qiuci is not in the Central Plains, and the medicinal materials are incomplete, and some of the medicinal materials they are looking for may not be found.

  Man Bao expressed his understanding and said that as long as he could buy half of General Guo, he would be satisfied.

  The two sides reached a consensus, and everyone was very happy. The official said that he would personally bring people and medicinal materials to see them tomorrow.

After    and the others left, Bai Shan motioned to Daji to close the door, and then said to Jin Kui'an: "They still can't believe us. Obviously, they don't plan to let us contact other people."

  Jin Kuian asked, "What should I do?"

  Erge asked: "Master Bai has other ways to contact the people in the upper city?"

  Bai Shandao: "I try my best, you don't have to worry, just watch my gestures and act tomorrow."

  Jin Kuian always felt that they were yellow-haired boys who were unreliable in their affairs, but Ergo believed them very much. Bai Shan refused to let them intervene, and as expected, he stopped interfering, but stayed in the inn to eat and drink with peace of mind, waiting for the next day.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao looked at each other, but they didn't speak.

As dusk approached, Bai Shan and Man Bao tried to get out of the station to stroll around, but they were stopped. The official guarding them said, “The city has only gone through the war, and it’s still very chaotic now. The two adults are from the Central Plains. , Unlike us, I’m afraid that something will happen when I go to the street. For the safety of adults, you’d better not go out."

  Bai Shan regretfully said, “I wanted to take this opportunity to buy something. Since it’s not convenient, I can only wait for a good stroll around Kucha City in the future.”

  The group of people was restrained in the inn, and Man Bao kept asking Keke to pay attention to the situation there.

  But because the distance is a bit far away, although it is still within the scanning range of the department, many detailed things cannot be known in time.

  It stared at the open space and doorway of the camp. When it saw two horses running in quickly and being caught by someone, it followed along.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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