Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2323: message

  Chapter 2323 Message

  The two commanders jumped off their horses and immediately ran to General Li to report: "The general manager divides the troops into two ways, one way to cut off the road to the Western Turks, and the other way back to the Kingdom of Kucha, and they will be there tomorrow morning..."

  Koke relayed to Man Bao.

  Man Bao breathed a sigh of relief, and sprinted to find Bai Shan.

  Bai Shan was standing at the window looking at the street below. Hearing the movement, he turned his head to look at her. He smiled slightly and asked, "Is there any news?"

  Man Bao nodded fiercely, squinting at him with joy.

  Bai Shan knew it, and he smiled slightly, without asking for specific information, he reached out to her.

  Man Bao put his hand on his hand, and the two looked side by side at the street below the post.

  Although I have only experienced the war, the street has become lively again at this moment. There are many small stalls selling all kinds of food under the post.

  It's a pity that they can't go out, otherwise it would be nice to have a taste.

  There may be another war here tomorrow.

  In the early morning of the next day, officials from Kucha brought a few medicinal material merchants to see Zhouman. They brought some medicinal materials, some of which were written on the Manbao list, and other medicinal materials.

As soon as    came in, the official glanced calmly at the servants in the post. After seeing him shook his head slightly, he knew that Bai Shan and the others were still honest last night and did nothing extra.

  The official smiled and introduced the medicinal material supplier he brought to Zhou Man, and then stood aside to watch them identify the medicinal materials and bargain.

Man Bao wanted good medicines for invigorating blood and qi. Basically, she wanted the medicinal materials brought by medicinal material dealers, and she also repaid the price. As for other medicines, Man Bao thought about the medicinal materials in the camp. , So I bought some, and at the same time, I wanted to see some medicinal materials.

  Just so choose, and once the counter-offer, the group stayed until noon.

   Keke said: "The army set up an ambush at another gate, and General Meng brought the soldiers and horses from your camp toward this gate."

This is about to be pinched, Man Bao lowered his eyes, picked out two from a pile of medicinal materials, placed them on the table, and asked Baishan with a smile, "This is Baiji and Agrimonia for hemostasis. , I remember that there are agrimony in our army, but there are not too many. Do you think I want to buy more agrimony, or buy some for nothing?"

  Bai Shan looked down at the location of the two medicinal materials on the table, then paused and said, “Agrimony is good, but since we have it in the army, let’s buy some Baiji.”

  Man Bao nodded, turned his head and business with the medicinal materials that could provide nothing but said: "Give us a load."

  Bai Shan took out the purse, poured out an ingot of gold from it, and asked the merchants to split the account and then find the rest to give him money.

  Businessmen saw this ingot of gold and wanted to recommend some other medicines. They spent more than half of the time, so they simply spent all of the gold, and then what's the matter?

Bai Shan laughed with the officials: "Now your medicines are too expensive. When the general enters the city, he also asked the king Kaien to let the soldiers buy some cheap medicines. In the last battle, many of our soldiers were injured. ."

  They regained the royal city in the last city gate battle. This was the triumphant battle of Qiuci. Therefore, the officials were very proud and smiled and said, "When General Guo comes in, the king will be given preferential treatment."

  Bai Shan glanced at Man Bao and then smiled: “In that case, even if it’s for the lieutenant generals, we should go back soon and make it happen.”

  Bai Shan took the opportunity to say goodbye to the officials and offered to leave at the Xicheng Gate.

He explained: "You also know that many soldiers in the army are from the Central Plains, and they all want to return to their hometowns. So General Guo's move is just to discuss with a few of the generals in the army. Chaos, when you send troops to formally accept it, this matter should not be publicized."

  "On the day we came, General Guo changed the people on the checkpoint and found another excuse to leave the camp. At this time, it was not easy to leave the North City Gate, otherwise the soldiers guarding the checkpoint would not be able to explain it."

  The official frowned slightly, "But I will go back to the camp with you to see General Guo, so should I be sneaky?"

Bai Shan hurriedly said: "It's not enough, as long as the messenger is dressed in Han Chinese costumes. Then you will go directly to the camp with us and meet General Guo. As long as we have discussed the acceptance of the surrender, we will look for opportunities to gather the soldiers' weapons. Then bring them back. Then the king's army can take over directly, even if some soldiers who don't listen to orders can quickly take it down." Seeing that Bai Shan was thoughtful and rational, the other side nodded after thinking about it." But it’s a bit far from the West Gate to walk back to the North City."

Bai Shan smiled and said, "Although it is far away, we are now out of the city, speeding up on the road, and we can get there before sunset. At that time, the army was using food, and it was getting dark again. There will only be fewer people who noticed us. "

  The official couldn’t help but smiled and said, “Master Bai is really thoughtful, and even thought of this.”

   Suspect that they planned the route and reason early in the morning.

  Bai Shan smiled at him embarrassedly, “It’s secret, it’s always good to be careful.”

  The officials have no opinion, but the matter is still reported to the king.

  The soldiers went to report back soon, and King Kucha agreed.

When Bai Shan and his party were escorting a car to the West City Gate, General Pulli rode on a horse and looked at them from a distance. He sneered, turned his head and said to his confidant: "King Qiuci is not bloody, he was killed by Guo Xiao After surrounding so many days, he took over as soon as the opponent landed."

   "General, shall we go back?"

   "No," he said: "The grain, grass, gold and silver promised to us by Qiuci has not been given enough. Since he doesn't want us to send troops, he will give the grain, grass, gold and silver that he originally promised before leaving."

   "What if they keep not giving it?"

  Bulli sneered: "He takes it himself if he doesn't give it to us."

   Speaking and looking across the stalls and shops behind the street, Man Bao rode along beside Bai Shan, Keke said: "Your camp has raised the banner you said."

  Man Bao looked at Bai Shan and said, "I want to eat the pie in the camp."

Ergo, who was riding not far away, couldn't help but look up at her. This was negotiated before leaving the camp. Once Zhou Man said this, the army would return to the city after two quarters of an hour.

  He couldn't help turning around, but he didn't find any abnormalities, but it seemed that there were abnormalities everywhere.

  So where did Zhou Man get the message from?

No matter where it came from, the people who heard this sentence stiffened their backs and sat up slightly, as if they continued to walk forward without exception, but their hands touched the handle of the knife from time to time to confirm that their knife was hanging on their waist. .

  Only Bai Shan smiled back to her, "I'll eat when I go back."

The two stopped talking, but looking at the West City Gate in the distance, the two of them suppressed their speed, invisibly slowing the team down. Man Bao even pointed to the cake on a stall and said: "Although you can eat it when you go back, But I still want to try the meatloaf in Qiuci."

   came to see them off, and at the same time, they were also going to meet with the Kuuci officials who were going to the camp. They generously paid for two for them to taste.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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