Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2326: Intend

   Chapter 2326

Bai Erlang twittered next to Bai Shan and Zhou Man. After speaking, he looked around curiously, "This is the Kucha Palace. It looks a little bit more steps, a bit higher, and looks pretty normal." ."

  Bai Shan said: "Naturally, it is not comparable to our palace, but it is also considered luxurious. Look at the shops and houses in the city."

   "That's true." Bai Erlang looked curiously from left to right, seeing the soldiers driving the people in the palace to a partial hall, he couldn't help asking: "What are these people going to do?"

  Bai Shan glanced at it and said: "General Ashina is not the one to kill, most of the palace people will be released. As for the ministers, it depends on the situation. But it also depends on how General Ashina plans to deal with Kucha."

General Ashina is also thinking about this issue. Originally, he wanted to sweep the past, no matter what Yanqi, Qiuci, Shule, and Khotan are, he will accept all those who lose the Dajin, and there is Guo Xiao behind him. Anxi will be guarded to clean up, and then all these small countries will be included in Anxi. The place is not very big anyway.

  As a result, Guo Xiao actually killed himself, and his morale was greatly affected. Now that the Western Regions have entered winter, the weather will get colder and colder soon, and there may be heavy snowfall.

  This kind of weather is not conducive to soldiers fighting at all.

  And if it is left until next year’s ice and snow is enlightened, at least it will have to wait until April...

  Extending the timeline too long will have a great impact on the treasury. Not only the Ministry of Households, but also your Majesty will not be very happy.

  The loss is too large, which is not worth the loss for Dajin.

  So the previous plan obviously won't work. It will take at least two months to accept the Kucha country and straighten it out.

  Originally, if Guo Xiao was there, this kind of thing could be handed over to him, after all, he is the guardian of Anxi, and he, the general manager, only needs to lead troops in front of him to lay down the territory.

   General Asina rubbed his forehead, and said decisively: "Re-establish King Qiuci, you capture all the brothers and relatives of King Qiuci, and I will choose a successor to King Qiuci when I look back."

  The confidant should go down and arrest people immediately.

It was getting dark, and Bai Shan and the others stayed in the palace temporarily. Little General Meng heard that they were living here, and immediately sent the wounded soldiers to this side, and they were also busy at the gate of the city. Of medics.

  As soon as he arrived, he immediately called out to Zhou Liru, "The little lady is so unpredictable. You can go there for a while, but you can't go back. Do you know how many injured people are sent to me?"

When I saw Zhou Man standing on the side, I complained, "Master Zhou, you are an imperial doctor. This kind of charge and battle is the matter of the soldiers, and the conspiracy and deceit is the matter of the civil servants. Our doctor is here. Treat people later, how can you risk such a risk?"

  Man Bao said: "I am also a civil servant."

  She emphasized: "I'm still editing it at Chongwenguan."

  The military doctor choked.

  Bai Shan thoughtfully found him a step, “All the injured in the army have been sent to the side hall. I went to ask a group of people to boil water. Let’s start dealing with the injuries now.”

  It is estimated that tonight will be another sleepless night.

  The military doctor nodded again and again, and saw that Bai Shan and Zhou Man were all covered with water vapor, and their hair was still a little wet, so they secretly said: Why are you still taking a bath? Is this going to wash and sleep?

  The things in the palace are much more complete than in their big tent.

  It was almost searched by the soldiers, and the soldiers had thick hands.

  Bai Shan sent someone to spread the word in advance, and the wounded soldiers will be sent over in a while, so the medicinal materials in the warehouse and the kitchen things must not be damaged.

  So the soldiers lightened their hands, and the medicinal materials they found were sent to the side hall. The kitchen contents were basically unchanged.

  Bai Shan went to the partial hall to select a lot of palace people, all of them have cocoons on their hands, and often do rough work in the kitchen and outside yard, let them fetch water, boil water and send water.

  Treatment of wounded soldiers requires a lot of hot water.

So when General Ashina finally finished the meeting with the military officers, he saw someone carrying wounded soldiers continuously to the side hall. When he looked up, the whole palace belonged to that one The lights are the brightest.

"There is……"

  The little general Meng immediately replied: "Back to the general manager, Zhou Taiyi and others are there to deal with the wounded soldiers."

   General Ashina was surprised, "Master Zhou is willing to do this kind of rough work?"

  In his impression, the imperial doctors of the Taiyuan Hospital are proud, and it is not difficult for the powerful and powerful in Beijing to invite them. After all, it is also one of the duties of the Taiyuan Hospital to see the powerful and powerful.

It is difficult for officials below grade 4 to get an imperial doctor, let alone these soldiers.

  Military doctors are cheap, and generally no one wants to do it.

  Little General Meng is still young, and he doesn’t know this sinister worldliness, so he directly replied: "Yes, the soldiers in our army were also seen by Doctor Zhou before..." And why is this rough work?

  Is it rough work to sew his belly?

  Thinking of his stomach, General Meng felt a little pain in his stomach, and it seemed that the wound had popped open. It seemed that he had to go to Zhou Man to treat the wound in a while.

  General Ashina stood and thought for a while, thinking that there were Bai Shan, the future niece, and the grandson of Hube Shangshu.

  Bai Shan laid hands on Man Bao, and said to her: "If General Ashina re-establishes King Kucha, then we should be able to go back soon."

  Man Bao asked: "Don't fight anymore?"

Bai Shandao: "General Guo is killed, morale will be affected, and Anxi also needs new guards. This time it takes a long time. There is no such person as General Guo in the rear. General Ashina is afraid that he will not be willing. Let go and subdue these small countries."

  What if you lose one after two cities?

  Without the appointment of the court, the Anxi Army cannot obey. “Moreover, the front line is stretched too long, and the time is too long to put a lot of pressure on the national treasury.”

  After the beginning of the spring, the most important aspect of the various expenses of the household department must be the Central Plains and the Western Regions. It is already very good if they are willing to give food and grass to fight.

  It was also the impermanence of several small countries in Qiuci that provoke the imperial court. When the Dajin is in trouble, they will fall into trouble. If they don’t take action this time, they will not be stable in the future. If there is another trouble in Dajin, they are afraid they will rebel.

What Bai Shan didn’t say was that although today is the time of wealth and strength, the prince’s age is not too young. After ten or eight years, he may have to consider the matter of succession. There was turbulence in the affairs of an emperor, and the Western Regions were chaotic and moved eastward, which would be a great harm to the country.

  It is better to beat them when they have spare capacity, so that they will not dare to stretch out their hands easily in the future.

  Man Bao gave up the time, "Then can we go back to celebrate the New Year?"

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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