Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2327: invite

  Chapter 2327 Invitation

  Bai Shan thought for a while and said: "It may be a little difficult, but if General Ashina returns in October or November, we should be able to return to Xiazhou."

  Man Bao was happy, "It’s not bad to spend the New Year with Yang Xuexiong."

  Bai Shan smiled, and when he was about to speak, he saw a shadow cast over his head.

  He looked up and saw General Ashina with a group of people standing beside them.

  Bai Shan quickly got up, "General Ashina."

   General Ashina pressed him down and smiled and said, "You don’t need to be polite, you should heal the injuries first."

  Man Bao was sewing the wounds on the wounded soldier, so he did not stand up and salute, but slightly nodded to him, which was regarded as a greeting.

  General Ashina smiled and nodded to her, watching her treat people's wounds. The speed was very fast, and even Bai Shan who laid hands on her was very skillful.

  General Asina showed approval in his eyes, and after they were busy for a while, he called Bai Shan out to speak.

The reason why it was not called Zhou Man was because a wounded soldier with a stabbed stomach was sent from the East City Gate, and the intestines flowed out. She immediately cleaned her hands and went to deal with it. The military doctor rushed to Zhou Man before Zhou Liru To lay hands on her.

  Zhou Liru can only continue to deal with other injuries with regret.

  General Ashina saw that she had cleaned her intestines, cut off a section, sewed it, and then slowly stuffed it back into her stomach, and immediately looked away.

  Bai Shan followed him out.

General Ashina stood in the yard, looking at the wounded being carried in and out, exhaled, turned his head and smiled with Bai Shan: "You are right, the front line is drawn too long, the time is too long, right I was not well advanced, so I decided to set up another King of Kucha, but it was not that Queen of Kucha was established and returned to the court. I also plan to go to Shule Khotan and Western Turks for a walk."

  But this time, it’s obviously not the original victory, but the shock, so General Ashina asked Bai Shan, "You want to walk with me and make contributions on the battlefield?"

  Bai Shan was surprised, "Am I?"

   General Asina smiled and said: "You are the first to attack the King City of Kucha this time. Don't say you are either white or white. With this credit, it is also possible to join the army to serve in the military."

  Bai Shan couldn’t help asking, “Can Master Zhou go, too?”

   General Ashina was taken aback for a while and then smiled: "Why, Young Master Bai couldn't bear his fiancée even for a day?"

  Bai Shan smiled embarrassedly, "We are used to being together."

  Before, Man Bao was very excited about the wounded soldiers in the army. Although she has seen three waves of wounded soldiers, she said that the doctors should be familiar with them, and the more patients they encounter will naturally be the better.

  Don’t think that most people’s injuries are similar, and the treatment methods are almost the same, but the things to be aware of during the treatment are always different, because each individual’s situation is different.

   Among these many subtle differences, there will always be individual huge differences. That special situation is probably not recorded in the medical books, and it depends entirely on the doctor's on-the-spot performance.

  Some doctors may not be able to encounter a single case in their lifetime, and Man Bao wants more insight.

  General Asina agreed after a few thoughts. Zhou Man was different from other women. She was of great use in the army, so how many people could survive because of her wounded soldiers.

  So Bai Shan won the opportunity to join the army for his friends.

It’s just that Bai Erlang and Liu Huan didn’t want this opportunity very much. They were stunned, "Aren’t we here to treat General Ashina? Why did they escape again, attack the city, and go with the army again? ?"

  Bai Shan just remembered this, turned his head and said in a drowsy man Bao: "Yeah, you haven't seen General Ashina before."

  At this moment, the day is almost bright, Man Bao has almost dealt with the injuries for the whole night, and he reluctantly opened his eyes and said: "Is General Ashina sick?"

  General Ashina was really sick. When Man Bao woke up and was about to go to see the wounded soldiers, General Ashina’s soldiers came and asked Zhou Man to see the general.

  He said: "The general has gone to the toilet a lot during this period. Although it has been better recently, it takes two or three times a day. I only drank some wine with the soldiers last night. I had diarrhea again this morning."

  Man Bao: "...Do you still drink with diarrhea? Why don't you just eat croton?"

  The soldier wondered, "Do you need croton to cure diarrhea?"


  She didn’t want to care about him, but she was afraid that he would really think that he would eat croton for diarrhea, so she could only say one more thing, “You can’t eat croton or drink alcohol for diarrhea!”

   "But the general is unacceptable. The previous prescription prescribed by the military doctor was for the delivery of wine clothes."

  Man Bao thought for a while, and there is really a prescription for treating water and soil inconvenience, which is to be taken with wine, but since there is diarrhea, then this prescription should not be prescribed.

Man Bao went to see General Ashina. She looked at his face and found that there was nothing wrong with the sallow, so she looked at his tongue coating, and then she went to feel the pulse for him, and asked, "What does the general think? Is it uncomfortable?"

  General Asina recalled, but he hadn't remembered the soldiers carefully, so he usually answered them personally.

  Man Bao asked in detail, as to how he ate and dressed the day before he started diarrhea, but he felt cold or hot, and even asked whether he was in a good mood.

  General Ashina: …Do I need to ask so many questions to see a doctor?

  His military doctor obviously felt the pulse for him and said that he was unacceptable.

After Man Bao read it, he prescribed prescriptions. In addition to the prescriptions, there are prescriptions for meals. She said: "You have a gastrointestinal discomfort. I have prescribed a prescription for you. Take it for three days first. Note that you can take care of it in the city right now."

  Man Bao handed the prescription to the soldier, who could barely recognize a few words, so his eyes widened and his scalp numb.

  General Ashina asked: "What's the matter?"

He took the prescription, and Man Bao already said, "You can’t drink alcohol these few days. You should eat less meat. It’s best not to eat. It says the maximum amount of meat you can eat every day, and you can’t eat barbecue and big meat. Pieces of meat, you can only eat minced meat at most..."

   General Ashina, "I’m not unconvinced?"

  Man Baodao: "You are not satisfied with the food, you can say that you are not satisfied with the water and soil. After all, the diet here in the Western Regions is very different from that in the Central Plains."

  General Ashina: ...It is very different from the Central Plains, but not much different from the grassland. He was a prince of East Turks, OK, he grew up on the grassland.

  It’s rare to eat the naan and roast lamb in memory. He still feels very kind, but tells him that it is because of this diarrhea?

  Man Bao said euphemistically: "General, people's stomachs are different in each period, and your current stomachs are different from those of your youth."

  General Ashina:...Is he very old now?

  Man Bao left after prescribing the medicine and went to the side hall to see the wounded soldiers.

  The soldier took the prescription and looked at General Ashina, "General..."

   General Ashina waved, "Forget it, go."

  To fight a war, a good body is necessary, and he can still bear this bit of appetite for a while.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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