Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2328: Praise

  Chapter 2328 Appreciation

  The army returned, and General Guo, who had been hiding in the camp’s medical tent, was finally carried out. After a glance, General Ashina sighed, "Receive it."

  Little General Guo was also helped out of the medical account, and he knew that his father was killed at that time.

  Although there have been quarrels between father and son, General Guo was still very sad at this moment, and tears were falling.

  Bai Shan and Bai Erlang stood beside him, patted him on the shoulder when they saw it, and said, "Don't be sad, but fortunately, the King City is regained."

  Otherwise that would be a big crime.

  Shirajiro nodded repeatedly.

Seeing him crying and turning pale, Bai Shan seemed to be uncomfortable holding his chest, so he quickly helped him and said: "Don't be sad, your body is still bleeding with our blood, if the wound opens and hemorrhages, we have to give it again. You have a blood transfusion."

  White Jiro thought of the blood he had drawn, and immediately shivered, "No, I think he is much better."

   Liu Huan was a little worried, "Let Zhou Man show him, if something really happens, our blood is not in vain?"

  Little General Guo listened to them whispering in his ears, and suddenly he was not so sad. He wiped his tears, glanced at his father who was lying on the wooden plank, and sniffed his nose and said: "I'm fine."

  General Ashina assigned some people to transport the body of General Guo back to Xizhou, and at the same time escorted General Guo Xiao and a group of wounded soldiers back first.

  He said: "You will set off when your wounds heal better, and be sure to stabilize Xizhou."

  As for Kuuci, General Ashina has selected one of the relatives of Kuuci to inherit the throne of Kuuci.

  He is the cousin of King Qiuci, named Ye Hu. He was taken from the prison. As soon as General Ashina said he wanted to make him king, he immediately took the initiative to kill King Qiuci.

  So General Ashina gathered the people of King Kucha City together, declaring the intention of hanging the crimes against the people, and directly informed the world of King Kucha’s crimes.

  At the same time, the news that the remnants and the Turkic army who had escaped from the southern city gate were ambushed also returned to the city, and more than 800 soldiers were captured. When the army escorted these people into the city, the city shook.

   Ye Hu, who had only become king of Qiuci, was more honest. After consulting with the noble officials in the royal city, he simply gave them a batch of grain and grass and gave them many valuable gifts.

  Bai Shan and the two boxes of gold and silver jewels they carried into the palace turned around and returned to General Ashina’s hands.

  General Ashina received the gold and silver jewels from the trophies, and registered them in a register. When they returned, they had to be turned over to the national treasury.

  He had been in the bag by General Li, and he did not question, and he did not comment on Bai Shan who distributed most of the spoils to the soldiers.

  In his opinion, the distribution of trophies by them this time is different from the hiding of trophies by Hou Ji, Guo Xiao and others. To stimulate morale, these are all acceptable.

  The Anxi army, who had divided a lot of gold and silver, saw that the general manager had no intention of pursuing them, and quietly heaved a sigh of relief, and hid the good things they had distributed more secretly.

  And those who have died, their things will be taken care of by their colleagues. When they go back, they will find opportunities to send them home.

  Anyone may die on the battlefield. These are all discussed early in the morning. Not to mention the above, but no one dares to embezzle the personal affair of the colleagues.

General Li waited for two days, and found that General Ashina really didn’t intend to pursue them, so he brought five boxes to them. He stuffed the boxes to them and said with a smile: "Master Zhou, Lord Bai, this is for you. of."

  Things were divided after Bai Shan and the others left. After all, it is not to stimulate morale.

  At that time, General Li specially reserved some for Bai Shan and the others. It was the most dangerous for them to enter the king's city as an internal response. Naturally, they would give some spoils if they died, and even more if they were alive.

  This time they attacked the city, but they were the first to do it, and their identities were not simple. After returning to Beijing, they will have a bright future. Without these things, no one can lose them.

  Bai Shan saw these things, hesitated and accepted them.

  Open it up, everyone, Man Bao and Zhou Liru are a box of jewelry, let alone, they look pretty.

  Bai Erlang also looked around with joy, and took out a jade horse, "Don't say, things in the palace are not bad."

  Bai Shan also took a closer look, and after appreciating it, with a painful expression on his face, Da Ji asked Da Ji to bring a larger box, and then poured the things in.

  He looked at several people and motioned them to fall in.

   Liu Huan fell inside, and Man Bao hurriedly said: "You are lighter, what if it breaks?"

   After saying that, while feeling distressed, while putting it in the same way, Bai Erlang was also very reluctant, "I really don't take it."

  Bai Shan patted his hand and put the contents of the box directly into the box. He said, “In the future, if we want us to earn it by ourselves, don’t take things that shouldn’t be taken.”

   Zhou Liru felt the most reluctant, touching the box and asking, "Sister, why can others take it, but we can’t?"

  Man Baodao: "We are different from them, they..."

Man Bao paused and said: "Their military pay is insufficient, and their food and grass are occasionally deducted. Because of the default rules in the general environment, the armaments given to them by the household department are always inadequate, so their food and clothing basically depends on the main general. Ability and conscience."

  "The Anxi army is not bad and has trophies, but General Guo seldom gives it to the people below, so the Anxi army is very poor. They don't feel bad about these things, but we can't."

After saying that, Man Bao would not feel distressed anymore when he put the things on his hands into the box. She said: "And our identity can't steal the spoils. Look at Hou Ji, he and the prince were in an endless quarrel at the beginning. Isn’t it because he embezzled many gold and silver treasures seized from Gao Changguo?"

  Man Baodao: "Don't think that this is a customary rule, but there must be a degree. It is because Guo Xiao did not have a degree that his Majesty did not like him. Although he has been using him, he has never been named."

  General Meng at Yumen Pass is still under him, but he has already been entrusted. From the point of view of his military merits, Guo Xiao's military merits are not inferior to him. The only difference is his military spirit.

  Anything that has been agreed to become secular and then becomes secular, it is actually illegal.

   Zhou Liru thought of Hou Ji's end, immediately put things in, nodded and said: "Sister, you are right."

  Man Bao smiled and said: "Nowadays, I am not a stingy person. General Ashina is even more humble. When we return to the capital, Your Majesty will definitely have a reward."

  Bai Shan also nodded, "Isn’t the gifted thing more glorious?"

   So Daji quietly sent the things to General Asina, and asked him to be included in the book, and there was no need to declare it to the army, so as not to worry about the Anxi army who had already divided the spoils.

General Ashina also felt sorry for the Anxi army's poverty. If they were poor and weak, it would be fine. They were poor and strong. They never hesitate to charge and get into battle on the battlefield. They were even more pitiful, so he also quietly accepted it without announcing it. Going out, I just couldn't help talking to the people around him: "You deserve to be a well-known young talent in Beijing. As expected, your Majesty did not misunderstand anyone."

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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