Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2329: Destroy the army

  Chapter 2329 Destroying the Army

  Little General Guo reluctantly got up to send Bai Shan and the others.

  He glanced at the army that had already set off for a long stretch of time, then turned his gaze back to see General Meng, Bai Shan and others, and solemnly said: "Take care."

   Bai Erlang also cheerfully said: "You also take care."

  Bai Shan nodded quietly, “We are not here, and the military doctor may not be able to help you with blood transfusion.”

  Little General Guo: " should set off now."

  Little General Meng just reached out and patted him on the shoulder, then mounted his horse and looked at Bai Shan.

  Man Bao also rode on the horse, tightening his cloak, the weather is getting colder and colder on the horse.

Although the weather is getting colder, General Ashina did not intend to stay in Kuzu for a few more days. On the third day after the city-wide meeting was held, he would rectify his troops and go directly to the place where the Turkic retreats, and take two troops along the way. Ten small towns.

   is really small, about the size of a town, but it’s vast and sparsely populated, and such a place is also a city.

  This time, he didn't think about conquering the people, so he was much faster, almost taking down the city, and after gathering the grain and grass, he left, only staying at important gates, and the rest followed the army.

  The Western Turks were shocked, and Shule Kingdom, which had only escaped the disaster consciously, was also shocked, and immediately reinforced the border towns. As a result, General Ashina was still as powerful as a bamboo, and even went down to twelve cities.

   There was a rebellion in Shule, and a king was directly replaced internally, and then he surrendered to General Ashina, confessing his guilt, and sent gold, silver, food, grass, and beauties.

  General Ashina gave the beauties to his subordinates, kept the grain for his own use, and sent the gold and silver registers back to the treasury, and then took the people to Khotan.

  From Shule to Yutian, you can walk along the Tuduo River, which is much closer than Qiuci to Yutian. The distance between the deserts is only two days.

The king of Khotan heard that the army was coming to Khotan, and was in tears. He had long known that he would not listen to the rumors and the rumors followed Qiuci and the Western Turks. Grandma, who on earth said that the gods punished the emperor of the Central Plains and made him infected with smallpox. of?

  Does this look like smallpox?

  Khotan did not dare to neglect, and even ignored the dispute with Tubo. He immediately prepared a batch of grain, grass, gold and silver jewels and sent them to the Asna military tent.

  Man Bao looked at the soldiers who were sick today in the medical tent, and checked some of the wounded soldiers and then washed their hands with warm water. He held his cloak tightly before going out to watch the show.

  Bai Shan and Bai Erlang were all standing there watching the excitement, Man Bao leaned forward, looked for a while and asked, "Is General Ashina going to Khotan?"

  Bai Shandao: "Definitely go!"

   Baijiro: "I have received money and food from others."

   "So what?" Bai Shan said: "Always see King Khotan in person. He should have thought of this when he was making waves with people."

  He said, “Because of them, the business route of the Western Regions has been cut off for a year.”

  Originally, when the smallpox epidemic in Xiazhou ended, the trade route should slowly recover. It was because they continued to circulate bad comments about Dajin and allowed their soldiers to rob the merchants who passed by. This caused the trade route to be cut off.

   even uttered insult to Da Jin and His Majesty, which greatly damaged the image of Da Jin and His Majesty.

  General Ashina did decide to go to Khotan, so he took everything he sent, but after receiving it, he went to Khotan.

  King Khotan suffered from insomnia for a night after hearing this, and finally got up and drafted a confession, and then took people to the border with a sad face, and met with General Ashina’s army at the border.

  General Ashina glanced at the grain and gold and silver he had sent again, and then looked at the confession letter he sent him with a cold snort.

  He thought for a moment, then glanced at the clouds in the sky, it was so dense that he couldn't see the sun.

  When he saw it, he said intimately: "General, it seems that it is about to snow."

   General Ashina pressed the confession letter and asked, "How about the soldiers' winter clothes?"

  The confidant paused and said, “It’s still a little flimsy. There are some soldiers from the south in the army who are quite unwell. Recently, more soldiers have been sick in the medical report.

   General Ashina knocked on the confession that was pressed under his palm, and finally snorted and said, "King Yutian, please come in and meet."

  The confidant bends away.

So far, after Yanqi was merged into Anxi and lost the royal family, Qiuci and Shule exchanged for a king, and the Western Turks lost two warriors and the land of twelve cities. The king of Khotan temporarily relied on the confession and Forage, grass, gold and silver kept the throne and the city.

  He regained his title to Dajin, and found many treasures from the warehouse of the royal palace to give to General Ashina, and asked him to take it back to the capital to pay tribute to the emperor.

  Of course, he also sent a team of messengers back with General Ashina, and he sincerely asked the messengers to go to the capital to ask for another crime.

  General Ashina was very satisfied with his knowledge, and only then took the things and took the people away.

  Man Bao and the others had a lot of knowledge along the way. If it weren’t for the King of Khotan’s reaction too much, they might still have a look at the King’s City of Khotan.

  They regretfully followed General Ashina on the return journey, and said: “I heard that Yutian will go down to Tubo and Dabo Law. After the Dabo Law, Tianzhu will be the place. What Master Zhiren wants to go most is Tianzhu.”

  Bai Shan regretted again, “Unfortunately, Master Zhiren and the others did not join the army, otherwise they would walk with them and see King Yutian, maybe he can let King Yutian help through the Dabo Law to Tianzhu."

   Baijiro: "Didn’t you hear that Da Bo Li was fighting with Xiao Bo Li?"

  "They beat them without affecting Dabolu to win over King Khotan."

  Man Bao raised his eyes and looked ahead, a little excited, "Are we going to this big desert?"

  Bai Shan nodded, “We walked the Chiyu River and crossed the desert directly back to Qiuci, half the distance faster than the detour to Shule.”

And from here to Qiuci, it’s basically a desert, except that there is an intermittent river in the desert called Chiyu River. With this river there, there will be oasis along the way, and they were sent by Shule and Khotan. Food and grass, basically don’t worry about eating and drinking.

The marching of the army is different from that of Bai Shan and the others. Twenty thousand people go in and out at the same time. Basically, as long as they don’t get caught in a storm or get lost, there is nothing terrifying about them in the desert. Even the animals are early. Dodging.

  Man Bao felt that when he was sleeping at night, he felt that the heaven and the earth were peaceful, as if there were only people like them under the entire sky.

When General Ashina heard their emotions, he said: "This is cold, scorpions and rats are hidden. When it is hot, let alone 20,000 troops, even 100,000 troops will pass by. Rustling."

  So there is no need to have such feelings.

  Man Bao several people:...

   General Ashina didn’t notice, and asked them directly, “I want to return to the court as soon as possible. When I return to Xizhou, will you come back to Beijing with me?”

  Bai Shan couldn’t help asking: “What about Xizhou? If the army leaves, what will the countries of Qiuci do again and again?”

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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