Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2333: decline

  Chapter 2333 Decline

  Bai Shan looked at Liu Huan and Yin Or, Bai Erlang didn't need to look, he didn't know, and Bai Er would not know.

   Liu Huan said: "I'm not familiar with it either."

  Yin might say: "I heard my father mentioned that he is not bad, he is Xi Jue Qiao Guo Duke. Your Majesty has a deep relationship with Princess Zhao and Xian Qiao Guo Duke, so he is also very good to the two nephews."

  Bai Shan knows it in seconds, so this person is inspired by his ancestors' Yuyin, all the way up, but there is nothing wrong with his personality and talent.

  At the Duhu Mansion, General Guo came out to pick them up with red eyes.

  He still lives in the Duhu Mansion, but he is already ready to move, and he can hand it over only when the new Duhuhu arrives.

  Bai Shan saw his eyes red, and asked, "Your Majesty’s will come down?"

  Little General Guo couldn't help crying again, nodded and said: "Your Majesty has revoked his father's official position, I, I may not be able to help the coffin to return home."

  The emperor was so angry with General Guo, General Guo could no longer write a letter to help the coffin back to his hometown at this time, so he could only temporarily place the coffin at the Guosi Temple for later, or bury it in Xizhou.

  Little General Guo wanted to wait for a few years. After two years, the emperor’s anger was almost gone, and he raised the matter of helping the coffin to return to his hometown.

  Bai Shan could only sigh, and reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

  Man Bao didn’t know how to comfort him, so he could only pat him on the shoulder in turn. Yin might see that they were all patted, but he couldn’t stop taking pictures, so he went up and patted him.

   Zhou Liru looked at it, and then stepped forward to take a pat.

  The little General Meng also raised his hand, and General Guo raised his head to look at him with red eyes.

  Little General Meng was a little bit unable to move, and if nothing had happened, he put it down and said: "Go in, General Ashina and Chai Duhu will wait inside, and I will move you after the handover in a while."

  Bai Shan immediately said: "We will also help you move."

   Not to mention General Ashina, Chai Duhu was also very polite to them, especially Zhou Man and Bai Erlang, after all, the emperor and prince just mentioned them before they came.

  He didn't expect that luck would be so good. They were still in Xizhou City, so he smiled and asked about Zhou Man's cowpox.

  Man Baodao: “We planted three groups of acne here, and the results are not bad. We decided to take the people who had acne back to the hospital to check the situation.”

   After a pause, she defended Chai Du: "Because the testers are soldiers in the army, General Guo previously promised us to take these people away..."

   Chai Duhu smiled and said, "Since General Guo promised you, naturally everything is still business as usual."

  Man Bao heaved a sigh of relief, smiling and protecting Chai Du: "Thank you for your tolerance."

Chai Duhu didn’t understand how this was a lenient. By the time he knew it, the people below were already paying him with the bill. They had to take a total of forty-six people away. It happened that they were either wounded soldiers or very old. A veteran, such a soldier is considered retired when he returns to his hometown, so he has to pay for the settlement.

  In addition to the settlement expenses, it also listed the travel expenses and the one hundred taels of silver that General Guo had promised.

  Of course, it’s not one hundred taels per person, otherwise the emperor can’t afford it. Forty-six people divide one hundred taels.

  The official who came to repay the account explained: "General, except for this one hundred and two is General Guo Xiao, everything else must be accounted for."

  Different from General Guo, Chai Duhu had never been poor before, and he was not as extravagant as General Guo, so he didn't care about money very much, so he just made a sign when he felt distressed.

  He said: "Take out the accounts of the Duhu Mansion and let me have a look."

If there is no money, he still has to find a way to make money. Anxi Duhu not only manages local government affairs, but also military affairs. Although the Ministry of War provides military pay and armaments, there must be insufficient. Soldiers need money for food and drink, not to mention the latter. They also need to patrol the borders and be wary of other small countries in the Western Regions to counterattack, which will cost even more money.

   Chai Duhu thought about it and asked, “Is the business route from Broken Ye and Tianzhu cleared?”

  The official reported immediately: “The battle between Da Bolu and Da Bolu has stopped, and there is no victory or defeat. The trade route to Tianzhu is now open again.”

  Chai Duhu nodded and said: "I will draw it for me from the map on Yutian. We will set up post stations along the way."

  The officer was taken aback, "garrison?"

   Chai Duhu nodded and said of course: "There are many horse thieves and bandits along the way. In order to protect the safety of the caravans, station troops to protect them."

  Since it is protected, it is natural to collect business tax, and the local government should also hand in a portion of the money to raise the soldiers. It doesn’t need to be a lot, but together with the business tax, it should be able to guarantee the cost of stationing troops.

  Moreover, the inn can also greet the merchants and passengers passing by, which is also an income.

Chai Duhu was thinking about it in his heart, and he didn't feel sorry for the money. After handing the list to the officials, he said, "The Chief Ashina is about to set off. Lord Zhou will go with them. You should finish this matter as soon as possible. ."

  The emperor was still waiting for Bai Er to go back to get married, and the prince was also waiting for Zhou Man to report the smallpox matter.

  If Chai Duhu is there, the Duhu Mansion will handle these procedures for Bai Shan and the others very quickly, and it can be done almost as soon as it is submitted.

The soldiers who followed Baishan’s **** and waited to register to receive the money sighed. Sure enough, there are people who are easy to do. They used to come to the Duhu Mansion. It would be good if they can do one thing after three runs. Run well.

  Bai Shan himself lamented this difference in treatment.

  They used to come to the Protectorate to do business, even if General Guo told them, they occasionally had to sit on the bench.

  Especially Mr. Zhuang, he has been sitting on the bench for three days in a row in the Togo Mansion.

Bai Shan led the remnants and veterans to receive the resettlement and travel expenses, and took them out, let them go back to the barracks first, "We will set off after the day after tomorrow, and you will have one day to say goodbye to your colleagues and prepare things tomorrow. , Go."

Everyone looked at each other and didn't move for a while. The oldest one took out his money bag and took out half of the money from it and said, "Master Bai, I said at the beginning that as long as you can bring us back to the Central Plains, we will get it. You have to divide the money in half."

  Others have also opened their wallets to get money.

Bai Shan was stunned, then smiled and pushed the money back: "Bai is not short of money to this point. This is the resettlement allowance given to you by the court and your majesty. It is the court's reward for you for guarding the border and defending your country for many years. If Shan even takes this little money, then he is not worthy of being a human being."

  He said: "You have collected your things. When I return to the capital, I still owe you a piece of silk cloth."

  Because there were more people in the future, there were still 22 people, so Bai Shan and the others did not have so many ready-made cloths.

  The silk cloth here is too expensive, and it’s not a good deal to buy them here.

The soldiers didn’t think about the cloth for a long time, and even prepared to give half of the settlement allowance. At this time, when Baishan didn’t want it, it would be the same as the money that was paid. They were very happy for a while, and their eyes were red with joy. .

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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