Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2334: Return trip

  Chapter 2334 Return

  Bai Shan and the others are busy packing up their things and preparing to go home. Of course, they are crowded. A few people just stand together in the yard while basking in the sun while directing the guard soldiers to pack their luggage.

  This time on the return trip, Manbao will not put things in Keke’s space. Except for her favorite jewellery that she has selected earlier, only one of Bai Erlang’s cat's eye gemstones is still in the space.

  Other things are placed on the bright surface.

  Of course, they won’t open the box to show others, they are all well hidden in the box.

  But we all killed the bandits together, went up the mountain to dig treasures together, shared the spoils on the prairie together, and exchanged treasures with each other. No one knows who has the things in their hands.

  They don’t know much about the heavy rain that lives in the yard opposite, but they are still confused about the luggage that Zhou Man brought home, "You brought too many things, right? What are they all?"

  Man Baodao: "There are everything, there are jade, gems, all kinds of jewelry, and medicinal materials that we think are good-looking."

  "Medicinal materials?"

   "Yes," Man Bao said, "There are some medicinal materials here that are not available in the Central Plains, so I bought a little more and went back."

  The heavy rain is a little heart-stirring, but forget it. He doesn’t have much money, and the medicinal materials are of little use in their town. After all, good medicinal materials also need good doctors to get the effect, right?

  If they make a shot in Shazhou, they have no way out. Unlike the gems and spices in their hands, they can not only find a merchant to make a shot, but they also have a way out.

  Heavy rain pressed his mind, he came here this time to discuss with Bai Shan and others about going back.

The trade road was reopened, and there were fewer bandits, horses, and thieves on the road. And this time, General Ashina returned to Korea with a large army. He returned the soldiers borrowed from Shazhou, Suzhou, and Liangzhou along the way, and it was the summer. The state is back to the capital, so I don’t need them for protection along the way, then the price...

Bai Shan said: "We are separated from the army in Shazhou, and we will go back to Liangzhou from your small town. What about the money? We can only pay you from Shazhou to the town. Of course, if you **** us all the way to Liangzhou, this money It can be discussed again."

   Heavy rain: " don't go with the army?"

  Bai Shan: "No..."

  Because General Ashina also sent the army back to Shazhou, and then he would take the soldiers and horses in his hand to the various states in batches.

At the beginning, all the states came out to lead the army with General Ashina. Except those who died on the battlefield, everyone else had to return to the original army. At that time, the merits of each army and the generals will be returned by General Ashina. After arriving in the capital, the court decided to send it to the states.

  Bai Shan and the others didn’t want to go with him after knowing the journey of General Ashina, because he planned to return to the capital from Shazhou in twelve days.

  Bai Shan and the others immediately stated that they might not be on the same route when they knew his itinerary, and they would separate when they arrived at Shazhou, so as not to disturb General Ashina.

  General Ashina didn’t understand, they were all returning to Beijing, why they didn’t take the same route until the day they were on the road.

  He saw the long line of wagons, mules...and bull carts in their line.

  General Ashina looked at the boxes on the wagon and mule, and then at the veterans and remnants sitting on the ox cart. After a while, he turned his head to say goodbye to Chai Du who came to see him off.

Chai Duhu also froze for a moment, and General Ashina greeted him very much. After everyone set off, he touched his beard and his confidant and said, "Although he is younger, he is still calm. "The main thing is that the heart is also kind.

  To prepare so many bullock carts, it is rare.

General Ashina also retracted his gaze from the bullock carts, and couldn't help but vomit for the first time, "No wonder we will be separated from us when we arrive in Shazhou, and we will use bullock carts to transport troops, let alone twelve days, add half the time. I'm afraid I won't be able to return to the capital."

Now it’s a large army trip, and the class is back to the court, so I don’t rush. The ox cart is not slow in it. But when I arrived in Shazhou, General Ashina brought only a few of his staff and guards back to the capital. Don’t Speaking of bullock carts, even those mule carts with luggage can hardly keep up.

  He was right. Man Bao and the others cannot return to the capital within 24 days, but they can return to Xiazhou within 24 days.

  Heavy rain and they sent them all the way to Xiazhou. Yes, they crossed Liangzhou and escorted them to Xiazhou, and the road from the small town to Xiazhou was free of money.

  Because the goods in their hands were not sold in Shazhou, but planned to take them to Xiazhou, Bai Shan and Zhou Man agreed to introduce the merchants to sell the goods for him.

  Moreover, there are more Hans in Xiazhou. He might marry a Han daughter-in-law and go home.

When he arrived at the gate of Xiazhou City, the heavy rain couldn't help but let out a "wow" with his companions. They thought that they were because of the country bumpkins who had never seen such a lively scene. "The sound.

  Heavy Rain and others turned to look at them one after another, wondering: "Have you never seen such a prosperous city?"

  Man Bao closed his mouth and shook his head, "No, both Beijing and Yizhou are more prosperous than Xiazhou, but..."

   "It's just that Xiazhou City was very silent before. I didn't expect so many people to enter and leave Xiazhou City in just over half a year." Bai Shan said, "And this is the North City Gate."

  This is the northern gate facing the grassland.

  Mr. Zhuang also opened the curtains to look outside, and when he saw the familiar Xiazhou city gate, he let out a sigh of relief and finally returned.

  The carriage lined up to enter the city. The guards took out the paperwork to register, and immediately some soldiers ran to the governor's mansion to report. They waited for Manbao and their convoy to enter the city before they walked into the city for a while, and Wan Tian brought people to greet him.

  He saw Bai Shan, Zhou Man and others riding on horses sharply, immediately jumped off the horse and ran forward to stop the convoy, and said to the end: "The little one has seen Young Master Bai, Miss Man, Second Young Master..."

   "Okay, okay, when do you have to read it for everyone?" Bai Shan asked with a smile, "Brother Yang Xue asked you to come and pick us up?"

   "Yes," Manda smiled so that his eyes were narrowed, and said: "The station is ready, the sons and ladies can go to the station to rest first..."

  He glanced at the convoy behind, the smile on his face increased by two points, and said: "The station is not enough to live in, you can live in the inn next to it."

So the group went to the station to settle first. Wan Tian didn't arrange a room for Bai Shan and the others. After Nie Cengjun and the others stayed, they immediately sent the car with Zhou Man and their luggage to the Cishi Mansion. He invited Bai Shan and the others: "When the little one came out, the uncle asked his wife to tell her that she should have cleaned up the yard by now, and asked Mr. Zhuang and the sons and ladies to live with the little ones."

  Bai Shan and the others have no objection, anyway, the last time they visited Xiazhou, they also lived in the governor's mansion.

  So a group of people moved to Shishifu.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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