Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2339: To Beijing

  Chapter 2339 Arriving in Beijing

  Manbao and the others can't stay in Xiazhou more, so after going up the mountain to see their longevity card, they are ready to return to Beijing with joy.

  At this time, Da Yu had already seen seven or eight people in Xiazhou City with the help of Xiang Mingxue, but he could not find the daughter-in-law he wanted to find.

  He could only collect the money with a sense of dignity, and followed the crowd to see Zhou Man off, "I heard that the capital is very big, are the people selling there better?"

Man Bao also learned Da Yu’s criteria for choosing a mate from Zhou Lijun. Seeing him looking sadly in the direction of the capital, he stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder and said, “Brother Da Yu, if you want to marry a godlike character, then you You have to become a god-like person first, so that you can match, and you have the opportunity to run into such a person."

   Heavy rain: "...Is that a god-like character? Not as good as you?"

  Man Bao shook his head and said with a serious face: "No, I am much better than me. Apart from literacy and some medical skills, I am also smart and beautiful. I can't do anything else."

   After a heavy rain, tangled: "Then I want to relax the conditions?"

  The brothers standing behind him immediately said to Zhou Man: "Master Zhou, how can you remind him? He should be single."

   "Yes, he marries a wife like this and it is the other girl who end up harming her. If the girl he marries is not as good as he intended, wouldn't he become a grudge?"

   "Yes, that is, he should continue to look for such a godlike character."

  The heavy rain waved at them, "Go and go, why are you everywhere?"

  Man Baodao: "If you want, you can follow us to see the capital."

  The heavy rain shook his head only when his heart moved.

Yang Heshu smiled, and said to him: "Xiazhou has a large population, especially after April every year. There are many merchants who come to Xiazhou. There are always merchants with female families. If you don’t mind, Brother Dayu can go to Xiazhou. After a few trips, maybe I can meet my destined person."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan recommended Xiazhou for Yang Heshu, "Yes, Xiazhou has a large population. It depends on how you find a wife. How many more people do you see, what if you see it right?"

  Heavy rain looked at them suspiciously.

  Man Bao was a little dissatisfied and said: "Do you doubt us? You don't look at it, I'm already married, isn't it more experienced than you?"

  Bai Shan turned his head and glanced at her, wanting to tell her that even if you are already married, you are not more experienced than others.

  Who knew that the heavy rain turned out to be thoughtful, and nodded slightly, "It makes sense."

  Bai Shan quickly took Man Bao to bid farewell to everyone.

Yang Heshu and Cui smiled at them, "Take care all the way. We have prepared a lot of vegetables and bacon and frozen meat for you. According to the itinerary, you should be on the road to celebrate the New Year. By then, it will be difficult to find inns and restaurants. Prepare more to eat on the road."

   again urged: "Don’t stay too long on the road. If you don’t go back after the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, it will be difficult for your Majesty to explain."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan responded together, and then set off.

  Their motorcade and Xiang Mingxue’s caravan joined together, and they didn’t start to separate until Yongzhou.

  Man Bao and the others hurriedly continued to the capital, Zhou Lijun and the others decided to stay in another courtyard in Yongzhou for one day, and then enter the capital the next day.

  So Manbao and the others went to Beijing in a light car. It was a real light car. There were only three luggage carts, which directly reduced nine luggage carts.

  The ox cart carrying the wounded soldiers also ran, but the ox did not have enough stamina when it got up quickly, so it didn’t run very fast.

  Fortunately, Yongzhou is not far from the capital. Man Bao and the others finally moved forward to the capital at Shenshi.

As soon as I entered the city, Manbao was at a loss. I didn’t know where to go, but Mr. Zhuang said, “Go to the post, and then to the Hongyou Temple next to the post to hand in the seal, then send someone into the palace to deliver the message, and then each return. Everyone is waiting for news."

  Mr. Zhuang said: "On the fourth day of today, the Yamen has not yet been printed, so your majesty may not announce it."

When everyone heard this, relax and go to the station immediately. Of course, they don’t need to live in the station. The wounded on the bullock cart need to live. They don’t want them to pay for the full treasure. Of course, she doesn’t pay for it. , Said directly to the post: "This is a patient who has been vaccinated with vaccinia. Your Majesty may be summoned later, so don't neglect."

  Yicheng glanced at the soldiers who were old or lacking arms and legs, and was speechless for a long while, "The patient selected by the Zhou master... is really unique."

  Man Bao smiled and said: "Where is it? Okay, I'll leave them to you, please treat them well."

   said to these retired veterans: "I live in the Zhou's house in Chongyuanfang. If you have anything to do with me, just inquire about it. This is a gate post."

  The veterans immediately took it, and the postmen on the side saw that they really did not dare to neglect these people, and smiled and led them to the room to rest.

  Mr. Zhuang took Man Bao to Hongyu Temple to hand in the seal.

  There is an official on duty in Hongshe Temple. When Zhou Man came back at this time, he was surprised, and then he was happy, "Oh, Lord Zhou, Lord Zhuang, you are finally back."

I heard about them 20 days ago, but people haven’t come back until now. God knows how worried they are. I’m afraid they met bandits on the road and capsized the ship in the gutter. An accident happened when he returned to Beijing victory.

However, although Honghe Temple had officials on duty, he did not issue the seal at this time, and he could not issue a cut-off letter to Zhou Man. However, he still received their seal and gave them a receipt for the seal with a smile, and then With a smile, he asked, "Master Zhou can go smoothly on this journey?"

  Man Bao smiled and nodded and said: "It's very smooth. People who have been bred with cowpox are now living in a station not far away. When we return to the hospital, we will come to see the doctor to confirm the situation. Your Majesty may also be summoned."

  Honghe Temple officials were pleased to hear that, and quickly asked: "Can someone be sent to inform the palace?"

  If he didn't go, he wouldn't mind letting the people from Hongyou Temple run around.

Hearing that Nie Cenjun had sent soldiers over, he was disappointed, and then smiled: "This is the fourth day of the lunar new year, and the Yamen has not yet opened the seal. Just report the safety to the palace. Your Majesty might call you back in two days. Adults, adults are rushing all the way, it is better to go home to clean up and rest and wait for the notice from the palace."

  Man Bao responded, and after taking the papers, he led the people home.

  Nie joined the army and had to take his men back to the barracks, so they divided the luggage on the street.

Among the three carts of luggage, one and a half carts were the luggage of the soldiers and...the ashes that could be burned. Everyone took a few boxes from the other cart. After checking them, they said to Li, "The box is still there. There are some things for us."

  Manager Li looked for the booklet and was sure it was, so he opened the box for them to take.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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