Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2340: inquire about

   Chapter 2340

  Honghe Temple officials saw that they took out a few boxes from the inside and opened them for inspection. The contents were either gems or spices.

  He couldn't help but open his mouth wide.

  After dividing the things, Nie Cengjun asked someone to pile the boxes on a car and take them away. Those who couldn't pile up were carried away. Everyone planned to go back to the camp.

  I don’t know why, Man Bao looked a little unbearable, so he stopped them and said, “There are a lot of our bullock carts over there. Let’s borrow a car from you.”

  Nie joined the army and thanked the brothers and Zhou Man happily.

  Man Bao said: "Look back and remember to pay me back."

  Yin, who was about to get in the car and leave, suddenly turned around and said, "That carriage belongs to my house, so remember to return it to my house."

  Nie joined the army: "...Yes."

  So everyone held hands and said goodbye at the entrance of Honghe Temple, and turned around and went back to each house.

  Liu Huan was very apprehensive. He always felt that when he returned home, he would be waiting for him with a stick, so he didn’t want to ride a horse. Instead, he tightly grabbed the hand of the message and said: "Would grandfather really not beat me?"

The message was also worried, but he comforted him: "Don’t worry, didn’t Mr. Bai say it? He specially sent Mr. Li to send us off, just to let Mr. Li praise you. The old lady is just getting angry. Hearing Mr. Li’s praise. You, it's not easy to start, let alone the old lady is there."

   Liu Huan just feel relieved.

  Yin, who was on the same road with Liu Huan temporarily, was also a little nervous, but it was not fear, but joy.

  It was the first time he had been away from home for so long, and this time he returned home with gifts for everyone.

  Just thinking about it, he couldn't help his mouth slightly tilted.

Man Bao and the others rushed home directly. No one had notified Lao Zhou to them, so Lao Zhou's house was quiet. When the side door was knocked, and the nearby Wednesday Lang came to open the door, he saw Man Baoyi outside the door. Surprised, and then overjoyed.

  Man Bao was also very surprised to see Wednesday Lang, and exclaimed: "Brother, when did you come to the capital?"

On Wednesday Lang laughed so hard that his eyes were almost out of sight, "I came in October, your second brother and sister-in-law went back and said that Erya’s marriage is over, and the second head has also decided to kiss. Come to the capital, first, let the four heads see their relatives, and second, send the five heads up to read."

  Wednesday Lang hurriedly opened the door, and while welcoming them inside the door, he shouted inside, "Father, mother, Man Bao is back——"

  Bai Shan looked around and asked, "Brother Wednesday, where is the concierge?"

  Wednesday Lang said with a smile: "It was very cold these past two days, and no one came to the door. At this moment, they went to eat and cook. We live near, and someone can hear someone knocking on the door."

Bai Shan smiled and nodded, and together he removed the threshold to let the carriage in. Mr. Zhuang had barely rested during this time on the road. He was very tired. Bai Shan said to the ten maids who were restrained: "You will take Mr.'s luggage. Take it down, and someone will lead you down in a while, and first serve Mr. to wash and eat."

  Lao Zhoutou and they rushed to hear the news and looked at them in surprise.

  Man Bao ran up to hug Qian's and Xiao Qian's. It was so lively here, some people finally came to see the situation.

   So immediately some people came forward to serve them to take down the things, and then went to notify Mrs. Liu, and went to the kitchen to boil water for cooking, and it was very lively.

  Old Zhoutou took Mr. Zhuang’s hand very gratefully, “Mr. Tired all the way.”

  Lao Mrs. Liu came, also a pleasant surprise, "Why don’t you call someone back in advance when you come back? We can also send someone to pick you up."

   "Yes," Qian also lit Man Bao's head and said, "You guys, it's too naughty. Today, we were taken aback."

  White Jiro stood alone and squeezed in and asked, "Grandma, my eldest brother are they not here?"

Mrs. Liu smiled and said, "Your sister-in-law's eldest brother went to the capital to take the exam, and temporarily lives with your elder brother. Today, your eldest brother will accompany your sister-in-law to go back to the New Year greetings. It is estimated that it will take dinner before coming back."

  She reached out and touched Shirajiro's head, and smiled: "It's getting darker on this trip."

   Baijiro heard this, and immediately felt aggrieved, "Grandma, you can get sun on the desert."

  He looked around and pointed to Bai Shan and said, “It’s just him, he won’t get tanned no matter what, we are all tanned a little bit, even Yin or often sitting in the carriage is tan.”

Yin might indeed be tanned. Not only was it dark, but he looked more energetic. When he got home, not only Master Yin nodded approvingly, but even the old lady Yin was relieved and took his hand: "You didn't suffer along the way, right?"

   Yin or smiled and said, "No, the arrangements are very well arranged along the way."

  These words also lied to Mrs. Yin, but Yin Li knew that they had encountered horse thief and Tubo army on the way.

  After eating, the father and son sat down and talked. Yin Li asked him in detail about his experience along the way, and then said: "I asked him when General Ashina came back. At that time, you encountered a horse thief in the desert and almost died?"

   Yin or said: "Nie joined the army and they desperately defended each other. We were just a little frightened. General Guo soon brought soldiers and horses to rescue us."

  Yin Li nodded, "I inherit the love of Guo family father and son. The one who chased you at that time was the remnant of Xue Yantuo?"

   Yin may pause and nod his head, "The two leading people are now serving under General Ashina."

Yin Li smiled and said: "General Ashina said, Bai Shan told him that although Jin Kuian was brave, he had no strategy, his mind was vicious, he was only interested in profit, and he was greedy for beauty and money. Be extra careful."

   Yin or smiled slightly and said, "This is not only Bai Shan's opinion, but also his son's."

Originally, Jin Kuian and Erge should have stayed in the Anxi Army, but after seeing Chai Duhu, Bai Shan approached General Ashina to talk about it, thinking that they would do more harm than good to Anxi by staying in the Anxi Army, General Ashina. I also felt that Chai Du's protective bomb could not hold down Erg and Jin Kui'an.

Especially Jin Kuian, this person is strong and unconvinced. If Chai Duhu has the ability, he can always hold him down. But Chai Duhu obviously does not have the skills of General Guo, leaving Jin Kui'an, I am afraid he will make trouble in the army. Once the two of them have a conflict and can't convince each other, Jin Kuian probably won't have any psychological pressure to rebel.

  So Bai Shan approached General Ashina after thinking about it.

General    Ashina took the man to his side on the grounds that Jin Kuian had done a good job in the attack on King Qiuci, and directly asked his men to take the man back to Lanzhou.

  As for Erg, it was mentioned incidentally.

  Yin Li is not a stingy person, since Jin Kui’an has done meritorious service, he will not do anything before he does something wrong, but once the other party does something wrong...

   Yin Li sneered inwardly.

  Yin may breathe a sigh of relief, and ask: "Father, we have been late, is your Majesty very angry?"

Yin Li glanced at him and said, "Your Majesty is happy to have a great victory in Zhengxi. Although you are in the mission, it is not you who is in charge. You don't have to worry about this. Take a good rest. Your Majesty may have a few days. Will summon you."

  But in fact, the emperor sent someone out of the palace early the next morning to call all five of them and took them to the palace to speak.

The New Year is about to enter. In the past year, I would like to thank my book friends for their support. I discussed with Mo Yan and planned to use Manbao’s pictures to make some pillows to give away the top 20 books of Qiqi and Yunqi. friend.

     no longer need to reward the list or anything (because the monthly ticket owes too much, it is really handicapped to not be rewarded), so today we directly set the list, the list is as follows:

Starting point: 1: Mo Yan 2: Yan Wei who loves to chew books 3: Man Bao’s ideal 4: Ten years of cuteness 5: Vivi smile 6: Rabbit No. 7: Water Moon·Shadow 8: Luo Qing 9: Not Exist Lover's Jie 10: Her Majesty Xiaoxue 11: West Point Tiramisu 12: Bao Erya 13: Smile Qing Qing 14: Alice 555 515: Light Meaning 〆 Sprouting 16: Butterfly Pea Flower 17: Springfallz 18: Ligao Girl 19: WY None Worry 20: yeath001 in charge

Clouds: 1: Jin Yiwei: Rong Rong 2: Snow*Flower 3: Si Qing Lanyu 4: AlPacino 5: Jin Yiwei: Yuan Yuanna 6: Laughing at Fengyun 7: Cool Billion 8: A Green Leaf 9: Liangkou Yiwei 10: Huaxu Can Mengshang Flowing Years 11: Da Da 12: Gail13: Hua 14: Zhao Chunhua 15: Zaizai 16: Anxin Black Sesame Paste 17: Chun Ting 18: Mo Yan (Autumn) 19: Chasing text can not extricate itself 20: Up every day

     Please take a screenshot of your homepage name from the book friend above and find the administrator Luo Qing to report the address. Her penguin number is 401505833

     love you all

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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