Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2345: Father and daughter

  Chapter 2345 Father and Daughter

Everyone patted his shoulder sympathetically, "I knew I wouldn't let you go first, didn't I win you so that you could keep it away, or I would decline, or I would like to find some small rewards like Yin or? ?"

   Liu Huan was blank, his eyes were tearful and he looked up at Bai Shan, "What do you mean? Didn't you let me say something?"


  Bai Shan said: "The emperor is not in front of the husband, why did I let you say something?"

   Liu Huan complained, "But the look you gave me is exactly the same as in front of Mr. Zhuang!"

  Every time Mr. Bai Shan is admitted to the school, Bai Shan always asks him to say what he thinks in his heart. At the beginning, he still had some worries. That was how Bai Shan winked at the time.

   Liu Huan stared at him.

  Bai Shan opened his mouth and turned to draw Bai Erlang and Zhou Man together, "My winks are the same?"

  The two shook their heads together, "different."

  Bai Shan looked at Yinor, and Liu Huan took two steps forward, staring at Yinor.

  Yin or: "'s different."

  Bai Shan looked at Liu Huan triumphantly.

   Liu Huan refused to admit that he would be wrong, so he turned around angrily.

  Seeing that he got into the carriage and left, Bai Shan shouted to the message sitting on the shaft of the carriage, "Call us if something happens."


  Bai Shan glanced at each other, all snickered and got in the car, and happily went home. Before leaving, they made an appointment with Yin or to go to Tang's New Year greetings, "Tomorrow is a good day."

   Yin or regret, "Tomorrow my sister and they will all come home, I'm afraid I won't be able to spare time."

  Bai Shan can only express regret.

  Liu Huan returned to Liu’s house and was taken to the study room just after getting off the car. Liu Shangshu was a little restless all day. He saw his grandson coming in and immediately asked, “How, did your majesty scold you?”

   Liu Huan opened his mouth and said with a guilty conscience: "No, no?"

  Liu Shangshu couldn’t help but stretched out his hand and patted him, “You don’t know if you don’t know? After entering the palace, tell me about it, and you can’t leave a word of what your Majesty said.”

   Liu Huan knelt on the ground with a plop and shouted: "Grandfather, I know I was wrong—"

  Liu Shangshu couldn’t stand his heart a bit. He clutched his chest and asked, "You, what did you do in the palace?"

   The message guarded outside the door heard the roar of this life, and immediately turned around to look for the old lady.

  Liu Huan wanted a face. He didn't let the message go to Yin or their help, so Liu Shangshu slapped him firmly. The reason why he didn't fight later was because Mrs. Liu arrived.

  Yin may have waited at home for a long time, but still did not hear anything, so he took a book and walked to the door, inviting longevity and said: "Is there no one from the Liu family yet?"

   "No, Master, maybe Master Liu is okay?"

  Yin may think for a while and nod, "Yes, after all, I just came back from the Western Regions and haven't seen him for half a year. Maybe Liu Shangshu feels sorry for him."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao were also waiting, and they said affirmatively after not waiting: "Liu Shangshu must be heartbroken for Liu Huan."

  Man Bao: "Just like my father loves me."

  Lao Zhou’s head is distressed, and she feels that she has not only lost weight this time, but also darkened, so distressed.

   "Then Western Regions are far away?"

  Man Bao thought for a while and said: "It's far, from our village to the capital, and then from the capital to our village."

  Lao Zhoutou: "That's pretty far, but it's not that thinner, right?"

  Man Bao said: "I have grown taller, dad, I grow up vertically, naturally not horizontally."

  Lao Zhoutou immediately said: "The clothes your mother made for you have to be stretched out. Fortunately, a piece of fabric was collected when making the clothes before, otherwise the clothes will be made for nothing."

   "It's okay, you can wear it to Liru."

Old Zhoutou pondered: "Yes, Liru is also big, I think it's almost time to say a kiss, your second brother still talked about it before going home, and deliberately dragged your fourth brother and elder brother and sister-in-law to help talk about the marriage. If it feels good, we will make a decision directly without waiting for them to discuss."

  Man Bao: "Second sister-in-law can be willing?"

"Since your second brother said so, your second sister-in-law would naturally be willing," Old Zhou said: "This time the second marriage was decided by your fourth and fifth brothers, and your second sister-in-law also said that they couldn't make it better. It’s a marriage, and Erya also married a good family, so Sanya won’t be low."

  Lao Zhou said complacently: “In the future, she will also be admitted to the hospital as an official.”

Speaking of this, Lao Zhou couldn’t help asking Man Bao, “Do you see if some of your nephews are suitable for studying medicine? You can teach them too. You can’t have all the girls at home, and the kids are still eating. The soft rice for the three aunts and nephews, right?"

Man Baodao: "Three heads and four heads are definitely not suitable. They study well. They can go to the Jinshi after another two years. If they fail to pass the exam, they can go to the Mingjing exam. The five heads and the following ones are still young, and they will be able to read. Later I taught them to recognize medicinal materials, and if they are interested in learning by then, I will accept them as disciples."

   "You look back at the five heads, that kid is just like your third brother, honestly."

  Man Bao: "...Father, how big is five heads, you can see that he is honest?"

"When I was three years old, I saw it two years ago. I saw it two years ago." He Man Bao said, always afraid that he was not for reading. He can teach him all, but he still can’t even write his own name. Your third brother also said that his brothers are all in the capital. He is a child alone at home and can only play with children in the village. I can’t learn a single word in a school for a long time. I really can’t send it to Beijing. I think there are many good gentlemen in Beijing, so I might be able to teach it.”

  Lao Zhoutou and Man Baodao: "If you really can't teach it, you can take a medicine boy by your side in the future, and learn medicine."

  Man Bao: "..."

  I always feel that her father has a misunderstanding about studying medicine, and he has to be very clever to study medicine, okay?

  But she didn't refute, nodded and said: "Okay."

  Lao Zhoutou was satisfied. He quietly glanced back and saw what Bai Shan and the others were writing at their desks, so they asked Man Bao quietly, “Man Bao, has Bai Shan mentioned your marriage?”

   "I mentioned it," Man Bao said, "We will get married when we come back."

  Lao Zhou’s confidence rose in an instant, and he became hypocritical, “That’s not good, I won’t agree if it’s too fast.”

  Man Bao: "Is it soon? Then wait..."

"Don't have to wait too long," and she was afraid that she would have to wait another year or two. Lao Zhou was reluctant and impatient, gritted his teeth and said: "You can choose a good day this year, but the time will be later. ."

   asked her in a low voice, "If they get married, can their Bai family still live in this house?"

  Man Bao was surprised, "Father, don't you want them to live?"

   "I want them to live," Lao Zhou said, patting his thigh, "It's best for them to live here for the rest of their lives."

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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