Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2346: experience

  Chapter 2346 Experience

He glanced at Bai Shan in the window, and whispered to his girl-girl, "You are stupid, not to mention people like them, this is our family. If you marry a wife, you have to do housework and honor your in-laws. You have to work outside. For work, of course, the Bai family doesn’t lack people who go to the ground, nor money, so you don’t need to go to the ground, but is it necessary to do housework?"

"You are a foreign official, just look at it now, every day is busy, where is there time for housework?" Lao Zhoutou whispered: "But your grandmother and mother-in-law are here, now we live together, everything at home is all Relying on Mrs. Liu’s command, as long as you still live here after you get married, you can leave the affairs of this mansion to them."

   "If you move outside, your grandmother and mother-in-law let you take care of the house, do you care or don't care? What if they bully you?"

  Man Bao said: "Lao Mrs. Liu and Aunt Zheng will not bully me."

  Old Zhoutou said: "That's not necessarily. It is different before and after being a daughter-in-law."

  Man Bao was curious, "Why?"

Lao Zhou thought hard and shook his head, "I don’t know. Your grandma is like this. Before your mother married me, she kept complimenting your mother as if your mother was a god. As a result, when your mother entered the door, your grandma would Looking at her horizontally is not pleasing to the eye, and looking at her vertically is not pleasing to the eye."

  Man Bao tried hard to recall the trivial words said by his uncles and aunts under the big banyan tree at the entrance of the village, and whispered: "Lao Mrs. Liu and Aunt Zheng can't, they are good people."

  Old Zhoutou, "Your grandma is also a good person."

  Man Baocai didn’t believe it. Although her mother had never said bad things about her grandma, the old people in the village did not say anything, so she asked curiously, “Father, how did my grandma praise my mother before?”

   "That's a lot of praise," Old Zhoutou said: "Say your mother is diligent, capable, and has many brothers in the family. You are great. Anyway, you praise a lot."

"Look at you, Mrs. Liu, don't they often praise you for being capable, diligent, and smart?" Lao Zhoutou whispered, "But when you become pros, they might look like your grandma. NS."

  Bao is full of disbelief.

  Lao Zhou shook his head and said, "Why don't you listen to the old man? Your father and I have met many such people."

  Man Bao said: "My mother is also a mother-in-law, she won't."

  Lao Zhoutou glanced at her, "Girl, you are too naive, who said that your mother has not changed? Your mother has changed in detail. For example, your sister-in-law..."

   "What are you talking about?"

  Lao Zhou's head immediately stopped, his back tightened, he turned to look, and saw Qian frowning to see their father and daughter, he immediately stood up, patted his **** and said: "No, nothing said."

  Man Bao said: "Mother, my father said you woo woo woo..."

  Lao Zhou covered her mouth, and pulled people up and pushed them into the room, “Aren’t you going to study with Bai Shan? Go to school.”

  Qian gave him a sideways look, and nodded with Man Bao: "You can go to study."

   Then frowned and looked at Lao Zhou’s head, "Aren’t you going to the kitchen? Are you not leaving?"

  Lao Zhoutou left with her.

  When he got out of the yard, Qian couldn’t help but say to him, “What are you doing with Man Baohu?”

"Why is it Hu Lilie?" Lao Zhou said unconvincedly: "Isn't what I'm telling is the truth? Your women look at people as better as possible before marrying a daughter-in-law, and after you marry, you will see less and less Okay, am I afraid that our girl will suffer in the future?"

  Lao Zhou's nose was a bit stuffy, and he sniffed and said, "Look at our Xi'er, how many crimes have we suffered before? Man Bao can't suffer those grievances."

  Qian: " think too much, what kind of family is the Bai family, don't you know what kind of family has lived in a village for so many years?"

  She said: "You shouldn't say bad things about Bai Shan and the Bai family in front of Man Bao. If it gets misunderstood by the Bai family, I want you to look good."

  Lao Zhou stopped talking.

  Bai Shan was also asking Man Bao, "What did Uncle Zhou tell you? I have been talking for so long?"

  Man Bao sighed: "My father told me that the human heart is sinister. Some people in this world will be different from inside and outside, and will change."

  Bai Shan: "...Uncle Zhou was deceived? Why did you suddenly have such an insight?"

  Man Bao waved his hand and said, "That was all from when he was young. Have you written a confession note?"

  Bai Shan showed her, "It's almost there."

  Man Bao read the whole article, satisfied, "You write quickly, I'll copy when you finish writing."

  Bai Shan: "...this is mine."

   "Oh, I'm the chief officer. I can just make a note. It's a big deal to sign for you, don't you need to write one?"

  Bai Shan thought about it and found it reasonable, and then looked at the paper, a little bit he didn’t want to continue writing, "Do you make up for the rest?"

   "You have written all this up, just finish it for me," Man Bao said, "Lest I take over halfway, the words and sentences are different."

  Bai Shan definitely looked at her for a while, and had to continue writing.

  When he finished the draft and revised it again, Man Bao pulled it over and copied it.

  Bai Shan tidyed up his desk and said, "I will visit Brother Tang Xuexi tomorrow. What gift do you want to prepare for Mr. Tang?"

  "The native products of the Western Regions," Man Bao said: "A box of spices."

  Bai Shan couldn't help being amused, and then said: "Let's do it, I don't know if Old Tang will accept it. After all, this thing is precious and may be bribed."

  Man Bao whispered: "We were meant to bribe."

It is true that Manbao and the others have been bribed. Master Tang is in charge of Yushitai. His attitude is very important. Even if he does not prohibit his subordinates from impeaching them, as long as he does not speak or act, then Manbao and their living space It's huge.

  Lord Tang didn’t know what they thought, and realized that the relationship between the two of them was pretty good. He just thought it was a normal New Year’s gift, so he accepted it without opening it.

After all, they weren’t just giving away a box of spices. There were other New Year gifts prepared by Mrs. Liu and Qian. There were two legs of lamb visible to the naked eye, not to mention that Man Bao sent her sister-in-law to pickle them. There are six small jars full of pickled vegetables. I heard that people in the Tang family love to eat them, so Man Bao specially asked her mother to prepare a little more.

  Master Tang did not find out, but Master Tang found out, because the thing given to him was a separate small box, he opened it directly.

   Seeing the spices inside, Master Tang was surprised, "This is Su Hexiang? It smells so good, you bought it in the Western Regions?"

  In front of him, a few people had nothing to hide, and they said contentedly: "paid from the bandit’s den."

  Master Tang really didn’t know about it, and he was so surprised, "Are you still going to suppress the bandits? Just rely on Nie’s participation in the army?"

  Aren’t the horse thieves on the grassland very fierce?

  Suppressed so easily?

   "No, they are soldiers from Liangzhou governor, so we will assist them," Man Bao asked, "Is there no military report to enter Beijing?"

Tang Daren said: "I am the magistrate of Chang'an County, and I am not working in the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Criminal Affairs. Where can I know the news? But my father should know. I can ask him when I look back. You are killing the bandits. ?"

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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