Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2347: reward

  Chapter 2347 Reward

  Man Bao waved indifferently: "We are not military commanders. There is no need to remember this point."

  Master Tang gave a "yo" and said with a smile: "This is the ability to siege the city, don't you look down on it?"

  The three of them had a bitter face, "Brother Brother, don't make fun of us. Your Majesty is still mad at us. Yushitai also doesn't know if we have recorded our mistakes and are waiting to punish us."

  Tang He smiled and said, "So you all know that there is a mistake."

He clicked to the end, and did not teach them much. After thinking for a moment, he said: "I don't know about others, but my father is too lazy to take care of such trivial matters here, but I think, such small mistakes, we still have to look at them. Does your majesty have the intention to pursue it."

   "It doesn't matter if it is pursued," Tang He smiled and said, "It's a big deal to make you offset the merits and demerits."

  Three people:...

  The courtiers were also waiting to see whether the emperor was mostly angry or admired. Therefore, the printing was opened on the first day of the eighth day of the lunar day.

  Man Bao took the initiative to report the results of this trip to the Western Regions, mainly the results of the vaccinia planting experiment.

  Xiao Yuan is taking the opportunity to propose that in the Huangzhuang in the suburbs, he is still conducting a vaccination test in the Huangzhuang that was tested last year.

  The emperor agreed and asked the Ministry of Household to allocate a sum of money to the Tai Hospital.

  This time, the Ministry of Households did not call the poor. They have already taken ninety-nine steps. After spending so much money to go out, they have all the recipes. Now they are just the last step of the experiment. Naturally, they will not be very stingy with money.

  The Ministry of Households agreed, and the meeting was a bit quiet, and everyone didn't speak for a while.

  The emperor raised his eyelids to look at them, and asked, "Why, there are no folds? After a year, everyone will be in peace."

  The ministers lowered their heads slightly and said nothing.

  Man Bao looked left and right, still holding his heart out, bowed and said, "Your Majesty, the minister is guilty."

   "Well, I saw it. I received your guilt note early in the morning. Why are you alone and the others?"

  Man Bao knelt down, and the guards led out and called the others in.

Although Bai Shan and the others squeezed into the mission privately, since they were already a member of the mission and signed their names together, they naturally followed them into the palace. If the emperor wanted to hear their confession in person, they could also go in. Admit mistakes.

  Unexpectedly, it was so fast, and it was only half an hour before he came out to call someone.

  A few people looked at each other and could only enter the hall.

  Mr. Zhuang, who was at the end of the Dachaohui, also came out, kneeling with Man Bao and confessed to the emperor, indicating that they had delayed a lot of time on their return journey, making the emperor and the court wait for a long time, and they were guilty.

When the emperor saw that they were all kneeling down and confessing their mistakes, feeling better, he asked Wei Zhi, "How do you think Wei Qing should punish them?"

Wei Zhi thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty, it was winter. From Shazhou all the way to the capital, it was mostly a bitter cold place. I think they didn't stay on purpose to delay the time. The snow covered the mountains, or the road was difficult. It’s normal."

  He said: "The mission is not an army after all, and it will not march as quickly as General Ashina, so it is normal for the journey to be slower."

  Usually, the imperial court sent missions, and the farther they went, the less time they demanded.

  It’s normal for a mission to go out, let alone one year, but only two or three years to come back. It’s normal for a mission to come back only in seven or eight years. As long as the chief official of the mission doesn’t surrender, he is basically a qualified envoy.

  Wei Zhi did not want the court to pursue this matter too much, otherwise the mission’s time would be too much, and the freedom of the mission in the future would be greatly affected.

   Therefore, he said: "The minister thinks that although they are wrong, the mistake is not convicted. Since they know the mistake, your Majesty might as well reprimand them."

   means that you can scold them once, and the penalty is unnecessary. What if the mission is out of consideration because of this matter in the future?


  Lord Tang also had the same intention, but he felt that these children were too naughty. If they let them down gently, they might still be so playful and disregarding the political affairs in the future, so they should be more serious.

  The emperor looked at other people.

  The officials who deliberately impeached Zhouman heard that they hesitated in opposition and pretending to be deaf. They quietly looked up at the emperor's face, and then silently put down the papers in their hands and did not go out for impeachment.

  The people who didn't wink, wanted to go out, but they were used to following the trend. There were no big trees in front of them, no small branches, and they didn't dare to stand up.

  The emperor hummed in his heart, feeling that Baiguan was not upright at all.

  Especially Wei Zhi, who provoked his fault in an orderly manner, would have to be chanted for a long time when a strand of hair fell on the ground. Zhou Man and the others had delayed so much time on the road but gave them a reason.

  It’s the mission. If they are marching and fighting, he must have cut them on such a hurry.

  However, the emperor's face still nodded in agreement, "Wei Qing said that since you know that you are wrong, you can't do it again next time."

  Man Bao breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately bowed his heads in response with everyone.

The emperor ordered the table and reached out to pick up another seal. "General Ashina said that you have done a great job this time, especially Zhou Man and Bai Shan, who captured the King City of Qiuci. You two are the first ones. , Do you have anything you want?"

  The emperor had asked them privately in the study before, and now he asked them again in front of the ministers at the Great Court meeting. Obviously, the meaning is different.

  This time, everyone Qi Qi expressed that as the emperor, it is part of the duty to serve the court, and they do not ask for rewards.

  Baobao said sweetly, "Come on again, the minister will do the same."

The emperor complained in his heart, but don’t do it again. One time is enough for him to be ashamed. He prepared the rewards and waited early, boasting and boasting people in front of the ministers. As a result, the left waits and the right waits. Not yet.

   But I still feel a little bit happy.

The emperor got upright and handed the other prepared paper to Gu Zhong, and then said: "Although you delayed the return journey and made some mistakes, you still deserve the reward for the siege. Zhou Man and Bai Shan are the chief officials. Promote Zhouman to Chongwenguan to compile from the fourth product, and give to Baishanjue County..."

The emperor was too lazy to read too much, and gave Gu Zhong a wink. Gu Zhong opened a book and read it to them. He gave Baishan as the county son, Bai Cheng and Liu Huan as the county males, named Yin or the county, and gave him a mansion for promotion. Zhuang Xun compiled for the five products, each gave twenty taels of silver and six pieces of cloth...

  Man Bao and the others heard it, and looked up slightly in surprise. They thought it would be good to have something to reward, but they didn't expect to have a knighthood.

  But this reward for silver is less than I thought.

  Gu Zhong finished reading the book, the hundreds of officials exhaled at the same time, and then one after another glanced sympathetically at the few people who were kneeling in the middle of the hall.

   See you at eight in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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