Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2349: deliver an imperial order

   Chapter 2349

Send a person to inform the host in advance for such matters. Whether it is a good or a bad thing, people must be mentally prepared. The most important thing is that no one at home has to get the host back to pick up the decree. .

  But this time...

  The waiter glanced at the "host" who followed them, and shook his head, but let someone notify him. Forget it, it's better for an adult to come forward for this kind of thing.

  His son’s title was promoted from a county male to a county, and he was still a knight based on her own ability. Yin Li was very happy, so she immediately absent from work and went home waiting for the order.

In addition to the knighthood, the emperor also rewarded Yin or a house. When the servant came, he directly took the title deed of the house and packed it in a small box.

  He is the only one to be given a house.

Yin or reached out and took it, and gave the imperial decree to his father to confess. He held the box containing the title deed and handed it to Changshou to hold it. Then he said to his father, "Father, I will be with Bai Shan and the others at noon. Have a meal and celebrate."

   Yin Li, who wanted to celebrate with his family, was silent for a while and nodded, "Go."

  He glanced at the Bai Shan and others standing on the side, sighed, forget it, he was also the first time he saw an order-receiver who followed the declaring servant.

  Everyone knows that they have their own imperial decree, shouldn’t they go home early and prepare?

  Everyone hulled and turned to Liu's house.

Liu Shangshu, who had just beaten Liu Huan two days ago, was full of red faces and smiles. He enthusiastically welcomed the declaring servant in the door, and bowed to the two princesses. Seeing Zhou Man and Bai Shan, he couldn’t help but express his expression. Pause, "Why are you here?"

  Bai Shan: ......They have been doing well, obviously they came in with the servants.

  Man Bao: "Liu Shangshu doesn't welcome us?"

   "No, no," Liu Shangshu quickly said, "Yes... Master Zhou, don't you go back and prepare for the decree?"

  They waved their hands very bachelorly, “Is there an elder in the family, don’t you see Liu Huan just go home?”

  Liu Shangshu: "...I forgot to ask Master Zhou without mentioning it."

  He turned his head and glared at Liu Huan, "You guys have withdrawn from the Great Court meeting a long time ago. Why are you back later than me? Where did you go?"

  The servant coughed slightly and reminded softly: "Master Shangshu, shall we take the order first?"

   "Yes, yes, take the order first."

   After talking, Liu Huan knelt down to take the order.

The servant unfolded the imperial edict, first swept it, and the breath that came up only after it was paused, and the open mouth was closed slightly, and after looking down at Liu Huan, he said: "The emperor said: "I can only rule the world by writing and fight chaos. Wu. And the military commander will be the mainstay of the imperial court and the backbone of the country. He is capable of both civil and military, and he can do his best to serve his achievements without praising his fate..."

   is the same as the beginning of Yin or, but the difference is, "Thanks to Liu Huan to test the Ming Jing of the Spring and the Ming Dynasty, using the rhyme of Liu's prose..."

  Anyway, based on your Liu family's background, the disciple wouldn't be able to pass a Mingjing exam, right? You made a great contribution on the journey to the west. I am very optimistic about you. I think you are a plastic talent of civil servants and generals. I believe you, you can definitely do it.

A large piece of eloquence, which is much longer than the imperial decree of Yin or, behind it is the signature of the official who wrote the imperial decree, and the seal of the reviewing officer of the Ministry of Education of China, and the seal of the servant after reading it. .

  This servant is enshrined in the Ministry of Rites. People in the Ministry of Rites always have big mouths. If they know it, it means that everyone in the entire imperial city almost knows it.

  Liu Huan didn’t even dare to look up at his grandfather’s face, he just felt like he was done.

  It is indeed finished. Liu Shangshu smiled and took the place of Liu Huan. After putting a heavy purse into the servant, he promised him: "Please give your father-in-law back to your majesty, and the minister will urge him to study hard."

  The attendant smiled, and went out intimately, giving the space to the grandparents and grandchildren.

  However, Liu Shangshu was still smiling in front of Zhou Man and Bai Shan, and he stretched out his hand to pat the soil on his knees, and Liu Huan shook successfully.

   Liu Shangshu said softly: "Okay, let's go play, have a good time today."

  Man Bao and the others stood by and looked at it. They always felt that Liu Shangshu’s next sentence was "tomorrow to die", so they looked at Liu Huan together.

  Liu Huan had tears in his eyes, and tremblingly followed Zhou Man and the others out.

After getting on the carriage, he couldn't help wiping his tears, and said with a sob, "I didn't want to be crowned either. Just give me Enyin a small official. There are so many Enyin guards in the imperial city. There is no shortage of me. Otherwise, I can go to the Ministry of Etiquette or the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. Why should I sign up for the Mingjing Sutra?"

   Liu Huan split his fingers and asked, "How much time is left?"

  Bai Shan looked at him sympathetically, "Thirty-eight days."

   Liu Huan’s tears fell even more fiercely, “If I fail the exam, my grandfather will definitely beat me to death. The last time my grandfather beat me five boards, I lay in bed for two days.”

  Bai Shan: " it so powerful?"

   "Yes, so much swelling, can I still walk on the ground?"

   Bai Erlang said: "Would you like Man Bao to prepare some medicine for you?"

   Liu Huan held back tears, "Forget it, don't."

  Bai Shan smiled and said, "I will organize my notes and send them to you."

   Liu Huan's mood has not improved, he has become more serious. He doesn't love learning, and the study materials can't comfort him at all.

Liu Huan couldn't help muttering: "I entered the Imperial College because of Enyin, and because of my grandfather I entered Chongwenguan. I never thought about taking the Mingjing exam this year. I said that I will take the exam after the Chongwenguan finishes. Eun Yin is an official..."

Zhou’s residence was not very far from Liu’s mansion, and arrived in about a quarter of an hour, so Bai Shan interrupted his chatter, “Okay, it doesn’t matter if you fail the test. He doesn't ask, Liu Shangshu's regeneration energy is also limited, the big deal is to hit you five boards, it won't be very serious."


   "Really, you have a knighthood now at any rate. The size is from the fifth rank, which is better than your elder brother. Liu Shangshu will not be too angry."

   Liu Huan touched his chin and said, "Yes, I seem to be better than my elder brother now."

  Yin may not help but laugh out loud, and when he sees it, he nods and says: "Yes."

  Liu Huan exhaled. He is not a fool, and vaguely guessed that the two are not the same. Although he has a title, if his ability is insufficient, he will not have a real job.

  Although his elder brother does not have a title, he is actually more prosperous than him.

  When they arrived at the Zhou’s house, the Zhou family and the Bai family were also preparing.

  Even Zhou Liru had a reward, and Mr. Zhuang’s reward was also sent.

  After everyone picked up the things, they also stuffed the moneybags for the waiter. Mrs. Liu prepared five, which was given to one by a rewarded person.

  The waiter collected the money in front of the two princesses, then smiled and greeted them for a while, and then left, breathing out a sigh of relief as soon as he left the house. Although this work was a lot of money, it was really tiring.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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