Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2350: Celebrate?

  Chapter 2350 Are you celebrating?

  As soon as they left, the Zhou family and the Bai family were relieved. The Zhou family was a pure surprise, "Man Bao, have you been promoted again?"

  The Bai family was more surprised, "How come you are knighted?"

  This is really unexpected.

  Bai Shan and the three happily said to them: “Because of the first achievement in the capture of the King’s City of Qiuci, your majesty has rewarded you with the title.”

  At this moment, their hearts are not hurting much, and they can’t let the family know about this, otherwise they will have the same heartache as they do.

  So the three of them squeezed smiles and told them very happy that everyone who went this time had been rewarded, and Yin Or and Liu Huan had also won the knighthood.

  Lao Mrs. Liu couldn’t help chanting "Master Tianzun", and then discussed with Qian’s: "This is a big happy event, we have to invite the guests to celebrate."

  Bai Shan hurriedly said: "Grandma, it's just a county son. I'm still young, so I don't need to rush to celebrate. It's better to save it later."

  Lao Mrs. Liu insisted: “You didn’t invite relatives or friends before you passed the Jinshi exam. This time you won’t be able to justify it if you don’t ask for it. And it’s not your own business.”

  She smiled and said: "In addition to you, there are Erlang and Manbao. They are nominated and promoted. They should also entertain relatives and friends, especially Manbao. She is a real job, and the chiefs of the colleagues have to greet them."

  No guests, who knew you were promoted?

  If you get the wrong name when you go out in the future, it will be someone else’s fault.

  Lao Zhou heard it first, and immediately said: "Yes, it's time to treat."

  Lao Mrs. Liu glanced at the two princesses standing aside, and smiled with them: "You have guests, go and greet the guests first, just leave these things to us."

Old Zhou couldn’t ask for it. He just didn’t want his daughters to take care of the housework. It’s best to leave this to Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Zheng. So he nodded repeatedly and called Zhou Lijun, “The princesses are here to visit your sisters and the others. Bring things back, right? You go and show them things quickly."

   Zhou Lijun entered the city one day later than Man Bao. After entering the city, they did not directly pull the convoy full of luggage to Chongyuanfang. Instead, they went to Erliu Alley and moved back and forth one car a day.

  Now the things have not been moved, but the two important luggages have been brought back, and there are things for Princess Changyu and Princess Mingda.

  Manbao asked them to talk in the study. The people brought in two large boxes. The seal on the boxes said that the princess was something for the princess.

  Manbao tears the seal and opens the box. Inside, there are boxes that have been placed, large and small.

  Man Bao found a big box and opened it to Princess Changyu, "This is the gem I bought for you."

  Changyu saw the gems of various colors in the box, of which rubies were the most. He was surprised and delighted, "I gave you so much money and things?"

Man Bao nodded, "The cloth you gave me is very precious. When they arrived in Xizhou, Bai Er met a big merchant from Tianzhu who came and stayed in the city. They directly exchanged the cloth for the gems in his hand. In addition to the gems, There are some spices."

  This is a barter, so I didn’t spend any money to buy it, so I bought it directly.

  Manbao opened a few small boxes to show her, all of them were spices, packed separately, "These spices are not bad, you basically bought these with the money, yes, I gave you this one."

  Man Bao brought a box, opened it to her, and it contained various tourmalines.

  Chang Yu exclaimed, "It's so beautiful."

  Man Bao said complacently: “Of course, this is my shop from one shop to the next, carefully selected.”

  She said to Mingda: "I also picked a box for you, and I also have a box myself."

  Man Bao found it out for them, opened it, and said: "I have already stringed a string. Look, don’t you look good?"

Changyu looked at the red tourmaline in her hand, reflecting the dazzling light in the sun, with a slight change in color, she said: "This is good-looking, where is one string? It is clearly four strings. You can let two strings. Give it to me, I'll trade the jade for you."

  Bai Shan looked up and saw Man Bao shook his head and said, “No, this is given to me by Bai Shan. I can’t transfer it to you.”


  Her teeth are a bit sore.

  Man Bao pushed his box in front of her and said with a smile: "You can choose some in my box to string together."

Changyu picked it up and picked a few purple beads and said, "My father gave me an inkstone during the Chinese New Year. You know, I don’t like writing, so I kept it for you. I still have some jade. , Do you want to pick one?"

  Man Bao did not refuse, "Wait for me to take a look."

Mingda also picked a few purple ones from her box and gave them to Changyu, and said, "Mixed colors are actually good-looking. You can string pink and purple together, add a few light red, and wear them in strings. It’s also very good on hand."

  The three people got together and talked about jewelry. Bai Shan and the others sat for a while and then slipped out and talked to themselves, "I have a banquet at home, do you have a banquet at home?"

   Yin or affirmatively said: "I definitely have it at home."

  He will never be an official in his life, and he finally made a knighthood by himself. Not to mention his grandmother, even his father would also celebrate with guests.

  Bai Shan looked at Liu Huan.

   Liu Huan was a little uncertain, "It is indeed a happy event. It is said that my grandfather should also feast the guests, but..."

"But you have to prepare for the exam. This year, the Mingjing exam has been postponed by one month, but it is also coming soon. After 30 days, Liu Shangshu will definitely waste time banqueting guests, and may wait until you finish the exam. Decided." Bai Shan stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder after thinking for a while and said: "You work hard, and strive to pass the exam, so that we can still ask for a glass of water and wine, otherwise we can only visit you in front of the bed."

  Liu Huan:...

   Yin or smiled and asked, "You don't want your family to entertain guests?"

Bai Shan sighed, "At this moment, I finally understand why everyone looked at us like that at the Great Court meeting. Obviously, everyone knows that we were knighted and subordinated. My grandmother and mother must feel distressed when someone is lax to speak out."

  He really didn’t want to make waves again.

The people who came were too mixed, and it would probably be difficult to keep this matter, so he wanted to delay it for a while. He and Bai Erlang said, "I told my family that I will go together after I have passed the examinations of the Ministry of Etiquette and the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Okay, by that time everyone has forgotten about the previous love, and there are things I want to be an official again, and it may not be too much to discuss."

   Bai Erlang has no opinion, "My father might want to come too, so I told my eldest brother to write to my family so that my parents can also come to Beijing?"

  Bai Shan stroked his palm, "This is a good reason, then that's a deal. We will go find grandmother and grandma together in a while."

  So everyone looked at Yinor, "Then let's ask for Yinor's water and wine first."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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