Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2369: I'm not hungry

  Chapter 2369 I am not hungry

There are three levels in   Huangzhuang. In the last level, no one is allowed in or out except those in the hospital. Once a person undergoes a vaccination test is admitted, they are not allowed to go out unless they are sure that they have recovered from the acne.

A room has been built in   . This is not a separate accommodation, but a room for six people. There are about 50 newly built rooms.

  Half of the people now living in it, in addition to the testers selected for vaccination, there are slaves waiting to be ordered.

  Tai Hospital has built a courtyard here. The main hall is the place for discussion. On the left and right sides are the medicine hall and consulting room. There are all things inside, and the necessary things are basically ready.

  The east and west compartments are where they live. If Xiao Yuan and the others come to check, they will also change their clothes here.

  However, Man Bao does not live in this yard, but in a small yard next door, where there are several servants waiting to be dispatched, and Man Bao lives in the main yard with two girls.

  The courtyard wall is very low. There is no way. The house was built in a hurry. With such a large house built in half a month, how high can the courtyard wall be?

Anyway, Man Bao would be able to see the situation in the yard next door from standing in the yard, too, of course, too. He turned his head and saw that Zhou Man’s two girls were carrying large and small bags of things from the carriage, one girl even A jar of things unloaded from the back of the car looked like a jar of pickled vegetables.

  Educational Doctor Lu shook his beard and couldn’t help but said: “Emperor Zhou, we are here to see a doctor, not to go out in the spring. Why do you bring so many things?”

Man Bao is looking at the yard he will live in for a long time in the future. Hearing this, he turned his head and glanced at the doctor Lu, and simply lay on the wall to look at his carriage. , If it’s a spring outing, I’m not prepared for so much.”

She said: "Spring outing, you can spend money to buy something if you are short of something, but there is no place to buy it, Dr. Lu, a group of experimenters will test whether they can resist smallpox from inoculation to acne, and then after recovery. It takes twelve days, so we can’t go out for at least twelve days. Did your home not give you food, drink, and clothing?"

  Emperor Lu also brought a Long Sui, and Long Sui also took two large bags from the car, one was his own clothes, the other was Dr. Lu’s, and the rest was gone.

  Man Bao naturally saw it too. She knew it instantly. She looked at Doctor Lu with sympathy and patted her chest and said: "Doctor Lu, don't worry, I, how about I invite you to eat steamed meat made by my sister-in-law at night?"

  Emperor Lu clearly didn't mean this, but under Zhou Man's eyes, he seemed jealous of everything he said now, so he got angry and turned around and left.

  Man Bao pulled the courtyard wall and watched him enter the house angrily.

Man Bao looked sympathetic, and sighed: "Doctor Lu is not easy. I am old, with parents in the middle, brothers in the middle, and wives and children in the middle. As a result, the family did not prepare for a business trip during the first month of the year. With chicken and duck meat, alas..."

   Jiulan brought two wooden basins and said, "Miss Man, you think this is a wooden basin prepared in the house. Do you want us to bring it from home or a new one?"

   "Bring the ones from home, I'm used to them. Use the new ones for the servants in the yard. If you have them, keep them. They should be useful in the back ward area."

   Jiulan replied, and then asked: "Lady, what do you want to eat for lunch, the slave maid will take it out now and prepare it. I just went to take a look, and the kitchen is pretty good."

   "It's okay, you can prepare it, but you can get a snack first," Man Bao said: "Take out the snack Bai Shan bought and warm it up. I will share it with Doctor Lu in a moment."

  This amount exceeded Bai Shan's regulations, but Jiulan only hesitated for a moment, thinking that two people would not eat much, so she went to heat.

  Lu Taiyi was in the prime of life and did not like to eat sweets, so this plate of dim sum ended up in Man Bao’s belly.

  Man Bao took a sip of tea and rinsed his mouth slightly. Then he wiped his fingers, looked outside and asked, "Xiao Yuanzheng, why haven’t they arrived yet?"

  Princess Lu was sitting on the table next door and flipping through the list. Hearing that, he raised his eyelids and glanced at her: "I thought Dr. Zhou had nothing but snacks and had forgotten business affairs."

Man Bao said: "I'm prepared for this. Looking at Xiao Yuan, they must be late. Then we will visit the ward again. I am afraid that we may not be able to come out after the time is over. I will eat something in advance. Don't panic."

  Man Bao glanced at the empty plate, and said to Doctor Lu: "I just invited you to eat, but you don't eat it."

  Educational Doctor Lu snorted, would you please use her?

  Which doctor does not put two snacks and sugar in his purse? It's prepared to eat when you can't eat.

  Xiao Yuanzheng they arrived half an hour later than expected. He did not explain, but after looking around their yard, he nodded and said: "Okay, let's go see the patient."

  Patients have been admitted to the ward area two days in advance. According to the practice before Zhou Man, they are conditioning their bodies.

  It's just that some meat and eggs are slowly added, and there is enough white rice and white noodles to prevent them from starving.

  Today, they came from the Xiaoyuan Hospital to check their pulses one by one, and screen out those who are not suitable for vaccination.

You don’t even need to write a prescription. The members of Xiao Yuanzheng directly took a bamboo stick and started. After getting the pulse, they nodded if it was suitable. If not, they would send a bamboo stick to the other party. You can take the bamboo stick. Go to the steward and leave after reporting.

  It’s just to check the pulse. Everyone is very fast, but no matter how fast it is, there are many people. As Man Bao said, they haven’t read it until they are not corrected.

The doctors were a little hungry, so they took advantage of the time of changing to the next ward and took out snacks to eat. Seeing Zhou Man energetic and going directly to the next one, Dr. Liu stopped her and said: "You are not ready to carry snacks? "

  Mr. Liu reluctantly gave her a piece, "Give you a piece."

  Man Bao glanced at the snack in his hand, which is the unpalatable pastry recognized by the Taiyuan Hospital as the best to relieve hunger in the abdomen and relieve dizziness.

  It is made by compressing layer after layer of flour. Apart from unpalatable and toothy, it has no other problems.

The kitchen of the Tai Hospital was mass-produced, and the doctors wanted to take as much as they wanted. Man Bao was ignorant when he first entered the Tai Hospital. He stuffed a lot of money in his purse. Later I learned that a piece of cake is only a little bit in his mouth, but Put it in a bowl to soak in water, and a half as big as a child's slap can make a bowl.

  The effect of alleviating hunger is excellent, one piece is not hungry, and two pieces are absolutely full.

  At this time, Man Bao saw this piece, and immediately shook his head to refuse, and took two steps back, "Thank you, Doctor Liu, I am not hungry now."

  Emperor Lu floated past her, "Of course she is not hungry, she only finished a plate of snacks when she was right."

   See you at two in the afternoon

     For the monthly pass, rush the duck——

     It’s the last day, and you still have a monthly pass in your hand. Look at me if you don’t vote for it. If you keep it after 12 o’clock in the evening, it will expire. So look at me.



  (End of this chapter)

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