Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2370: Recommended (April monthly ticket plus 18)

  Chapter 2370 Recommendation (April monthly ticket plus 18)

  A group of imperial doctors were busy until the time of application, and it was almost time for supper now.

  Xiao Yuan was asking the kitchen to prepare food for them. After cleaning their hands, everyone sat at the table while eating and talking about work, "I sent out three signs, how about you?"

   "I am three too."

   "Me two."

"I didn't send out any of them. After the inspection, I found that they are not very strong, but they are young and healthy. It is just that I have eaten less meat and eggs before, so some people are not very popular. These are all in the range. within."

  Man Bao also said: “Prepare more meat and eggs, but you don’t need to eat too greasy things for them. Two eggs a day, and some porridge with chicken will be very qi and blood.”

  Xiao Yuanzheng glanced at her and said, “It’s not too much to have two eggs per person a day. It’s still the first month of the year. It’s just the end of the new year. Eggs in Beijing are not easy to buy.”

  In cold weather, chickens don’t like to lay eggs, but it coincides with the Chinese New Year, and the eggs are even more in demand.

Man Bao regrets infinitely, "It would be great if it were in our county seat. We have a small village house with a lot of chickens and ducks, and collect a lot of eggs every day. Alas, listen to my third brother, because of that small villager. Now the price of eggs in our county has been reduced, and you can buy two for a penny."

  Xiao Yuanzheng and others:...

"But it doesn't matter. I also raise a lot of chickens in the Zhuangzi in Yongzhou. If I can't buy them, I will ask the purchasing manager to tell my fifth brother that they can be shipped back from Yongzhou, but there are not many. ."

  The steward who listened to the order looked up in shock. Doctor Zhou is going to step in and buy?

  Xiao Yuanzheng coughed slightly, and asked Zhou Man, "Now are eggs for two cents?"

  The steward on the side burst into a cold sweat.

Man Bao smiled and said, "Luojiang County has such a large number of eggs. I remember that when I was a child, it was two three cents. Later, my second brother occasionally heard that it was one penny. In recent years, there are many people raising chickens, so the price should be reduced again. uncertain."

  Man Bao said with a smile: "Guotai, the people are safe, low prices are a good thing."

  The cold sweat on the forehead of the manager is more.

  Xiao Yuan just glanced at him, then smiled at Zhou Man, and asked: "Then do you know how much egg is in Beijing?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "I don’t buy or sell eggs in the capital. Naturally, I don’t know, but my brothers must know."

Man Bao was very enthusiastic about this and asked, "Xiao Yuanzheng, do you plan to hoard more eggs? There are still many people who come here to receive acne. Or I will find my fifth brother, and he will be happy about this. I don’t know the best."

Xiao Yuanzheng originally wanted to refuse. He was not interested in these things. He thought that it would be fine to use Man Bao's words to hit the steward, but when he glanced at the steward's lowered expression, he paused and then nodded. "Alright, let your fifth brother come over, the price is right, we are going to stock up some eggs."

  Man Bao responded happily.


  Xiao Yuanzheng led everyone to discuss a few dietary prescriptions. In fact, people eat whole grains, as long as they ensure enough staple food, and then ensure vegetables and meat eggs, people can slowly nourish blood.

Anyone who can be left has no major problems. At least good health can be guaranteed. Anyway, it is much better than the group of veterans who live not far away. Since they can all pass the vaccinia level, they chose this one. It should be better to criticize people.

  Eating dinner, the meal list is also set, Xiao Yuan is passing the list to the steward, "Just prepare three meals a day for them as written on the list."

  Should drop after taking over.

  Man Bao timely said: "My village also raises many chickens and pigs. These are all meat, and you can talk about it."

  Xiao Yuan was laughing out loud and nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, turn around and let your fifth brother come over to talk, but Doctor Zhou, is the Zhuangzi you bought in Yongzhou this big?"

Man Bao looked at him inexplicably, "I didn't buy it. It is a job field, which is hundreds of acres. By the way, I have been promoted again this year. By July and August, I should be able to allocate a batch of job fields. I don’t know if it can be placed close to the left, otherwise it’s not easy to disperse it."

  The other imperial doctors heard the words and looked at them all together. Even the imperial doctor Lu couldn't help asking, "You said Zhuangzi is his own job field?"

  Man Bao nodded, "Yes."

   "Your job field is in charge of your own?"

  Man Bao nodded, "That's right."

   Seeing their expressions, Man Bao immediately said, “I didn’t break the law. It was approved by the Ministry of Households.”

  Beijing officials received their salaries directly from the Ministry of Households, so Xiao Yuanzheng did not know the truth. Unless the Ministry of Households did not send them salaries, officials would seek the head of the head of the Ministry.

  Xiao Yuanzheng and Doctor Liu had vaguely heard about this, they still knew because they had found Man Bao on duty for a year.


  Xiao Yuan said quietly: "I thought you bought Zhuangzi near your job field."

  It’s so good to invade and occupy the job fields, cough cough, not to blame Xiao Yuan for thinking this way, many officials do it like this.

  Man Bao is also an official "old man". Hearing what the Xiao Yuan Zheng Nei meant, he couldn't help but said: "Am I that kind of person?"

  Xiao Yuanzheng: "You are not, but I did not expect that the Zhuangzi you mentioned has always been his job field."

  The other doctors couldn’t help but inquire, “Emperor Zhou, is it expensive to manage the field by yourself? What are the benefits?”

"It's quite big, the first year is at a loss, the second year is guaranteed, and the third year you can make money..." After Man Bao came back, Zhou Lizhong showed her the ledger, so Man Bao knew better and told them her In the first year, how much money was spent on seeds alone, as well as expenditures for farming tools, chicken seedlings and pig seedlings for the tenants...

  As soon as everyone heard about this expenditure, they immediately received their heartbeat, "This expenditure is too high."

  "The main reason is that you still have to worry about it. The expenditure is so high and you have to be watched at all times. Otherwise, the tenant farmer will not take care of it. Let alone three years, I am afraid that it will not be able to pay back in five or six years, then it will be a big loss."

  "Furthermore, farming depends on the weather. Near Yongzhou and the suburbs of Beijing, there are no other natural disasters except for a drought the year before. If this is bad luck, it happens to be drought this year and floods next year, what should I do?"

  “So it’s better to leave it to the Ministry of Household to take care of it.

"Not bad."

  Man Baodao: “I have a lot of produce on my Zhuangzi, including chickens and pigs, as well as many fruits and vegetables. If you want, you can ask my fifth brother to buy it. I will let my fifth brother give you a bargain.”

  Emperor Zheng sighed and asked: "I remember that Emperor Zhou had six older brothers?"

  Man Bao nodded, "Yes, I am ranked eighth, and there is a sister above."

  Everyone is more concerned. They don't have so many brothers in their family to help guard the post. The most important thing is that they have another important reason for not daring to say it, because they are too unlucky.

  What if they invest in this year and they will be dismissed from office next year?

  It hurts to think about it, so it’s safer to sit and collect the rent.

  (End of this chapter)

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