Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2386: persuade

  Chapter 2386 Persuade

  Doctor Liu said: "The cold is in the bones and it is difficult to remove. Every year from October to March of the following year, he is the most uncomfortable, especially during the twelfth lunar month. He basically can only lie in bed."

  Man Bao: "Then he can still serve as a young inmate?"

Mr. Liu laughed and said: "He is not like a foreign minister. He needs to be a member of the council and handed over the affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The heads of the bureaus will handle the affairs below. Those who are handed over to him are also taken over by the child servant. The child servant cannot solve the problem. Here, just report to him and let him get an idea, how can't you do it?"

Grand Doctor Liu picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea and laughed: "The people in their palace are not the same as our foreign ministers. We are not officials. There are a lot of places to go when we resign, but they can only die in the palace. Especially. It is a person like Tong's inner servant, who can climb to that position and show countless favors, and naturally there will be countless hatreds."

"Those servants are the most knowledgeable about current affairs. Once he loses power, those who make friends with him may not be willing to offend his enemies for him. They are already the best people to avoid falling into trouble." Dr. Liu asked Zhou Man, "What do Dr. Zhou think? Get up and ask him?"

  Man Bao said: "He came to me, but we haven't spoken yet. I guess he might want me to see a doctor. Dr. Liu, what is his pulse condition?"

  Liu Taiyi thought for a while and said: "I still gave him a pulse three months ago."

  He paused and said: "It's not good, the cold is in the body, I think there will be a year or so."

  Man Bao was surprised, "So serious? How old is he?"

Mr. Liu laughed and said, "It’s forty-eight this year. He has been suffering from cold for nearly 30 years. When he was young, he didn’t know how to take care of it, and he didn’t have the conditions to take care of. It's rare."

  Man Bao frowned, "What is such a severe cold? Even for women, few people have such severe cold."

  Liu Madam sighed: "People like them are not inferior to women. This boy servant casts off early. I heard that he entered the palace at the age of five or six..."

Therefore, the body did not develop, and the Yang Qi was insufficient. The doctor Liu paused and said: "When the first emperor was still there, he served in the concubine Xian De's palace. Because he offended Concubine De, he was punished to kneel in the yard. At night, he was still splashed with cold water. It was still in the twelfth lunar month. Not to mention being splashed with cold water, he could be frozen to death even if he kneeled."

"But it's so strange. He knelt all night, and was still breathing when he was carried down. After he was alive, he suffered from cold symptoms. When he was young, he couldn't get rid of it. Later, when he was able to get a doctor from the hospital, he was cold. Into the bone, it can't be cured at all."

  Doctor Liu paused and said: "His disease is as difficult as Yin or's, and both are insoluble diseases."

  Man Bao was surprised, but more excited, "Want to see it."

  Mr. Liu thought that she is now treating Yin or like a normal person, and she was refreshed, "You may be able to go and see, you can cure Yin or's disease, maybe he can."

Man Bao shook his head and said: "Yin Or's illness is not healed. It just keeps his body in a balance. The foundation is still thin now, but as long as the balance is not broken, his body will not be too big. The problem."

  This is also the best treatment plan Man Bao and Mo can find.

But Teacher Mo also said that this kind of balance requires the patient to have an excellent mentality and an extremely peaceful living environment. Otherwise, as soon as his body feels discomfort and the balance is broken, it will be a flood of mountains, which is a very dangerous thing. thing.

  Man Bao touched his chin and thought, "The cold syndrome is naturally to get rid of the cold, and then return to Yang..."

  Considering the physical condition and age of the child’s servant, Man Bao was also upset, as if there was no particularly suitable prescription.

  Mr. Liu glanced at her and said, “It’s February, and the weather is getting warmer. The more it goes down, the better it will be for the treatment of colds, but his body may not be able to hold it.”

  Man Bao said: "But I can't get out either."

  Liu Grand Doctor smiled slightly and said, "You can't get out, but he can come in."

  He graciously said: "Although he has been taken from an official position now, it is not difficult to find an excuse to live in in this village."

  Man Bao looked at him curiously, "Doctor Liu, do you really want me to treat him?" Why did you keep teasing her?

  Mr. Liu smiled and said: "I owe the love to others. Although I don't know if you can heal them, I helped to mention a couple of sentences, which is considered to be repaying the love."

  Man Bao refreshed and became excited, "Why do you owe others a favor?" She likes listening to people telling stories the most.

Madam Liu glanced at her and said, "Emperor Zhou, not everyone is as lucky as you. I was almost forty when I entered the Imperial Hospital. Although I was admitted to the hospital by Old Doctor Tan, I have to Starting with medical assistance, I spent five years as a small imperial physician in the palace before I was able to see the concubines in the palace, and after another four years before I was able to ask the empress’s pulse, and then I spent another three years before I was able to See your majesty during shifts and feel pulse."

"Inner waiter Tong not only worked with the Queen, but also served with the Queen Mother for a long time," said Liu Taiyi: "Once a little old man made a small mistake, inner waiter Tong quietly covered it for me. Originally, he didn't do it, and maybe no one noticed it, but there is no small matter in the palace. Once it is discovered, can my head be kept? Another question is that the position of the doctor will definitely be gone."

   "Naturally, it is good once and for all, not to mention that he is a member of the Queen Mother Palace, and he didn't take my meritorious service to receive the reward. This is kindness."

  Man Bao curiously asked: "What's your mistake?"

   "I won't tell you," Doctor Liu smiled at her, "How can I tell others the mistakes I made?"

   "You tell me, I will not tell others."

Madam Liu still shook his head, "Mr. Zhou, it’s not that I can’t believe you, but the innocuous little mistake. What's the point? Anyway, you know that we have such a relationship. By the way, it’s my turn to take a break tomorrow. Would you like me to bring him a word?"

  Man Bao's heart ached, and he became sad, and was no longer interested in the mistakes Liu Taiyi made. "I haven't taken a break for two years."

  Dr. Liu comforted her and said: "Isn’t Xiao Yuan telling her, when the matter is over, we will give you and Dr. Lu a long vacation. You will save all the rest during this period and send it to you at the same time."

  Man Bao feels much better now.

  Educational Doctor Liu urged her to make a decision, "Would you like to see the Doctor Zhou?"

  Man Bao thought for a while and nodded, "Okay, if he wants to see a doctor, he will find a way to come in by himself. I won't refuse the diagnosis."

  It’s rare to see patients with such symptoms, so I can just take a look. I wonder if Teacher Mo is not interested in this case?

   See you at six in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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