Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2387: Come in

  Chapter 2387 Come in

  The child servant really has a way to get in, and it's not difficult.

  Mr. Liu had just taken two letters out in the morning, and in the afternoon, Tong’s and Xiaotong’s waiters came in with two bags.

  The steward who led them introduced to Doctor Lu and Zhou Man: "These two are here to help in the kitchen."

  Lu: …They all work in the palace, and the hospital does not deal with the Ministry of Internal Affairs less frequently. Who doesn’t know who you are?

  Emperor Lu turned his head to look at Zhou Man.

   Zhouman had never seen Tong's Inner Attendant, because she didn't need to do chores such as purchasing in the Taiyuan Hospital. She and Tong's Inner Attendant rarely went to the Taiyuan Hospital, so naturally they didn't know him.

  It is a child's housekeeper, Man Bao thinks he is familiar.

  Tong Nai Tong and Xiao Tong Nai Tong respectfully salute the two of them, without saying a few words, they went to the house first with their baggage.

  Even if the child's servant was transferred to Zhuangzi and entered the epidemic area, he would live better than the average person.

  The little boy waiter puts his luggage, turned around and went to make the bed for the little boy waiter.

  Tong's waiter waved his hand and said, "It's not busy, let's go and see Doctor Zhou first."

  Man Bao was standing in the yard at this time, and Grand Doctor Lu was already sitting in a chair, watching her while holding a cup of tea and drinking.

  Tong Nai Tong and Xiao Tong Nai Tong came out to salute her, and said with a smile: "Doctor Zhou."

  Man Bao nodded, looked at Tong’s face, and asked: "Tong’s handkerchief is for seeking medical treatment?"

  She asked directly, and Tong's servant also answered directly, smiling and replied "Yes".

  Man Bao pointed to the living room and said, "Please sit down and let me show you."

  The child's servant didn't expect that Gu Zhong's face would really be so great, just a handkerchief, she also specially asked Doctor Liu to pass on a message to him.

  Tong’s waiter exhaled, thinking that this situation was owed. Forget it, that’s it for their grievances, no matter whether Zhou Man can cure him or not.

  Man Bao stretched out his hand to touch his pulse, and then touched the temperature of his hands and feet. As expected, there was no trace of heat. He started cold and cold, just like holding a piece of ice.

  Man Bao frowned slightly, thinking about it for a moment, and then said: "This disease, if you take too much medicine, it will accumulate poison. Then it will be bad if you bring out other diseases."

  The child servant nodded repeatedly and said, “The same is what Dr. Liu said. Before, my godfather always felt that his heart was burning badly after taking the medicine, and the cough was even worse.”

  So the boy waiter didn't dare to drink a lot of medicine. He just has a cold syndrome now, and the cough is just two coughs from time to time, which is not very important.

  If fever accumulates in the body and the cough makes people think he has tuberculosis, let alone the palace, he can't even come to Huangzhuang, I am afraid he will be sent directly to the epidemic prevention station.

  The maidservant in the hospital entered the epidemic prevention station, and it was basically the same as dead.

  Man Bao nodded slightly, “It’s correct to reduce the amount of medicine. Please wait for me to think about it carefully. Then, I will prescribe you a bath medicine with acupuncture, which will relieve you somewhat.”

  Man Bao asked Jiulan to write the prescription with pen and paper.

  Emperor Lu swayed over and asked: "Emperor Zhou, do you have any medicine?"

  Man Bao held the pen for a moment, and the medicine she was going to take was really not here. She looked at the boy attendant.

  The boy waiter also frowned. He has already entered, and obviously can’t get out anymore. What's worse, the boy waiter can’t do it either...

  Tong’s inner waiter thought for a moment and then smiled: “Emperor Zhou just prescribes the prescription, and I think of a solution for the medicine.”

  Educational Doctor Lu coldly snorted: "Take the money and hit the three levels before and after. The child's servant will bring enough property from the palace. I'm afraid it won't last long, right?"

Man Bao wrote down the prescription and looked up: "It's okay, you give me the money, and I will ask my fifth brother to send it out for you. In turn, you can buy some rice noodles, sugar, meat, etc., and let the kitchen make snacks for you. Just feed it to the guard guarding the checkpoint."

  Man Baodao: “They are very cute, as long as they don’t deliver things outside, they have very loose controls on what they deliver inside.”

  The significance of their existence is not to let smallpox spread from the imperial village, nor to isolate the imperial village.

  Tong’s waiter listened and thanked Zhou Man immediately.

  Doctor Lu:...

  He gave Zhou Man a cool glance, then turned and left with a cold snort.

  Man Bao looked inexplicable, but quickly smiled at the boy's servant who looked at him, and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, Doctor Lu is not targeting you. He is just getting old. Wait a few years."

  The child's inner waiter, who was already able to look at the face of the person, stared at Zhou Man, smiled after a while, and asked: "The words of the doctor Zhou mean that Dr. Lu is sick?"

Man Bao nodded, "This disease is difficult to cure. You have to follow the other party and try to please him. If work and life are not going well, you will get irritable. Xiao Yuanzheng has also suffered from it before, but he will soon recover. , It’s just that Doctor Lu lasted a little longer."

  Since she knew Doctor Lu, his temper has not been better.

At first she thought he hated her, and once did not like to associate with him, but after having to contact him, she found that he was bad-tempered. Man Bao looked up a lot of classics, and finally determined that he had reached his age. All right.

  Man Bao copied the prescription again, one for the child’s inner servant, and one folded into the purse for Jiulan, “Give it to the cakes, and let her take the fried rice cakes tomorrow morning.”

   Jiulan responded with a smile, and said: "Lady, we will eat fried rice cake tomorrow, what shall we eat the day after tomorrow?"

  Man Bao sighed, "It seems like it's the turn of Osmanthus Cake. I don't like to eat Osmanthus Cake very much, but I have no other choice at the moment. Just eat Osmanthus Cake."

  Grand Doctor Lu brought the medicine box over and called her, “Don’t think about eating. Someone just came to report and someone inside was burnt.”

  Man Bao immediately threw down his pen and got up, rushed out to the yard next door and shouted: "Western cakes, get my medicine chest."

  The cake rushed over while carrying the medicine box.

  Man Bao took it, put on the masks and hurriedly entered the ward area with Doctor Lu. Neither Xibing nor Jiulan could come in here either.

  The patient with a high fever was a patient with a number of 121. He had five acne, but at this time, the doctor Lu pulled down his clothes and found that his chest also had acne.

  Man Bao lifted his arm up and took a look, and found that there were more than a dozen red spots on his arm.

  The two looked at each other, and both were a little surprised. They couldn't be more familiar with this situation. This is vicious smallpox.

Man Bao saw that he was already a little convulsed, he immediately opened the medicine box and took out the needle bag to give him a needle. The doctor Lu also quickly ordered the person who was waiting, "Go to the pharmacy and get the medicine bag on the first row of shelves on the left, and cook a pair. The medicine is here."

   Then took out a pill, glanced at his face, melted the pill, and poured it directly into him.

  Educational Doctor Lu glanced at Zhou Man, and still ordered humans: "Go get cold water."

  The temperature can only be slightly cooled with cold water, and people are now burning and convulsing.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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