Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2399: Grab someone

  Chapter 2399 Robbery

  Man Bao asked in a low voice: "Ms. Han is not angry with you?"

  Mrs. Tang glanced at her and said, "What do you do to be angry with me? This little thing between men will not affect our relationship for the time being, let's be more serious."

  Man Bao aftertastes it for a while and said affirmatively: "Ms. Han did not get the money that was fined?"

  Ms. Tang laughed loudly and winked her amusedly: "Only you are clever."

  Man Bao smiled, pulling Zhou Liru and running to see if he could see Girl Fenghua.

  The two quietly approached the lotus pond and looked over there with their toes. Just as a boat was slowly approaching the shore, the two aunts and nephews watched excitedly.

  Two servant women got off the boat, took out a thick plank and put it on the boat and the table, and then a few young girls in dance clothes happily ran down from the boat and jumped ashore.

  Fenghua followed them and jumped up with her skirt, the flower on her forehead gleaming in the sunlight, and the eyes of the aunts and nephews all lit up, and they were about to go over there when they lifted their feet.

  As a result, some people were faster than them. A few people turned out on the small road behind a tree. The leading one shook a fan and looked at Fenghua with a smile, “Girl Fenghua, come and have a drink with us.”

Feng Hua’s smile didn’t change much, and he curtly bowed and said: "Lang Jun has a request that I shouldn’t have refused, but I have to go to the master’s house to take the order. It’s better to go back and wait for us to spare time. How about going to serve?"

  "Who is the director of the Jiaofang who brought you here today? Let him come, uncle, I really ordered you to stay with me all the way?"

   Zhou Liru frowned and couldn't help but look at sister-in-law.

  Man Bao also frowned, and after glanced at those people, he found that some were familiar, and some had never seen him.

  The most familiar person is naturally the head of the Han Lord who has just been talked about by them for a long time.

  Man Bao glanced at the peony bushes by his feet. There was no particularly beautiful flower and color, but he also picked a red petaled one, and then took the flower forward, "Girl Fenghua."

  A group of young girls from Jiaofang Division were pale and at a loss when they heard this voice and looked back.

  Man Bao walked over with a smile, handed the flower in his hand to Feng Hua, and smiled: “There is no good peony here, so I can barely find one to borrow a flower to offer the Buddha. How about I give you a hairpin?”

Girl Fenghua was surprised. She didn’t know Zhou Man, but she glanced over a few of Han adults, and saw that they didn’t say anything. Some even talked about Han adults wanting to leave, so she guessed that this person should not be of low status. At least these princes didn't seem to dare to offend her.

   So he smiled and saluted, thanking him humblely.

Seeing her lowered her head slightly, Man Bao put the flower on her hairpin, took a step back and admired it as if, and then nodded in praise: "Sure enough, this flower is not as good as you. There are more people than Huajiao. "

  Fenghua lowered his head and smiled, as if looking at Lord Han and others embarrassedly.

  Man Bao followed her gaze and smiled at them, "Han Dalang, why don’t you drink in front of you? Do you miss Mrs. Han and the others? Do you want me to take you to find them?"

  One of them pulled Han Da humanly and said: "Han Da, let's go quickly, what fun with her?"

  Master Han frowned, "Master Zhou, how many official prostitutes are you going to give?"

  "What can I give them?" Man Baoli said straightforwardly: "You are only allowed to drink with them, so don't you allow me to talk to them with me?"

  Master Han choked, "You are a little lady, what do you do with a group of ladies?"

  Man Baodao: "Speak, you think I am you, you have to find the opposite sex, anyway, they were invited by the Liu family to entertain the guests, and I am also a guest. Whoever grabs them has his own ability."

  Master Han was choked hard and wanted to talk. Zhou Man suddenly brightened his eyes and waved his hand behind them, yelling, "Lady Liu, we are here."

Little Lady Liu, who was passing by, ran over after hearing the words, looked at Master Han curiously, and they asked Zhou Man, "Little Lady Zhou, what are you doing here? My grandmother mentioned you to the guests just now. I was about to introduce you to some old ladies, but when I turned around, I couldn't find you."

  Man Bao pointed to Fenghua and said, “I want to play a game, and I’m looking for someone, but I fell in love with them by chance, but Han Dalang also fell in love with them.”

Liu Xiaomao showed the host’s smile when she heard the words. She was about to reassure her with a smile. By the way, Mr. Han Dalang had already waved impatiently: "Okay, okay, I don’t have to ask them to accompany the drinks, walk around. ,let's go."

  Looking at them leaving, Man Bao smiled and said to Lady Liu: "Thank you very much."

  She turned to Fenghua and said to others: "You guys go ahead."

  Fenghua took a deep look at Zhou Man, bowed his knees and walked away with someone.

  Liu Xiaomao watched them walking away, she gave a sigh, and said to her: "You are so pity for Xiangyu."

  Man Bao said: "Then you want her to be enough for me to see you. Is there any old lady who wants to see me? Don't I know?"

"You definitely don't know it. I came from Jinyang," Liu Xiaoniang explained to her. "There are old ladies from every family. I don't know if they are here to congratulate my cousin or to see you." of."

   "If I have anything to see, I must be here to congratulate your cousin."

"That's not necessarily the case, just don't see a doctor, then it can be a strange thing," Liu Xiaoniang said: "You don't know, you have a good reputation now, the first female imperial physician in this dynasty, the first female officer who can go to court. Recently, women’s studies in Beijing have become popular, and many small officials’ homes send their girls to study, thinking that in the future, if you can enter any restaurant as a editor, it’s fine."

  Man Bao: "...I am just compiling medical books."

   "So recently there are more girls studying medicine."

  Even Zhou Liru nodded and whispered to Man Bao: "Sister, you don’t know, I went back to the Imperial Medical Office this year to study and saw a lot of new students, all of whom were new to school last year. Many girls."

  Lady Liu found out about Zhou Liru, turned her head to look over, and asked, "You also want to be an imperial doctor in the future?"

  Zhou Liru nodded, “This is my ideal. I will not only be an imperial doctor, but I will also write medical books like my sister-in-law in the future, and try to see if I can compile it.”

  She said: "It is the dream of all medical practitioners to be able to compile medical books."

   "Good ambition," a group of old ladies turned out from behind the stone screen and smiled: "The little girl can have such ambition, it seems that we are a group of old and undead and too old-fashioned. The little girl is also a child of the Zhou family?"

  Man Bao led Zhou Liru to salute everyone, and looked at Mrs. Shang Shu curiously, "Where is the old lady going?"

  Mrs. Shangshu smiled and said: "I'm about to lead them to the front to listen to the book, but by coincidence you will find it, go, and we will listen to the book together."

  Where is this group of people who went to listen to the book, it is clear that they used the name of the book to say other things and entertain others.

  As soon as I sat down, someone asked Zhou Man, "This is the doctor Zhou? It looks so young. How old is this year, can I make a date?"

    too cold, too cold today, see you at six in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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