Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2400: Say pro

   Chapter 2400

  It’s not a secret that Zhou Man and Bai Shan had a marriage contract. Of the people in the capital who knew the two of them, nine out of ten knew it, and the remaining one might be ignorant.

  Although the old lady who asked this sentence was not from Beijing, she also knew it. The purpose of asking this sentence was to raise the next question.

  After Man Bao said that he had made a marriage, the eyes of the old ladies fell on Zhou Liru together, smilingly said: "This is the niece of Master Zhou? She looks really good-looking, how old is this year? Have you made a marriage?"

  Zhou Liru glanced at his sister-in-law, took a sigh of relief, and bowed his head after suffocating his face red.

  Man Bao hurriedly said: "She is still young, so don't worry."

   "Looking at the same age as Master Zhou, you can get married two years later, but you can get married."

   "Yes, this girl can talk about the marriage after thirteen, otherwise the good princes will be picked up."

  Man Bao looked around and found that they were surrounded by groups, and now they can’t find a good reason to run, so they just set aside and asked: "Does the old lady have any good candidates to recommend?"

When the other party saw her clearly asking, his eyes were suddenly taken aback, and he immediately said: "Yes, I have a grandnephew who is about the same age as her and a talented person. This time I will come with me for a wedding drink. If Master Zhou is willing, I will let him He comes in to see you."

  Man Bao smiled and said: "The old lady is too impatient, they are still young, so they don’t rush to see each other, but we as adults can help take a look first, don’t know if the house is?"

  The other party immediately introduced that he was a family member of the Liu family in Jinyang. Their family then became an official in Jinyang. Although it was not big, only Grade 5, it was quite decent.

  Man Bao listened with a smile, and asked, “I don’t know what your grand-nephew’s name is. Which school is studying now?”

"His name is Liu Yi and he is early, so he is working with his brother now," the old lady said with a smile: "Master Zhou knows at a glance that he is good-looking, tall and strong. Your niece fits well."

  Man Bao raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a tea smile: "It's a good boy, but Liru still has to go to school in my family. It is estimated that after another three or four years, I can barely become a teacher."

Man Bao tried hard to recall that when her mother said to her fourth and fifth elder brothers, she said when she felt inappropriate, she said, "If you want me to say it, girls don’t have to be in a hurry to say kisses, although she It’s a girl, but she should also practice her skills. When she leaves her parents in the future to have the skills to support herself, she will be fine."

  The old lady was taken aback, and reluctantly smiled and said, “Why do people like us still need our daughter-in-law to go out to ask for a living?”

  Other old ladies also agreed, but Mrs. Liu looked at Zhou Man in surprise.

  Man Bao smiled and said, “That’s true. It’s not a shame to support yourself, and it’s not a shame that you can also feed your family. Besides, I’m even happier if I do what I like.”

  An old lady hesitated for a moment, and still said: "Women should still have husbands and children."

Man Bao smiled and said: "Of course we have to teach husbands and sons, just like a man who has to work hard to find a future and become a wife. If the husband is an official, I can help them in the official career. This is to support the husband, and we I have read a lot of books and experienced a lot of things, and I can teach them better if I have children in the future, old lady, don’t you think?"

  Old ladies:...

  Zhou Liru nodded to the side and whispered: "The prince and the princess like my sister-in-law, and they also like my little-uncle very much."

  This is a heavy blow. No one can say that Zhou Man’s remarks are wrong, because this is indeed a "mother husband".

  The old ladies looked at Zhou Liru, whose eyes were gleaming, and knew that this one was the same as Zhou Man, so the mind of being a matchmaker faded a lot.

Mrs. Liu went there and became enthusiastic, glanced at the dessert plate next to their aunts and nephews, turned around and ordered the next person: "Go to the kitchen and ask for a plate of not very sweet desserts, um, we need crispy meat. It's hot just out of the pot."

  Liu’s mansion rarely entertained the guests with crispy meat as a snack, but the subordinates only stunned for a while before bowing.

  Mrs. Liu turned her head to meet the gazes of the old sisters and smiled: “Two young girls, they must have good appetites. It’s been a while since dinner, and they just happened to add something.”

Mrs. Liu asked Zhou Liru with a smile, "Are you tired from studying medicine?"

   Zhou Liru shook his head, "Not tired."

   "Stupid boy, there is no one who is not tired from studying, my boy...I don't even cry tired, but my heart hurts when I see him reading in the morning and going to bed at night."

  Manbao was almost choked by tea.

She coughed twice and put down the teacup. Mrs. Liu said with a smile, "Although he doesn't cry hard or tired when he reads, but if no one is watching, he is easy to be lazy. Thanks to your care and supervision of him during the trip to the Western Regions last year. Only when he comes back this time can he be able to reach the Ming Jing in one fell swoop. By the way, what books did he read along the way?"

   Zhou Liru can really answer this question, because along the way, she read and listened to the training in front of Mr. Zhuang with them. Unfortunately, her culture class was the worst, and she was always left alone with Liu Huan to recite the text.

   So Zhou Liru said, “I learned the six articles in "Kang King's Gordon" and "Wen Hou Zhi Ming", and there are a few poetry books, and the rest are some lessons."

  Mrs. Liu saw what she said so clearly, her eyes lit up suddenly, and she paused and laughed: "Then what is the first article of "King Kang"?"

  The question and answer model is too similar to Mr. Zhuang. Zhou Liru tensed his back and said: "It is called "Bi Ming", Kang Wang ordered the book to be completed, separated and settled in Zhou Jiao, and made "Bi Ming"."

The old ladies on the side of    were stunned, especially Liu Yi's grandmother. Seeing Mrs. Liu's joyful expression at this time, she couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

  She lowered her eyes and thought for a moment, then raised her head and smiled with Zhou Man: "Master Zhou, I have a little grandson studying in the county school. It is a pity that he will not come to the capital this time, otherwise he can let Master Zhou see him."

   Without waiting for Zhou Man to speak, Mrs. Liu smiled and said, “So this is fate. Next time the younger brother and sister will bring him, I will let his cousin take him around the capital.”

Mrs. Liu suddenly raised her eyebrows slightly, and said to Man Bao: "Huan'er was drunk before, right?"

  Man Bao nodded.

Mrs. Liu sighed: “It’s hard for you to take care of him. I’ve heard him say that you have encountered a lot of difficulties and obstacles on your journey westward. Capital."

  Man Bao immediately said that this is all she should do. After all, she is the chief official, so she naturally wants to protect the people accompanying her as much as possible.

   said again: "He also helped the mission a lot, otherwise His Majesty wouldn't give him the baron of the county."

    See you at nine in the evening, it’s really too cold today, it’s been raining all the time, I can’t wait to grow up in bed



  (End of this chapter)

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