Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2401: Heartbeat

  Chapter 2401 Heartbeat

  Lao Mrs. Liu was refreshed when she mentioned this matter. Liu Huaneng’s knighthood was an unexpected joy for the old couple. It can be said that with this title, Liu Huan will not be an official for a lifetime.

   When the time comes to divide the family property, give him more real estate, which is enough for him to live safely and wealthy.

  Lao Mrs. Liu was more kind to Zhou Man and took the initiative to say: “I know that Master Zhou has a rare time, I will not leave you to talk to us old ladies. Come, send Master Zhou to see Master Bai and them.”

  Man Bao left immediately, and she was afraid that they would mention marriage and other things again.

  Wait for them to leave, there is only a group of old ladies left here.

  An old lady said: "Sister, do you want to kiss Huan'er?"

  Mrs. Liu smiled and said, "Huan'er is not too young anymore. Isn’t it normal to say that you are a dear?"

   is normal, but it is not normal to tell Zhou Liru. What is the family background of the Zhou family and what is the family background of the Liu family?

  Why didn’t you invite so many guests this time?

  Naturally, because Liu Huan was knighted, many people wanted to say a kiss to Liu Huan.

  However, it was a large court with too many people, and many words were difficult to express. So everyone smiled and turned to look at the storyteller in the pavilion.

I have been waiting for everyone to change places or go to rest. The lady who had the best relationship with Mrs. Liu followed her to the side house in the main courtyard and sat there, "Sister-in-law, you don’t really look at the little girl from last week’s house. Right?"

Mrs. Liu said: "It’s people like us. Girls have been teaching since they were young. They may not be able to say a few articles in "Kang Wang Zhi", let alone memorize it. Marry a wife and marry a virtuous person. You can put it aside first, I think she's pretty good."

Mrs.    frowned, "But this family is too bad. Before Zhou Mansion, their family was full of mud legs."

Mrs. Liu said indifferently: "They have a Mianzhou Shepherd in their family. Zhou Man is now a fourth-grade editor, which means her family is weaker. How many can compare to her?"

  She said: "It's not that I am self-deprecating. Our own children know the details. Huan'er is not a capable person."

"To say something disrespectful, the palace was going to choose a princess for Princess Mingda. I thought about asking Huan'er to work hard," Mrs. Liu said, "I thought, he can't study, and he is straightforward. Lieutenant Duma, even if he doesn't have the ability to become an official in the future, there are not many people in this capital who can bully him."

"But his grandfather did not agree, saying that your majesty loves Princess Mingda and must look down on him. I think about it for a moment and also think that Princess Mingda is too good. Although Lieutenant Ma Ma has a few official positions, his majesty certainly does not want to be too wronged. Princess Mingda, when it comes time to stab him, it is not good to look at him from the left, and to look at him from the right. That is also a pair of grudges.

"Originally, his grandfather and I didn't think he was so talented, so we wanted him to try the Mingjing imperial examination. If he fails to pass the test, Enyin will be a county official or a small official," Mrs. Liu said: " At that time, he will be married to a wife who is good at general affairs, and he will be looked after by his elder brother and a few cousins, so that he can live a safe life."

In fact, the latter method is recognized by their family, that is, Liu Huan has said to Bai Shan more than once, "When I am out of Eun Yin in the future, and then I divide my family, I will be the master. What's so good about being a servant? , If you have a bad relationship with the princess, you will have to report to the servant again and again when you enter the princess mansion.

   "The emperor is staring at you, the queen is staring at you, and the other princes and princes in the palace are also staring at you, especially Princess Mingda, who is so favored, is too miserable to be her husband."

  Liu Huan, as long as he thinks that his grandparents will take care of him for the first half of his life, and then the royal family will take care of the second half of his life. It’s terrifying to think about it.

Mrs. Liu naturally saw the grandson’s thoughts, and said to Mrs. Second: “What kind of people are these people who came to the banquet and I mentioned? Carefully, how much better than Liru last week? Piece?"

   The second wife laughed, "What did the sister-in-law say, how can they not compare?"

  Mrs. Liu shook her head, "They really can’t compare with each other. If you think about it carefully, how many of the girls they mentioned are really right for Huan’ermen?"

  The second wife was taken aback.

"Grandfather Huan'er won’t talk about it. His father is also a fifth-rank official, but the girls they mentioned are equivalent to his father’s official rank. They are either concubines or direct daughters. Those who can mention the eldest daughter are not the father and brother. The official position depends on the uncle and cousin, that is, the official rank is very small."

"I know, it was Huan'er who was titled as a county male. After seeing Huan'er, they also thought that he was not very promising, plus there was an older brother above him..." Mrs. Liu paused, at this point. In her childhood, she also had to admit that she was partial. The family's political resources were basically inclined to Liu Dalang, leaving very little for Liu Huan.

"Zhou Liru's uncle is still Mianzhou Mu, and he is also a well-known righteous man in the world. He has a name in His Majesty, not to mention Mrs. Zhou. Her sister-in-law and uncle will have a bright future in the future. The relationship between Er and Zhou Bai will get closer and closer. In the final analysis, marriage is a combination of interests, and the benefits she brings to Huan Er are no worse than those of the little ladies in official households."

Then he said: "Looking at the mistress's character and means aside from the combination of interests, she is not bad. You just saw it. When it comes to reading, the few little ladies you raise are probably not comparable, let alone the means, in the future. Determined to be a little lady like her aunt, will she still not be able to handle the household chores?"

  The second wife stopped talking.

   Mrs. Liu became more excited as she talked, and said: "I will mention this to his grandfather in the evening."

  The second wife: "Uncle can agree? And Huan'er, can he be willing?"

   Mrs. Liu said: "Just ask and you will know."

  However, Mrs. Liu didn't ask Liu Huan first, but attacked Liu Shangshu first.

Liu Shangshu curled his lips and said: "Cuddy leg? Several generations up, who is not from Clay legged family? Our family is a farming and reading family, but not someone who only reads poetry and books. What does Jinyang think? He actually took out a concubine to talk to others."

He paused and said, "I'm not saying that Liu Yi's child is not good, but that they are unworthy. Zhou Man's niece is still studying in the Imperial Medical Office. She has four direct disciples, one of whom is now a doctor in the Imperial Hospital. Help, the two are in the local medical department. Although the official grade is small, they are also the nine-rank. With Zhou Man’s current medical skills, they are backed by the big tree. It is only a matter of time to enter the Tai Hospital. I see, Zhou Liru It won’t be bad in the future."

"Liu Yi and Huan'er are about the same age. At this age, they don’t read books early and only do errands for people. What can they do in the future? This marriage is not appropriate. Don’t mix up, lest you will be full in the future. We are ugly to blame." Liu Shangshu said: "This is not a merciful person. Even people like Master Wei dare to be at the Great Court meeting."

   Mrs. Liu asked: "It is not suitable for Liu Yi, do you think He Huan'er is suitable?"

  Liu Shangshu was in a daze. After reacting, he turned his head and looked at his old wife. He couldn't help but shook his head and smiled: "You, you, you just say it, why bother to turn such a big bend?"

    It’s too cold tonight, so let’s postpone the third day of Riwan until tomorrow. I decided to buy a small table and put it on the bed tomorrow. The cold in the south is really hurtful, and Angela’s fireball is urgently needed.

Good night



  (End of this chapter)

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