Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2405: Check (for the book friend "vivi smile"

  Chapter 2405 Check (Add 1 to the book friend "vivi smiles" as a reward)

  Whenever she thinks that this time is a beat in her heart, the guess in her heart becomes more obvious, but no matter how she beats her sideways, they turn away or find other excuses.

  Since Liu Sanniang entered the palace at the age of twelve, caution is inscribed in her bones. She knows some things that she can say and some things that cannot be asked, so after asking a few times, she put away her inquisitive mind.

  Man Bao paused at the scar, squeezed hard and asked her, "Does it hurt?"

  Wang Ruile saw the scar, his face turned pale, but still said: "It doesn't hurt."

  Man Bao also knew that it should not hurt anymore at this time, she touched it carefully, and it was true that some bones were not directly inherited very smoothly, and combined with these scars, it was easy to judge that there was a fracture.

  Man Bao checked her back and limbs again, took out the kerchief to wipe her hands after all checks, and did not let her wear clothes, and directly covered her with a quilt.

  Wang Ruile kept thinking about how she would respond if she asked her questions.

  Man Bao groaned after wiping his hands, "Your disease is hard to cure..."

  The person listening with ears erected raised his heart, but Wang Ruile, who was lying on the bed, relaxed, his stiff back also loosened, and his entire back was leaning against the bed.

Man Baodao: "If you want your menstrual blood to stop, you need to have a needle for at least three months, because you have had a few miscarriages and your foundation is broken, so you have to treat it slowly and make up for it first, but this is not safe. It is very likely that uterine bleeding will occur in the future, so the best way is that you can continue to use medicinal needles for six months to one year. If the root is broken, you will not have a miscarriage if you are pregnant again in the future."

  Wang Ruile was stunned, and asked, "It will take so long?"

Man Bao nodded, "You need to have the needles continuously for ten days. After ten days, the needles will be injected once every other day, another ten days, once every two days... until the next ten days, the effect will be different because everyone’s physical condition is different. If the medicine is better absorbed, the root may be broken after half a year, but if the foundation is not good, it may take a year."

  Wang Ruile was silent for a while and asked: "Then what do you think of my background?"

   "Not so good," Man Bao said bluntly, "So my sister must be prepared to stay in Beijing for a long time."

  She glanced at the figure shown on the screen, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and said to her: "This set of stitches is currently only me and my apprentice able to pierce it."

  Wang Ruile was taken aback, obviously only then thought of this, "Yes, do you want to stay in Beijing for a long time?"

"Yes, I don’t know where my sister’s husband’s house is. It’s not far from the capital. If it’s far away, I naturally have to stay in the capital. After all, this disease is a woman’s disease and I am very squeamish. I can’t catch cold or heat. It’s not well-behaved in some wind and sun, so it’s better to have a fixed residence, regular diet, regular work and rest, neither cold nor hot..."

  Wang Ruile's eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and finally tugged at his clothes and said: "Yes, it's okay, I have to ask my family and sister."

  Man Bao nodded, "Then let's do the first set of needles today, Sanniang, you come."

  Man Bao was watching Liu Sanniang's acupuncture while reading acupuncture methods.

  Wang Ruile was still energetic at the beginning. Hearing what Zhou Man said about half an inch of vaginal intercourse, Shiguan three minutes... Later, his eyelids gradually became heavy and he fell asleep slowly.

   Liu Sanniang was puzzled, and she didn't understand why she had to give her a calm stitch, but when she saw her master shook her head, she didn't ask.

  At least not here, ask now.

  For a while, only Man Bao’s voice was pointing to Liu Sanniang from time to time. Wang Ruile’s voice was not heard for a while, and it seemed that Wang Ruile would not be asked any questions next.

  The aunt who kept listening with her ears upright breathed a sigh of relief.

  Ms. Tang also retracted her ears, put down the tea cup she had been holding in her hand, and bumped it lightly, "How did Aunt Ma listen?"

  Aunt Ma immediately stood up, and smiled ashamedly at Madam Tang: "Mrs. Tang, forgive me. The servants are also worried about our wife. You know, our wife is always shy."

  Ms. Tang nodded, "Yes, my cousin has been a rabbit since she was a child. She is scared and very timid. It has been difficult for you to take care of it all these years."

   "Serving the master and the servant is the part of the servants."

  Mrs. Tang smiled and asked, “I’m far away, and I don’t hear correctly. What did Madam Zhou say, can it be cured?”

  Aunt Ma immediately said what she had just heard.

  Ms. Tang frowned, and sighed after a long while: "It's so bad, alas, why did you have a miscarriage? According to the doctor Zhou, she had a miscarriage more than once?"

   Aunt Ma said: "Our wife is weak, so it is not easy to have a baby. Alas, every time I have a miscarriage, I will lose one bone and blood. How can this be good?"

Mrs. Tang sighed with worry, then turned and said to the next person: "Go, open the storeroom, and find out the ginseng and velvet antler for blood and vitality. Later, I will show Ms. Man to see which ones are suitable for use. Rui Le is ready to go."


It took another quarter of an hour for Bao Bao to come out. Liu Sanniang stayed inside to see the needle. She wrote a prescription in front of Aunt Ma and others, called Liu Sanniang, and asked her to show her how to prescribe this prescription. from.

  The two aunts took the opportunity to look into the inner room, and saw that the lady lying on the bed had needles in her belly and calf, even on her head, so she didn't dare to approach them for a while, so they listened to Zhou Man to explain the prescription to Doctor Liu.

  Although most of them don’t understand, they understand that blood and qi can’t be replenished quickly. They must be replenished slowly, and at the same time, they must be equipped to stop the bleeding...

  And the prescription Liu Yinv prescribed before was too eager to replenish blood, but failed to stop the bleeding...

  When the time was full, she went in and watched Liu Sanniang withdraw the needle. Seeing that Wang Ruile was still asleep and his eyes were dark, she covered her with the quilt and went out quietly with Liu Sanniang.

  Man Bao and Aunt Ma said: "She is asleep, and her sleep can be angry and bloody, so don't disturb her. She can sleep as long as she can sleep."

   "But now I can't fall asleep at night."

  Man Bao said: "She couldn't sleep at night."

  Aunt Ma thought about it, so she stopped talking.

  Man Bao handed her the prescription just now, and said: "Take this prescription first, and then change the prescription when she loses blood. Let Sanniang come over and give her a needle in the next few days."

  Aunt Ma looked at Madam Tang wanting to say something, and whispered: "Can't Lord Zhou come in person? Our wife’s illness has been dragging on for a long time."

Before Man Bao spoke, Madam Tang had already said, "Master Zhou is now taking over your majesty’s errands. He has to test smallpox in the imperial house every day. This time I was able to come out because Liu Shangshu’s family ate wine and specially invited him. If the fake comes, how can she come every day?"

    only found out that the words in the previous chapter were wrong, I should see you at ten o’clock



  (End of this chapter)

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