Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2406: Moved ("Vivi smiles" to book friends

  Chapter 2406 moved

  Man Baodao: "The needles to be pierced before the blood is broken are the same. My apprentice is pretty good in acupuncture, and she is more than enough to do this."

  Ms. Tang smiled with her and said: "I, I hope you can come to see her again when she needs to change the dressing and the needle, and prescribe two more methods for her."

Man Bao thought for a while and nodded and said: "When the time comes, you will send a letter to Bai Shan, let Bai Shan take it and tell me that if you can ask for leave, I must ask for leave. If you can't, let Sanniang write the pulse case and send it to me. Then I will pass on the recipe."

  But now Liu Sanniang’s pulse case is still not as full as last week, so it’s best to take a look at it yourself.

  The prescription was given, and the acupuncture and moxibustion was given to Doctor Liu, and Man Bao was about to get up and leave.

  Ms. Tang grabbed her and smiled: "What anxious, your brother will be fine in a while, and I will leave after seeing him."

  She smiled and said: "He said before that he had a book to give you. Let's go, let's talk in the study."

  Said she pulled Man Bao out, she turned her head and told Aunt Ma and the others, "You go in and out quietly, take care of your wife, and don't disturb her rare peace."

  Aunt Ma immediately led a crowd to respond.

  Ms. Tang’s gaze glided over Xia He and Xia Cao. Seeing them standing in the corner with their heads down, their eyes were cold, and she smiled and took Man Bao away.

   Liu Sanniang and Zhou Liru walked behind carrying the medicine box until they arrived at the main courtyard, but they were dragged by Mrs. Tang’s close maid, and with a smile, they wanted to take them to drink tea and eat snacks.

   Liu Sanniang and Zhou Liru did not move for a while and looked at Man Bao together.

  Man Bao nodded to them, and the two of them left with the maids.

  Mrs. Tang smiled and pulled her into the house, and when the girl got tea and backed off, she looked at Man Bao and said, "Good sister, you will not hide from me like your apprentice, right?"

  Man Bao asked curiously, “Why didn’t Xuesao ask her directly? This is the patient’s privacy after all, and it is hard for us doctors to say.”

Mrs. Tang sneered: "Have you not seen the few people guarding against her? I just found an excuse to take the people away. I'm afraid I will be back soon. And she is indeed a gourd with a saw mouth. Otherwise, I won't let her be wronged by the family. I don't know yet."

  Man Bao took a sip of tea, thought for a moment, and said: "I will let her stay with you for half a year to a year."

  Ms. Tang smiled and said, "I knew you did it on purpose..."

   "Don't, I really didn't mean it," Man Bao said, "She really needs to be cured for more than half a year. As for whether it takes a year, that's not necessarily true."

  Ms. Tang smiled slightly, "So serious?"

  Man Bao nodded.

  Ms. Tang scratched her heart and lungs, took her hand and asked: "Tell me the truth, why did she have a miscarriage? Because she has been standing for a long time? Or is she eating poorly? Or is she poisoned?"

  Ms. Tang gritted her teeth and said, "Could it be that the Ma family asked her to make rules? Or the back house is restless..."

Man Bao lowered his eyes and thought for a moment. After a long silence, he raised his eyes and looked at Madam Tang, "I found some scars on her body. I have touched the bones. They should have been broken. Although I am not sure, a rib in her chest is here. It should still be in a fractured state."

  Ms. Tang's eyes widened, her eyes were shocked and angry, and she was speechless for a while in shock.

   "You, she!" Madam Tang took a few deep breaths. After luck, she didn't immediately get angry, but she stood up and walked on the spot for two laps, staring at Zhou Man with piercing eyes and asked, "Did you make a mistake?"

  Man Baodao: "If I hadn't been so sure before, but this time I touched so many bones on the way to the Western Regions, there is nothing wrong with it."

   "Why didn't you ask her then?"

  Man Bao raised his eyelids and glanced at her and said, "Ask her what? Those words are not for her, but for you in the outer room. How do you think she will answer?"

  Ms. Tang became angry, patted the table fiercely, and raised her voice: "Come on--"

  Man Bao became a little excited. Although it is not good to intervene in other people's internal affairs, she still wants to know.

  Ms. Tang’s personal maid trot in, "Madam, what's your order?"

Mrs. Tang’s anger became cold after seeing Man Bao’s excitement. She lowered her eyes and thought for a while, and when she raised her eyes, she became calmer, and said: "Go to the guest house and call Xia He or Xia Cao. , I just said that I found some things from my private library. They were all my dowry. Some of them were commonly used when we lived in my natal family. Ruile is in a good mood to treat illnesses. Let them come and see what’s in the private library. What Ruile likes and lacks, let them choose and arrange for her."

  The maid stunned for a moment and then responded, turned and left.

  Ms. Tang was lucky, turned around and nodded Man Bao’s forehead, "What's your expression? Take away the look from the show. Let's go, I'll send you out."

  Man Baohe said, "I'm going to send me away now?"

   "My aunt, please look out the time."

  Man Bao looked out and saw that the sun had fallen to the west, so he jumped up immediately.

Mrs. Tang got up, closed her sleeves, and said, "Let’s go, take you out, and you have to go home soon. Bai Shan should already be at home waiting at this time. If you don’t go back, he is afraid that he will come and pick people up in person. NS."

Man Bao could only leave with regret. Although she wanted to, she did not ask Mrs. Tang to tell her the truth in the future. She did not even plan to ask Wang Ruile the truth in the future. Anyway, the cause of the disease was already there. Even if she didn't say it, she could still Heal, so why bother asking about stripping people’s wounds?

  She could learn that it was the same thing by accident, so she didn’t need to deliberately inquire.

   told Mrs. Tang that firstly, because Mrs. Tang is a family member, she felt she had the right to know; secondly, she had a good sense of Wang Ruile, and she told her in her heart that she should tell Mrs. Tang.

  The smile at the corner of Man Bao’s mouth was a bit cold, and Mrs. Tang would not say anything. She has a bad temper, and Master Tang is not easy to provoke. She dares to watch people all the time when she beats people like this, huh!

  Man Bao led Liu Sanniang and Zhou Liru back. Madam Tang stood at the door and watched their carriage go away. The smile on her face collapsed and put away.

  The county magistrate Tang, who came from another road on a horse, saw it from a distance, and was frightened. He immediately stopped the horse and wanted to turn his head back to the county government to work overtime.

  Ms. Tang had already heard the voice and turned her head to look. When she saw him, her eyes lit up, so she waved at him.

  The county magistrate of Tang could only ride back with Mingli, with a bright smile on his face. After dismounting, he glanced at the direction the carriage was leaving, and asked with a smile: "How did the madam know that he came back for her husband and came to pick me up at the door?"

  Ms. Tang said: "I didn't come here to pick you up specially. I just happened to send Manbao out. I think you will be back soon, so I will stand a little longer."

  A liar, I saw him when I had to turn around and go back.

  But County Magistrate Tang raised his face with a smile, and said with a touch of emotion: "That's nice madam."

    Completed on the third day, see you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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