Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2427: Get excited when you think about it

  Chapter 2427 I am excited when I think about it

   "The first three batches of patients have no problems, how come you have problems?"

   In the final analysis, because the honest and obedient people have already picked it up before, the quality of this fourth batch of picks is not very good. During this period, even if they consume twice as much effort as before.

  The steward pointed at them and scolded them, and a few people in the team slipped out and quietly ran back to fetch things.

The steward saw a cold snort, but turned his head and saw Man Bao showing a pleasing smile again, took a half step back, and when he raised his head again, he became confident again, and said: "Hurry up, hurry up, come forward quickly. , The adults still have to eat, where is so much time left with you?"

  The manager had an incident once, and no one dared to buckle the things without giving them. They took out the things they took out one by one, checked and confirmed them and threw them into the fire one by one.

  Man Bao watched the fire burn out, nodded in satisfaction, and said to the steward: "Let's go back and send the people away with the guards."

   "Yes, my lord."

  Someone boldly asked, "My lord, can the cows in Zhuangzi give it to us?"

  Man Bao asked: "What do you want cows for?"

  "Zhuangzi needs cows for farming. It would be easier if there were cows, and if the cows had smallpox, if they died of illness in the future, others would not be able to eat them, so we would be able to eat them. So this cow would be better for us?"

  Man Bao: "Who told you that cows that have been born with smallpox can't be eaten by others?"

  Everyone was taken aback, and asked, "Isn't it?"

   "Of course not. When these cows are old and dead, I will show them to you."

  Everyone: …thank you, no, they just want to use live cows, or they want to eat them, but they don’t want to watch others eat.

  Man Bao waved them away, "Don't think about it, these cattle are from our hospital, and no one will give them."

  This is the property of Taiyuan Hospital. Xiao Yuanzheng spent money to buy it with her. Of course, it is impossible to give it to others casually.

  Xiao Yuan is deciding to keep the cows in this imperial estate. In the future, they can observe the situation of the cows. In the future, if the hospital is too short of money, they can sell them to collect a sum of money.

  Of course, the Xiaoyuan is not short of money now, so it generously handed it over to the steward of Huangzhuang and let them use it for farming.

  Xiao Yuan stayed in the palace for a long time, and finally reported their results this time to the emperor and the ministers. He generously left the people on duty and took the others out for dinner.

   Including the medical aid and the medical girl, he has booked two tables in the champion building.

  Xiao Yuanzheng and Doctor Liu came to pick up Grandpa Lu and Zhou Man in person, and said refreshingly: "Tomorrow will meet, Grandpa Zhou will go to court with me. Although your majesty has not said it clearly, I think your majesty will have a great reward."

  Who doesn’t like promotion?

  Man Bao and Lu Taiyi were a little excited.

  At the champion building, Xiao Yuanzheng asked the two to sit on both sides of him to show that they valued them.

  Man Bao naturally wanted to make the doctor Liu, so he fell behind by one position.

  This is the first meeting in the hospital in the past three months, and it is the case of great achievements. So everyone is very happy. Except for Man Bao and a few doctor women, everyone else drank a lot of alcohol.

Man Bao ate and drank enough, looked outside, and found that the sun was almost down, and Xiao Yuanzheng and the others had the intention to change. They just got up and said goodbye. By the way, they took Liu Sanniang and several doctors on another table. They slipped out and left together.

  Xiao Yuanzheng really planned to ask people from Fangsi to sing a little song, dance a dance, etc. Zhou Man and the others are really not good at socializing here, so they didn't stop them, and let Doctor Zheng go down and send them with a smile.

  Man Bao led a group of girls downstairs and turned to ask them, "Are you going back to the palace or going home?"

  Medical women generally live in the palace, but today the hospital is obviously closed, so they can go home naturally.

  The female doctors thought for a while and said to go home.

  Man Bao asked Liu Sanniang's coachman to send them back one by one, while she and Liu Sanniang walked back slowly along the street.

   Liu Sanniang walked beside Man Bao and said, "Master, I heard my grandfather say that you are going to be promoted again this time."

  Man Bao also drank two glasses of wine just now. At this time, his cheeks were a little red, and he heard the words: "If you haven't made a clear purpose, don't talk lightly."

   Liu Sanniang nodded.

The two masters and disciples walked all the way home, but before they entered the street of their house, they saw Bai Shanzheng walking out with a horse. When the two sides met, they were stunned for a while, and Bai Shan began to smile, "You Out?"

  Man Bao nodded.

   turned to look at the Chi Ji he was holding her, and asked: "Where are you going?"

"Go and pick you up," Bai Shan gave her the horse and smiled: "I heard from Xuexi Tang that all the people in the imperial house are going to be dismissed today, so I guess you should come out today too, but I see you haven't come back for so long. , So I want to check it out."

  Daji got off the horse and handed over his horse to Liu Sanniang.

   Liu Sanniang declined, and Man Bao and Bai Shan did not ride horses either, but just walked back with the horse like this, while talking gossip.

  Man Bao told him, "The test is over for the time being. Tomorrow we are going to the Great Dynasty Meeting, and we should be able to have a holiday in the next day. Are you taking the exam for the next day?"

  Bai Shan nodded, and curiously said: "How come the meeting tomorrow, shouldn’t it be the day after tomorrow?"

  Man Bao said: "Your Majesty is anxious."

  Anyway, once every ten days, sooner, day, night, day, what does it matter? The emperor told the people below, and his own officials went to notify those who needed to participate in the great dynasty meeting.

  Bai Shan looked around, and gathered in Man Bao’s ear and whispered: "You are going to be named a township owner."

  Man Bao’s eyes were wide open, and his red face became even more red, and there seemed to be light in his eyes, "Really?"

  Bai Shan laughed and nodded: “Really, Bai Er heard what Princess Changyu said, and she said it was the emperor who told her himself.”

  Man Bao just calculated it by himself, and couldn’t help asking, “Is it an official title or a Feng Yin?”

There is a big difference between   Guanjue and Fengyin.

For example, Man Bao’s goal has always been to make Yin her parents. With her current grade, she can make her a Wu-pin county prince, and her father is a minister in charge. Feng Yin is an honor. The court will give some dresses and hats. Some food, rice, noodles, grains, oil and meat will be given out during the holidays, but there is usually no salary.

  Unless she dies in her position, she will have a gratitude, cough cough, naturally, she will not die.

  And the official title is the same as Bai Shan and the others, it is a real title, not only has the salary, but also Juetian, it is very honorable.

However, there was no township owner in Dajin. In the pre-Han Dynasty, the court would award the daughters of princes or meritorious ministers as township owners and pavilions. , Was directly named the county owner.

  Man Bao touched his chin to think about it. The owner of the township is Wupin, and there are also five hundred households. That is Wuli, and I feel excited when I think about it.

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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