Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2428: Excited

  Chapter 2428 Excited

  Because of the news in advance, Man Bao got up very early the next day, got up early, washed up early, put on official clothes early, and then sat obediently at the table and waited for breakfast.

It was the first time that Xiao Qian saw her getting up so early. He looked at the dark sky outside, and then wanted to see the hourglass in the hall. Man Bao immediately said, "Sister-in-law, I woke up early on purpose. ."

  She said with a serious face: "I haven't been to the court meeting for a long time. It's a rare one. Naturally, I have to get up earlier to prepare."

  Little Qian didn't know what she was going to be rewarded, and thought it made sense, so he nodded.

  She asked, "Do you want to eat biscuits or noodles?"

  Man Bao tangled up, "Should I choose?"

  She wants to choose both.

Xiao Qian smiled and said: "I wanted to make a bowl of noodles for you, but I didn't know that you came back yesterday, so I didn't prepare the bashful in advance. I want to chop some minced meat for you to cook the noodles. Where's the noodles. How about I just bake a cake for you?"

  Man Bao said with a serious face: "Sister-in-law, I'm not in a hurry, let's eat noodles."

  After calculating the time, Xiao Qian felt that it was enough, so he went to talk to her.

  Fry the minced pork with oil first, then add the water to boil the noodles, and finally add the minced pork and some salt sauce and vinegar. The mix is ​​delicious.

  Little Qian reminded her, “Don’t drink too much noodle soup.”

  I heard that the Shang Dynasty would not be able to leave halfway to go to the latrine, so people in the early Dynasty would not eat soup.

  Xiao Qian’s cooked two bowls, and took a bowl across the main hall to give it to Mr. Zhuang.

It just so happened that the Bai family also gave Mr. Zhuang food. They were all steamed buns and biscuits. Mr. Zhuang couldn’t like Xiao Qian’s noodles so much, so he gave Mantou, biscuits, eggs and other things full of treasures. In half.

  Man Bao finally accepted only one egg, and the rest went into the belly of Lao Zhoutou who had just got up and washed.

  Lao Zhoutou is also very strange, "Why do you get up so early today?"

  He still wanted to get up early to wake up the girl. In the past, every time she went to the Dachao meeting, he had to call her to get up.

  Man Bao suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said to her father: "It's been too long to see your Majesty, I miss him."

"I should think," Lao Zhoutou had a good sense to the emperor, especially since he had just returned from a busy farming period in Zhuangzi these past two days. Seeing that large area of ​​work, he couldn't help but like the emperor, so he said. : "I met the emperor when I entered the palace, greet him for me."

  Man Bao nodded: "No problem."

The father and daughter gossiping while eating. When Mr. Zhuang is ready, the two masters and apprentices will go to the morning together. As soon as Bai Shan wakes up, he simply washes and puts on his clothes to give away. Baodao: "Be good at today's Dachao meeting. Don't talk to the population corner. If someone scolds you, you will not hear it."

The old Zhou head beside    was displeased when he heard it, and said: "That can't work. Isn't that a point of being scolded for nothing? Man Bao, someone scolds you upstairs? Really, how can a group of big men bully a little lady?"

  Man Bao did not speak, Mr. Zhuang on the side glanced at Bai Shan, and said with an unkind expression: "How can you teach people like this?"

  After finishing talking, Mr. Zhuang turned his head and said to Man Bao: "It is common to argue with the ministers on the front, and there is no need to fight for a while."

He said: "Different understandings of the future, different political opinions, and different interests. These will all have disputes. If it is one item, the same thing will be the same. What's the difference?"

  "Officials must learn to express their own opinions, but also to learn to think and accept the opinions of others, refutation of disagreement, and humility of recognition, this is the right way."

  Mr. Zhuang glanced at Bai Shan after he finished speaking.

  Bai Shan immediately said: "I know sir, I will never dare to be frivolous again, I just want to refute others."

Mr. Zhuang nodded his head in satisfaction, and then said to Man Bao: "But today is your good thing. It is really not easy to argue with others. Yesterday, the Xiao Yuan has already entered the palace. Today, Your Majesty has something to ask. It is also Xiao. The hospital is answering, don’t forget, although you are the editor of Chongwenguan, you are also the vice official of the Taiyuan Hospital. You still have the chief official above you."

  So don’t speak up.

  It's fine at other times, but today I have to be steady.

  Mr. Zhuang gave Man Bao a look, and the two masters and apprentices got on the bus together.

  Wait for their carriage to go far, Old Zhou first came over and asked with hindsight, "What's the good thing today?"

  Of course, Bai Shan could not tell Old Zhou tou without a clear purpose, so he smiled at Old Zhou, turned around and ran, "Uncle Zhou waited to find out."

  Lao Zhoutou couldn’t even stop people.

  Manbao and the others arrived early, and when the two masters and apprentices arrived at the Taiji Hall, a few officials came in vaguely.

  The ranks are not very high, everyone bows to each other, and then sits down in their place with their necks curled up.

  In April, it was still a bit cold in the morning.

  Man Bao took out a heater from his sleeve and gave it to Mr. Zhuang, then found his place and sat down and looked around.

  Once the sky breaks, the brightening speed will be very fast, but within a few moments, the light outside will become brighter and brighter, and finally the light shines into the hall, and Man Bao sees the first morning sun.

   Then a lot of officials came in from outside, and Xiao Yuanzheng also came. He stood diagonally in front of Man Bao, and the distance between the two of them was not very far.

   and the people in front and back, left and right, sat down and waited for the emperor's arrival.

  The Tang county magistrate came out panting, and saw Zhou Man before he reached his position. He said, "Why did you Xiaoyuan not give you a holiday, so you came to the Great Court?"

  Man Bao thought, she wants to award the reward today. It would be a thank you if she didn’t come to see it in person.

  County magistrate Guo came one step later than magistrate Tang, and his posture was pretty graceful, but he was a little bit breathless, and Tai Chi Hall was still a bit far from the gate of the imperial palace.

  He also stunned when he saw Man Bao, and then greeted her as usual, "Master Zhou is here too."

  Man Bao greeted them, and finally had a chance to say to them, "Master Tang and Master Guo are a little late."

   County Magistrate Tang and County Magistrate Guo pouted at the same time and sat in the same place for so many years. They had always said this to her before.

  The two decided that the adult would not remember the villain's past, and didn't care about her, so they sat down in their seats after saluting each other.

  As a result, their **** hit the mat, and there was a whip sound outside, yes, they had to stand up again.

  As soon as they stood up, there was a loud announcement from the servant outside: The emperor is here—

  After the hundreds of civil and military officials stood together, when the emperor walked to the seats and sat down, they all faced the emperor together and bowed to the end, saluting: "See Your Majesty, Your Majesty Sheng'an."

    Two chapters together is better, otherwise I’m afraid you will scold me



  (End of this chapter)

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