Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2429: Entitlement (for book friends "Ten Years of Mengmeng"

  Chapter 2429 Reward

  The emperor spared their rituals and let everyone sit down to discuss state affairs.

  The most important thing at the moment is naturally the official examination tomorrow. Therefore, the official secretary first went out and reported to the emperor about the preparation work...

  Man Bao sat in his seat, pricked his ears to listen to these state affairs, thinking about when it was their turn to be in the Medical Department.

In some places, spring plowing is over, in some places it’s only started, in some places it rains too much, and the seedlings and seeds are soaked before they go down, and in some places it doesn’t rain, and it’s impossible to plant or sow seedlings. ...

In other places, water conservancy projects are worrying. Rivers need to be dredged, dams need to be reinforced, and there are even border conflicts. They accidentally fought with Tubo because of the competition for grassland and water. Of course, small-scale. The soldiers in the village led the herdsmen to fight, with little loss...

  In short, there are a lot of various things. Man Bao feels that being an emperor is really tiring. Once a great dynasty meeting is held every ten days, basically she can hear these questions every time she goes to a great dynasty meeting.

  Occasionally there are reports from corrupt officials, etc. In short, things keep going every day, which is really pitiful.

  Man Bao thought wildly, the sequelae of getting up too early appeared. She felt that her eyelids were a bit heavy, and the voice in her ears was getting farther and farther away.

  She told herself from the bottom of her heart that today is different. Today is a special day. She has to be happy and watch the whole scene soberly...

   So she opened her eyes diligently, raised her head and glanced at the emperor above blankly, and then the emperor got farther and farther away, blurry, her eyelids drooped again...

It felt like it was only a moment. She was poked on her knee. She woke up, and the voice that she thought had disappeared refilled her ears. When she opened her eyes, she saw Tang county magistrate quietly retracting herself without looking back. Yukyu,

  Man Bao shook his hands and grasped his Yu Gui. Then he blinked and looked forward. Only then did he realize that it was Xiao Yuanzheng who was reporting now. She was refreshed and her doze was gone.

The emperor is admiring Xiao Yuanzheng and Taiyuan Hospital. After the appreciation is over, it will naturally be a reward. Xiao Yuan has no room for improvement on Zhengming. The emperor directly rewards him for the treatment of third-grade officials. Half-waiting, he was directly equal to Xiao Yuanzheng's official position, because the smallpox recipe was brought back by Zhou Man, and with this skill, he was named the lord of the township.

  The emperor gave her a title long ago and directly sealed Liyang.

Man Bao’s eyes lit up, but Guo County Order’s heart jumped. Wannian County used to be Liyang County, but Liyang County already belongs to Yongzhou. I don’t know where the 500 households are. If they happen to be with them, Wannian County. Bordering, in the future...

  The county magistrate Guo went to see Zhou Man, the county magistrate Tang went to see the county magistrate Guo, and Man Bao looked at the emperor and knelt down and thanked him with excitement and joy.

  The emperor smiled and let them waive the gift, and encouraged them to make persistent efforts to promote the vaccinia as soon as possible, so that the people would be exempt from smallpox in the future.

  Of course, it is impossible for the emperor of reward to come with his mouth open. In fact, except for Zhou Man’s reward which the emperor had long thought of, the rewards of other people have been discussed with other ministers.

  Actually, they argued for this reward for a day yesterday.

Of course, Xiao Yuanzheng could not participate in it, because he was a party involved, so he was a little confused. He thought he was going to add a false title or other official position. After all, it was impossible to go up, but like the emperor, Title and official position, directly let him receive the treatment of the third grade...

  It always feels weird, and a little frightened.

  Man Bao didn’t feel it at first, but when he was excited and Xiao Yuanzheng, he felt wrong, “Strange, why didn’t your majesty give you a title and just give you the treatment of the third grade?”

  Xiao Yuanzheng himself is confused, "How do I know?"

  Xiao Yuanzheng didn’t know, but Master Wei and Master Tang knew.

  Tang County magistrate also felt strange, so he followed his father's **** and walked out.

Master Tang, they are working in the imperial city and they need to leave the palace. Seeing that their son went out of the palace, they didn’t rush to ride back to his county office, but walked behind his ass, so they looked back and glared at him angrily. , And then whispered: "Your Majesty wants to separate the Imperial Medical Office from Taichang Temple."

  The Tang county magistrate was shocked, "Doesn't the nine temples become nine temples and one courtyard?"

"It's the department," Mr. Tang said in a low voice while carrying his hands on his back and walking forward slowly, "Just like the Imperial College, the Imperial Medical Office will be in charge of the local medical departments of the world in the future. It not only trains medical students, but also manages the world's doctors. "

The literati in the world are all under the jurisdiction of the Imperial College, and the government schools, county schools, and even various private schools of academies are also under the jurisdiction of the Imperial College. The emperor wants to build an independent imperial medical office without being subject to Taichang Temple and Hubu. , And even the jurisdiction and restriction of Taifu Temple.

  Tang county magistrate said: "Can Zhang Zhengqing agree?"

  He is Zhengqing of Taichang Temple.

Old Tang said: "If you don't agree, who can twist your Majesty now? And your Majesty took out the thick folder that Zhou Man Bai Shan Bai Cheng used in the past. Even Master Wei supports the emperor, even though he needs money and silver. It’s too big, but I see, it’s not impossible, just like Zhou Man’s booklet, the people in the world will benefit in the end."

  The Tang county magistrate asked, "The money is too big, how much is that big?"

  Lord Tang smiled and said: "You are also worried about giving up halfway, giving up all your previous work, and making money?"

  Tang county magistrate did not speak.

Master Old Tang sighed: "This is what we worry about the most, but seeing that Zhou Man is still so young and Bai Shan is not too old, we feel that this matter should be done slowly and should be done. "

  Lord Tang said humanely: "It's just that we are getting older and may not be able to see it anymore."

  Tang County Order:...

Master Tang walked for a while and found that his son hadn't followed him, so he looked back at him, "What are you doing? Since they are all here, go to me and take your impeachment papers, and write the arguments back and send them to me. return."

  Tang county magistrate: "...Father, no, Mr. Tang, the official is so diligent, who doesn't want to impeach me so much?"

   "Yesterday you had a scared horse in the downtown area of ​​Chang'an County and hurt someone, didn't you?"

  Tang county magistrate: “No, that’s not a bruise. It was an old man who saw a startled horse running wildly when he walked across the street and was so scared that he fell. I have already made a judgment...”

  The father and son argued and walked away, while Man Bao followed Xiao Yuanzheng back to the Taiyuan Hospital, holding his fists together and "same joy, same joy..." along the way.

When I finally returned to the Taiyuan Hospital, I had to continue to share the joy with my colleagues. After I finally said the joy, Man Bao went into Xiao Yuanzheng’s office to find Xiao Yuanzheng, "Xiao Yuanzheng, you Would you like to ask someone to find out? I think the reward without a title is very unstable."

Xiao Yuanzheng was also a little depressed. Everyone was promoted, and so were the half-ranks. The doctor Zheng and others were not promoted, but they also received a lot of rewards. Only him, who was a little unclear, received the third-rank treatment, but did not increase it. Title, after that, this treatment will be withdrawn, and it is just a matter of the above sentence.

    Today, I still can’t change everything, I will continue to work hard tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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