Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2433: Shiyi (a reward for book friends "Liang Yi"

  Chapter 2433 Shiyi

  Qian was much calmer than him. Although he was also excited, he did not lose his temper. Instead, he asked Man Bao with bright eyes, "I seem to have heard me too."

  Man Bao nodded fiercely, "Mother, your majesty has appointed you as the county magistrate, the fifth-grade commission!"

  Lao Zhou’s family only understood what had happened, and immediately gathered around to congratulate Lao Zhou and Qian.

  Man Bao was squeezed outside.

Man Bao jumped and found that his parents were tightly surrounded by his brothers, sisters and nephews, so he had to drag a chair over and stood on it and looked in, "Father, mother, I still have something to say. Woolen cloth……"

  No one heard her, Wu Lang said very excitedly: "Father, this is a happy event, we have a bar in the evening."

  Lao Zhou nodded again and again, "Well, drink, drink, let your sister-in-law do it."

  Zhou Lixue said: "Grandpa, grandma, such a big happy event should be paid for."

  Lao Zhou still nodded, "OK, send money, send money..."

  Qian also said: "I will go back to get the money."

  Lao Zhou's head didn't wake up at all, he still nodded his head and his eyes were a little red.

  But Zhou Lijun was already outside excitedly and said: "Milk, you can't ask for your private money. If you want the public, I will withdraw the money."

  So Zhou Lijun accompanied Zhou Liwei and Zhou Ligu last year and went to the warehouse to hold money.

Man Bao took the opportunity to jump off the chair to squeeze in. As a result, five heads, six heads and seven heads, immediately got in with their heads and directly filled the gap, "Grandpa, grandma, and us, and us. ."

  Man Bao...

  When Zhou Lijun took the money in his arms with his two younger brothers, and directly stuffed them in the hands of Lao Zhoutou and Qian Clan to send them, Lao Zhoutou came back to his senses.

  He hugged the money and was reluctant to give it.

  Qian did not expect Zhou Lijun to bring so much money. She thought that the money was a few hundred dollars. When that time comes, so many children and grandchildren can send just a few, but this...

  Qian held the money, pressed a drop of money in his hand, and did not move for a while.

  Lao Zhoutou then remembered his girl, and after a round, he shouted, "Where is Man Bao?"

  Man Bao squatted on the chair and said dullly: "I'm here..."

  Everyone stepped aside, only to realize that she was wearing an official uniform and an official hat, so it was difficult to get in.

  Everyone immediately smiled embarrassedly, and quickly pulled her in.

  She was also happy when she saw the copper coins in the arms of Lao Zhoutou and Qian, "Father, mother, just send it out, and I want it too."

  Lao Zhou's head touched the copper coin, and did not move for a while, but Qian picked up a sling and stuffed it directly to her, smiling: "Okay, here it is, take it."

  Lao Zhou Tau reluctantly gave her a hang, and then asked: "Man Bao, does any doctor have money to take it?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "That's an honorary seal, and he's not really an official, but the court will give you gifts on holidays."

  "What gift to give?"

  "Not necessarily, rice noodles, meat, cloth and clothes will be delivered. Different places are different, and sometimes there will be happy money."

  Zhou Lixue: "Grandpa, the most important thing about this honor is decency. You just need to say that you are a doctor in charge, and people outside will know that you have a child with at least a fifth grade official."

   Zhou Ligu, "Moreover, I have been an official for a long time, otherwise he will be an official with the Sacred Heart. After all, no one can get the official title."

  This time even Man Bao nodded. She never expected that the emperor would honour her parents this time, so she was so surprised.

  Some officials and the Ministry of Etiquette apply for the honorary title. They may not be able to get down after applying for seven or eight years. It is not because you become an official that the court will honor your parents and wives.

  This is Enyin, what is Enyin?

  Gong first, then grace.

  Whether it is a real contribution or hard work, you have to stand before you are eligible to apply with the Ministry of Etiquette, and the Ministry of Etiquette will not necessarily approve it.

  Furthermore, there is a limit to the merits of officials. You are asking for rewards to your parents and wives. When it is your son’s turn, the Ministry of Rites will not give it to you.

  So many people will retain this right, and later use it for reading to their children or serving as an official.

  Anyway, the Ministry of Rites has an account.

  That’s why Man Bao understands that her greatest official position is compiled from the fourth product, but her parents have gone for the fifth product.

  When Lao Zhoutou and Qian Clan finally understood that it was not easy to get Feng Feng, Mrs. Liu had already helped Zheng Clan to come and congratulate them.

Lao Zhoutou and Qian immediately got up to meet them. Lao Zhoutou showed off with embarrassed expression: "It's all Man Bao, if you want me to say that there is something like Enyin for the children in the future, why bother? Is it time for us to use it?"

Mrs. Liu smiled and said, "This is the child's filial piety, and you two raised her to grow up. This is the honor you deserve for your in-laws."

  Lao Mrs. Liu speaks nicely, and Lao Zhou's head is so complimented that he smiles.

  Qian pulled Mrs. Liu and smiled: "Grandma in-law, don't praise him, he should be more proud in a while."

  Lao Mrs. Liu came to congratulate first, and second came to discuss with them about drinking.

  She smiled and said: "Now our three families are three happy families, so this wedding can be done well."

  Lao Zhou tilted his head and wondered, "Sanxi? Isn't it Sixi?"

  He counted with his fingers, "Bai Shan was appointed a knight, and the second young master was named a knight. My child and my mother were killed. This is four happiness."

  Lao Liu: "..."

  She smiled and corrected: "In-law and in-law’s mother-in-law’s honoring is a joy, Man Bao’s promotion is a second joy, Man Bao and Shanbao Erlang are knighted together is a three joy, isn’t this three joys?"

  Qian stunned, and asked quickly: "What does Man Bao mean?"

Man Bao, who had been so busy that he had forgotten about it, immediately reacted, and put the two pennies in his arms into Zhou Lijun's arms and asked her to help hold them, "Father, mother, I also have a title."

  Lao Zhoutou immediately said: "Yes, I have heard your name, three times."

  Man Bao: "...Only the first time I blocked me."

  Qian asked: "What did you seal? Is it also a county?"

   "No, it's the owner of the village. The owner of Liyang."

  Lao Zhoutou, they are ignorant, and they don’t understand, "What is the village owner?"

  Man Bao choked for a while and said: "It's just a name for a noble rank. It's similar to Baishan's county, and only has five ranks. I have five hundred households."

  Lao Zhoutou and the others didn’t understand what Shiyi was, Man Bao said, “It’s in Liyang County. The county magistrate will allocate 500 households to me. These people pay the rent and taxes to me.”

  Lao Zhoutou immediately understood, "The land rent for the divided fields?"

   "Yes, there are also taxes and taxes, etc. The taxes they pay will not be handed over to the court, but to me."

  Of course, she can only take things and money. She has no jurisdiction over the people in Shiyi, and they are still under the management of Liyang County.

  Lao Zhoutou and Qian’s mouths opened wide. This kind of title that almost one person can represent a country is beyond their comprehension.

    The next chapter is around ten thirty in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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