Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2434: Li Yang (a reward for the book friend "Liang Yi"

  Chapter 2434 Li Yang

  Man Bao took a lot of effort to explain the difference between title and official position with the old Zhoutou Qian. In order to make them more understandable, she handed Prince Gong as an example.

"Prince Gong does not have a real position in him now. He was a prince before. The fief is a big piece of land in Luozhou. The taxes in the fief belong to him. Although he has no jurisdiction, it is because there are all his food. Yap, if he has any ideas, he can talk to the magistrate there." Man Baodao: "For example, tax exemption, less donation, etc., can still be said."

  "Later, he was the king of the county, and part of the fief was taken back. The people in the part that were taken back, they no longer pay taxes to King Gong, but pay to the court."

  Lao Zhou was dumbfounded, "Are you the prince?"

  Man Bao: "...Father, I am a fifth-grade township owner, and there are only 500 households in the food town, which is equivalent to six our villages, or three Dali villages."

  Qian also stayed, "That's also very powerful, even better than your father, I'm talking about my father."

  Lao Zhou turned his head back to his senses, and immediately turned to ask Mrs. Liu, "My family, what kind of town does Shanbao have? How many households does he have?"

  Lao Mrs. Liu smiled and said, "Yes, like Man Bao, there are also 500 households."

  Lao Zhoutou immediately asked: "Where is that?"

  He also turned his head and asked Man Bao, “Where are the five hundred households in our family? Do you know who’s home?”

   "It's in Liyang," Man Bao said, "I'll go back and ask the Liyang county magistrate, Baishan's fief is in Longzhou, not here."

  Man Bao reacted when he said, "How did your majesty put my fief in Liyang? It should be in Luojiang County."

  Lao Mrs. Liu smiled and nodded her forehead, “Silly boy, it’s not good to be in Liyang, the emperor’s feet are good for a living, and they pay more taxes.”

  Liyang belongs to Yongzhou, very close to the capital. Wannian County used to be Liyang, less than a hundred miles away from the outer city of the capital. It can be reached in an hour, which is closer than their Zhuangzi.

  Of course, Liyang is not small. It depends on where the five hundred households are divided. In case it is divided in another corner, it is possible that it can only be reached in a day on horseback.

  But Mrs. Liu didn’t think that would be the case. She smiled and said, “You are being favored, and the Ministry of Rites and Liyang County magistrate will not embarrass you too much.”

  More than anything, Liyang received the decree, because the emperor did not specify a specific place, but only gave the title Liyang, the county magistrate of Liyang felt a strange feeling, and he was afraid that he would rise after Zhou Mansion.

  So he carefully studied the official document, and after pondering for a long time, he finally determined that the Ministry of Rites had not specified a place, so he took out the map of Liyang County and pondered it.

  After half a day, I circled a small area near Wannian County, and planned to transfer the 500 households from here to Zhou Man. If she is still promoted to the title in the future, she can continue to dial her in this direction.

  The county magistrate of Liyang thought with joy, Zhou Man was a foreign minister anyway, and she would be promoted to the head of the county in the future. She would make this piece of food for her.

  At the same time, the county magistrate Guo was sighing at his master.

  Master: "...sir, what's wrong with you?"

  Guo county magistrate said: "We may not be able to grab the places we want to grab from Liyang."

  Master: ...Why does his adult always want to grab territory from Liyang?

   But he still asked quickly: "The Ministry of Household has explicitly rejected it?"

   "No," County Magistrate Guo said depressed, "Your Majesty has awarded Zhou Man as the lord of Liyang Township."

Master    puzzled, "What does this have to do with my grabbing the site of Liyang? Is it that Master Zhou is going to give Liyang county magistrate the shot?"

  His grown-ups shouldn’t be scared just now, right?

  What are you afraid of? Go!

  Guo county magistrate glanced at him and said: "If your majesty does not specify the specific place of the food town, Liyang will probably assign the areas bordering our Wannian County to Zhouman."

  Master reacted, his face became cold, "Oh."

  It’s impossible to grab it. It’s all Zhouman’s food town. It’s useless if they grab it. They can’t collect taxes or do other things. Why not please?

  It’s a pity that Guo county magistrates, there was already some loose mouth on the Ministry of Households, and they almost promised to transfer the township near their Wannian County to their Wannian County. Who knew that a Liyang villager suddenly fell from heaven?

  If the Liyang county magistrate is not stupid, he will definitely separate the two counties with her, and he will not be able to annex Liyang's territory at all.

what a pity.

  The county magistrate of Liyang was very happy the next day, he asked people to submit the marked list to the Ministry of Ritual and the Ministry of Households.

  Just after Manbao sent Bai Shan for reference, and turned around to go to see the doctor for Mrs. Piguo and return to the palace, the official from Liyang had already sent the documents to the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Households.

  So waiting for Man Bao to finish busy in the palace, Xiao Yuan was announcing that she and Lu Taiyi would be given six days off, the Ministry of Ritual and the Ministry of Household had checked the documents and approved it.

  Man Bao was very happy to leave early. When she was out of the palace, she took a detour to the Ministry of Ritual, and wanted to ask about the specific location of her fief.

  The document from the Ministry of Etiquette has been confiscated. Hearing that, he showed it to her, “This is the list of five hundred households and the number of people, you can take a look.”

  Man Bao opened it and looked at the place where they lived. After writing down the place, he started to look at their names, and asked casually: "Is this the place where your majesty has drawn?"

  The official of the Ministry of Rites smiled and said, “No, this is the place designated by the Liyang County Order. Speaking of which, Wutun Township where these villages are located is quite famous.”

He said: "The ancient city of Liyang is here. It used to be the ancient capital of the Qin Kingdom more than a thousand years ago, but a lot of it was abandoned there. At the time of the first emperor, Liyang was merged into Wannian County, but it was later distributed to Yongzhou. ..."

   Anyway, it's divided up and down, so...very poor.

  Of course, compared with the counties around the capital, this poor is much better than Luojiang County. It belongs to the middle county anyway.

  The four villages distributed to Zhouman are not bad, but because they were distributed, the higher-level officials did not take care of them very seriously, so they were a bit poor.

  Because the Ministry of Rites is under the control of the prince, based on the perception that Zhou Man is a prince, the officials of the Ministry of Rites naturally have a good impression of her, after all, they are their own.

Therefore, the official of the Ministry of Rites who was asked by Man Bao was very dedicated to popularizing science with Zhou Man, “Because of the ancient city in Wutun Township, the commerce in the previous dynasty was very developed. At that time, Wannian County was still lively."

  The capital city was after war. At that time, the capital city fought and many people moved to the nearby village to take shelter. Over time, Wuxiang County developed even better than Wannian County.

"So after Emperor Xian ascended the throne, seeing that Wannian County was really deserted, he merged Liyang into Wannian County. At that time, the magistrate of Wannian County led people and merchants from Liyang to Wannian County..." The official paused and said: "But later, because the county was too big and difficult to manage, and Chang'an and Wannian counties should be given priority to with Chang'an County, and Yongzhou should be the accompanying capital, so the Emperor Xian returned Liyang to Yongzhou. It became a county alone."

However, the merchants, dignitaries, officials, etc. who gathered in Liyang before have all gone to Wannian County. It is impossible for them to go back. Therefore, the ancient city of Liyang has become ruined day by day, and it is no longer like ordinary towns. Different, even more dilapidated than they are.

  Man Bao: "...I, I'll just have a meal. Is this something the county magistrates should worry about?"

  The official of the Ministry of Etiquette was stunned for a moment and then nodded and smiled: "Yes, it is indeed something that the county magistrates should worry about."

   The fifth day of ten thousand changes, I finally finished it, Oye

     good night



  (End of this chapter)

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