Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2444: Teach us

   Chapter 2444 Teach Us

  Manbao and the others didn’t know that their family was worrying about their relatives. They were on the boating lake. Several people were sitting in the canopy of the boat. While making tea, they put the food they bought from the shore on the table.

  The boat floated into the lake, and the boatman didn't row the boat very much, and let it drift slowly towards the center of the lake.

  Several people sat comfortably in the boat, blowing the breeze, and felt very happy.

  Mingda sat and watched the pedestrians on the shore, enviously said: "I really envy you, you can come here every day."

  Man Bao: "Why, we are very busy."

  Mingda smiled, “No matter how busy you are, it’s good to take a car and walk around after getting off the office.”

  Man Baodao: "Isn't there a lake over Daming Palace? The lake there is bigger than here."

  "How can it be compared," Changyu said while twisting his food while eating: "There is no one selling anything there, and there are not so many people."

  Mingda nodded.

  Man Bao also thinks about it, there is still a big difference between shopping on the street and shopping in the palace.

  Man Bao comforted: "It's okay, you can do it next year."

   Mingda and Changyu, their faces flushed.

  The two princesses really felt the daily routine of boating in the lake, eating and drinking, and they were not willing to move to the Huguo Temple until it was too early.

  I received Zhou Man’s post yesterday and have been waiting for their warning:……

  If it hadn’t been for a long time together, and had lived and died together, I would definitely suspect that they were playing tricks on him.

  Jie 嗔 got up from the futon, looked around at the few people who were looking for someone, and said after saluting: "Master Zhou, Master Bai, Master is waiting in the Zen room, please."

  His gaze crossed Mingda and Changyu, and he felt a bit familiar, as if he had seen them somewhere.

The thought of    flashed, and it took two steps before I remembered that this seemed to be the two princesses.

   Quit 嗔:...

  But he didn't change his expression, he just didn't know, and led them to see Master Zhiren.

  Changyu did not expect that they would actually see Master Zhiren. She remembered that he was not easy to see. In the past, except for the father and the emperor, the mother and the queen could occasionally see him.

  Even if the prince brother comes, it depends on whether Master Zhiren wants to see him or not.

  Changyu asked Manbao quietly, "You have such a good relationship with Master Zhiren."

  Man Bao whispered: "We have a better relationship with Ji An."

  Quiet:...Nonsense, when did his relationship with them get better? Obviously Master talked to them more.

  In the hearts of Manbao and several people, their relationship with Jiai is really good. Not to mention that they have saved Jiai, Jiai has also taken the risk to save them, hasn’t it?

  So they are deadly friendship.

  Upholding this cognition, Bai Shan asked the warning, "Master, you said that the kungfu you learned was in the Huguo Temple last time. Can we learn it as a lay disciple?"

  Jie Chi Master: "...You have to ask the host for this."

   Bai Erlang said in a polite manner: "You said that last time in the Western Regions. Didn't you ask for us?"

  He was not polite, he was not polite at all, and asked them: "Aren't you believing? How can you be a Buddhist disciple?"

   "What's the matter? We can also be Taoist laymen," Man Bao said, "I think your skills are good."

  She said: "Taoists have a set of health-preserving boxing, which can be practiced to prolong life and longevity. It was learned from the Taoist priest in the mountains near our village. If you teach us kung fu, we can teach you health-preserving boxing."

   Quit: "...I don't want to learn this."

Man Baodao: "I think you will want to learn, do you know? I have studied carefully. Masters in Buddhism and Taoism must live long enough. The longer they live, the deeper their understanding of Buddhism and Taoism. People who are more convinced of each other, if you want to become a master, you must live long enough."

She said: "I've seen your kung fu, it's too hard, long-term practice is actually harmful to the body, like you usually don't use it, but once you use it, your body's meridians and flesh and bones will wear out, although people look young , But the body is old. It won’t last long like this."

  Jie frowned, because he knew Zhou Man was right.

He was originally a monk, who specializes in protecting Master Zhiren. He had never had the opportunity to come into contact with those advanced Dharma in his entire life, but he started following Master at the age of eight. Master saw that he had some understanding, so he taught him from time to time. Some truth.

  In addition, he has been with Zhiren for the longest time, so he slowly learned some Dharma.

  The monk is still his main way.

  This set of kung fu he learned was originally the glaring vajra exercises, it was indeed too strong and hurt the body a bit.

Man Baodao: "And my Taoist kung fu is dedicated to health preservation. Fighting is not very good, but it can adjust the limbs and bones, and then adjust the breath to nourish the meridians. In our family, we go up to our husband and down to my nephews and nieces. , I usually do Wu Qin Xi when I have no time, and I do this set of punches when I have time. It's very useful."

   She strongly recommended, "I am a doctor, and there is nothing wrong with my recommendation."

  Jie sighed: "The exercises belong to the Huguo Temple, and I didn’t dare to spread it without the host’s promise, and..."

  Jie yelled them up and down and said: "You are too old to learn much. To learn well at your age, you have to put in great perseverance and a lot of time to polish your body, but do you have time?"

   Quit, but you know, they are either still studying in the palace, or they are going to be an official, not to mention Zhou Man, who has just been released from the imperial house, and there must be some busy next time.

  Bai Shandao: "Let's not learn too much. We think you have a lot of strength and great dodge. We only need to learn some furs. After going out, it is good to meet some little thieves and not be bullied."

  Jie 嗔 glanced at Daji and other guards following behind, and said: "Don't you have guards?"

  Especially the one named Daji, he followed them inseparably. He had also seen him do something, he was also very organized, his skill was not bad, and it was enough to deal with ordinary masters.

   But that is the handsome man, not their handsome.

  Before, Bai Shan and the others did not take care of the guards. To be honest, it was difficult for them to learn martial arts from this.

  But after they saw Ji-chi's hands, they realized that martial arts in the world could be so beautiful.

  There is a kind of other rhythm in every move, which is not only eye-catching, but also full of enthusiasm.

  Yin or both eyes are shining, if his body doesn't allow him, he wants to learn together.

  A few of them looked at the eyes of the star and pointed to the roof and said: "Even if we learn, we can fly to the roof as soon as we turn around."

   Chinin’s laughter came from the front yard, “Quit, since a few friends want to learn, then you can teach them.”

  Bai Shan and their eyes lit up, only then did they realize that the people who can really call the shots, they crossed over to the yard and greeted Master Zhiren with a smile.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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