Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2445: Hey-hey

   Chapter 2445 Hey

  Master Zhiren first smiled and nodded with them, then looked at the two princesses Mingda and Changyu, smiled and bowed with them, and smiled: "The two princesses came to the temple for?"

  Mingda hurriedly said: "Grandma prayed to the Buddha before she was alive. We are thinking of coming to pray for the emperor's grandmother with incense."

  This is easy to handle, but they are princesses, and the incense is naturally different, so Master Zhiren asked the host to arrange it.

  Master Zhiren left without waiting for the end of the Western Expedition. They took another route back, much faster than Man Bao and the others. The news of the victory of the Western Expedition came after returning to the capital.

  At the end of the week, they have been back for four months, but they have never contacted.

  At this time, Master Zhiren looked at them up and down, and found that several of them had grown a lot taller, and their faces had become more determined, and the childishness at first sight had disappeared a lot.

  Master Zhinin smiled, and sighed in his heart, whether he has grown up after all.

  Master Zhiren asked Jiai to teach Baishan their martial arts, and Jiai no longer said anything to report to the host, and directly responded.

  Manbao and the others got excited, they sat down and talked to Master Zhiren. They were very concerned about his appearance, and asked him, "Is the master on the way back smoothly? Did you encounter any fun things on the way?"

  Master Zhinin smiled and said: "Naturally it is not as magnificent as the little friends..."

They talked about traveling westward and returning eastward for a long time, and Bai Shan encouraged him, "Now that several countries in the Western Regions are surrendered to the Jin Dynasty, there will be no wars in a short time. If Master Zhiren wants to go to the Western Regions to ask for Buddhist scriptures, now this Time is the best."

  Master Zhiren smiled and nodded, saying that he would consider setting off when he translated the Buddhist scriptures in his hand.

  Mingda listened with envy, Chang Yu was not too interested in these, so she quietly bit her ears with Man Bao, "Master Ji An's martial arts is very powerful?"

  Man Bao nodded and said with a thumbs up: "So amazing."

Changyu rolled his eyes and said, "Will he make whips? The monks practice hard skills. I am afraid that it is not suitable for you. You might as well practice whips with me. I will tell you that my whip is good. "

Man Bao has seen it, but she feels uncomfortable, "I think I can fly to the roof as soon as I jump, and my body is elegant. Now I will only step on the wall to jump up to the wall, and I have to climb for a while. It's not very beautiful. And the weapon Here, I think the sword is still good-looking."

   "The whip saves effort," Chang Yu said, "As long as you master the skill, you can throw flowers while standing, and others can't get close to you."

   "I don't want a battlefield, I just want to look good."

   "The one who is jumping around is not a lady at all. Isn't it nice to stand up and whip the whip?"

  Man Bao: "I still want to fly. You have never seen the prancing skill of quitting fighting with people. Every move is like...just like the person in the painting. It's clean and tidy, especially beautiful."

  Changyu: "...just to look good."

"Not exactly," Man Bao sighed: "On this trip, we knew that it was dangerous outside. Although there are guards to protect him, he knows martial arts and can save his life at critical moments? People say that famous teachers make good students. , The martial art of quitting hatred is the best among the people we know."

  Changyu: "Can you be better than Li Shangshu and Su Guogong in the DPRK?"

   "I haven't seen them fight either."

  The topic is getting farther away. When the host in front is ready, Man Bao and the others get up and say goodbye to Master Zhiren, and accompany the two princesses to burn incense.

  The guarding ladies who came to Huguo Temple in advance also appeared, took out the sesame oil money prepared in the morning and gave it to the host. Seeing the sunset is about to go west, they are now ready to go back down the mountain.

  Mingda and Changyu did not let the carriage come up. Instead, they walked down the steps and mingled with the pilgrims. Mingda was very excited and Baobao said, "Look, no one recognizes us."

  No one recognizes Mingda and them, but everyone can see that their identities are not simple.

  However, Huguo Temple is a national temple, and there have always been many dignitaries who come to offer incense, so the pilgrims are not very eye-catching, they just step aside, not too close to their group.

  But this is enough to be very happy.

  Changyu doesn't understand this kind of happiness, but the sisters are happy, and she is also happy with them.

  Getting on the car, she is still recommending her whip with Man Bao, "If you learn whip from me, I will give you the whip that I used when I was a child. That is a gift for my tenth birthday from my mother."

  Mingda was amused, "Why did my sister suddenly become a teacher?"

   "It's rare that someone likes martial arts as much as I do. Naturally, it's better to play whips like me, so that I can play together in the future."

  Man Bao lay on the side of the car window and said to her: "You are stupid, you use a whip, I also use the whip, do you use the whip to play together when you play together? It's too boring."

  She said: "You should learn the whip, I learn the sword, so that the whip and the sword are fun."

  "Aren’t you going to practice martial arts with the monk, should it be palms or fists?" Chang Yu hit her, "At most, it’s a stick. You will lose if you are long and short."

  Man Bao listened for a while, and said not to be outdone: "What does it matter, I won't pull your whip close to you? By then, your whip won't be able to be picked up, so naturally it will be useless."

   Seeing that the two people were fighting each other inside and outside the car, Mingda quickly stopped the two people and said: "You guys have nothing to compare now, it's all lip service."

   Especially Man Bao, "Have you learned?"

  Man Bao stopped talking immediately.

  Changyu pulled back a round and started to laugh.

  Mingda knocked on the carriage and asked the coachman to return to the palace. She and Man Bao said, "You can learn martial arts first, and then talk about it."

When the carriage started moving, Man Bao drove the window aside, and Chang Yu pulled the window and stuck his head out and said, "Man Bao, you still have four days of vacation. Learn first. We'll be right when we enter the palace. Counter move."

  Man Bao corrected and said: "It's six days!"

   Then he said: "I'm going to visit my farm and work for two days at most. I won't fight against you. At least I will have to wait for half a year."

  The carriage drifted away, and Changyu could only say loudly: "Two days have passed, obviously there are still four days..."

  The carriage was far away, and Man Bao didn't bother to answer her voice, and Mingda would tell her anyway.

  Sure enough, Changyu’s head hadn’t been recovered yet, and Mingda had already said, “After four days, it will be a ten-day holiday, and two days will be six days together.”

  Changyu stayed for a while, "Oh my God, she took such a long vacation?"

Mingda smiled and said: "She has been locked up in the imperial house for so long, so naturally it will take longer, and it just so happens that after six days of vacation, she happened to go to the Great Court and Yamen for one day, and it just happened to be ten days off. "

   is not just right, Xiao Yuan is specially arranging time for Man Bao and Lu Taiyi. After all, people have been locked in the imperial house for such a long time, and the psychological pressure is still quite large, and they can just take a break.

  Lu Taiyi had a good rest recently, and Man Bao planned to make up for the spring outing, but before that, she had to visit Mrs. Tang’s cousin.

    want to take a holiday, but also want to take a long holiday

     See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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