Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2453: Empathy

  Chapter 2453 Empathy

  The Ma family in Bingzhou seemed to be experiencing a storm, and Wang’s Alley was not calm.

  Cui’s waited anxiously, but her husband never came back, and the people outside were waiting. Wang Saburo stepped forward quickly, “Mother, father is still with the uncle.”

  Cui's face was pale, "He won't come back? Just hide?"

  Wang Saburo is the eldest son of the Cui family. He was caught between his parents at this time and was very embarrassed, so he bowed his head and said nothing.

Cui's eyes reddened, and he took his hand and said, "Geng'er, my mother really didn't mean it. At that time, I was a little angry because I thought of your brother, so I didn't want to see her. And fighting between husband and wife is normal. Yes, which couple in this world don’t quarrel? Even if you and your daughter-in-law, don’t they also have quarrels?"

  Wang Geng said: "But I don't know how to beat people."

  He paused and said, “And it’s not the first time that Ma Hongzhong has done it. He beat it so hard, how can his mother send people back without saying a word?”

  Cui's face turned pale, "Mother knows that she was wrong, you should get your father back first, and I will apologize with him."

"Mother, why don't you understand? The thing you should apologize most is to the sixth sister," Wang Geng noticed that his tone was too heavy, so he couldn't help but slow down and said, "There are so many sisters in the family. I have called several sisters to Yongzhou, obviously to deal with this matter. This is no longer just our housework."

  Cui is just a concubine, and he knows how much it hit her when it spread out, and how much it hit her children.

   Her face changed, and she quickly asked: "Wuniang also followed Siniang to Yongzhou, she..."

  Wang Geng lowered his head and said, "Mother, Liu Niang is also her younger sister. She has to do something."

  Mother and son were talking, a nanny finally couldn't help coming in and saluting: "Madam, the carriages and horses are ready. If we don't leave, we will not be able to reach the post."

  Wang Geng said: "Mother, son will send you out of the city."

Cui's face was pale, and he shook his head repeatedly, but was held by Wang Geng, his eyes were red, and he said, "This is no way. Uncle said, this is something the Cui family can do. You go back and ask your grandfather, son. I will pick you up next month."

  Cui's heart is terrified, she doesn't want to go back to her family, especially in this way.

  She has been married for more than 20 years, and the number of times she has returned to her natal home has been counted with two slaps. For that home, she has a glorious expression on her face, but in fact she has no sense of belonging.

  She was helped by Wang Geng to get into the car. She couldn't help holding his hand tightly, and she didn't want to let it go.

  Wang Geng can only get in the car and walk with her, intending to send people out of the city, "Mother, don't worry, I will definitely pick you up."

Cui cried, "Mother really knew that I was wrong, and I really knew it was wrong. I didn't mean it at the time. As long as I thought of your brother's renunciation with me, my heart was burning like a fire. I wanted to see her so much that I was sent back. How did I know that the Ma family dared to insult her like this? She hasn't said a word all these years..."

Wang Geng endured, but still did not hold back, helping her to whisper: "Mother, the Ma family put her under house arrest. She can't send a letter at all, and you sent her back. Who else can she pass on? What about the letter?"

  He said: "You gave the courage of the Ma family, and it was given by the second room of the Wang family!"

  Cui was taken aback.

  Wang Geng then took away the anger on his face and said: "That's why the uncle and father are so angry. You don't have to make trouble for now. Go back to Cui for a while, and the son will pick you up next month."

  Can be sent back like this, what would Cui's think of her?

  What face will she have in the future?

  Not only did you lose face in your natal family, but also in your husband’s house?

  At this moment, Cui can deeply understand the situation of Wang Ruile at that time, and he can't wait to die on the spot.

  Why didn’t she die at that time?

  Cui was taken aback by the thoughts that came out of her heart, and her hands and feet trembled without speaking.

  Wang Geng didn't care, thinking she was persuaded, he sent her outside the city before getting off the car. Cui couldn't help but grabbed him and asked, "You said, would your brother hate me more?"

  Wang Geng paused and said: "No, mother don't think too much."

  He stepped back and let the team set off.

At this time, Lord Tang received several papers for impeaching Ma Feng, the governor of the prefecture, but they were all handed over from the local government, including the impeachment of the governor of Shuozhou and Hengzhou, and even the impeachment of the governor. Folds.

  Lord Tang couldn’t help but open it up, what did Ma Feng do that was so irritating?

  There is really no anger and grievances. It’s just robbing the two neighboring states. In the process, there are some disgraceful methods and some negligence. It is not big, but not small.

  Lord Tang wrote down and invited a subordinate to say: "Go and adjust Daizhou's taxes and official documents in the past few years."

   "How long will it take?"

  Lord Tang thought for a while and said: "I found out the impeachment zhezi within three years, especially pay attention to the zhezi in Shuozhou and Hengzhou."

  The subordinates went.

  Lord Tang put these impeachment papers aside and mentioned them when he went to the small court meeting with the emperor, and then said that he had asked his subordinates to investigate. If it is serious, he may need to send officials to investigate on the spot.

The emperor    didn't care too much, and waved his hand to show that he knew it.

At this time, the hangover Bai Shan and the others got up from the bed and ate a bowl of hot porridge dizzyly, and then they were asked to lift the wooden couch under the tree in the yard and sit on it while basking in the sun. daze.

  Zhou Dalang came back from working outside with his hoe, and sat blankly when he saw them, then shook his head and turned to leave.

  I'm also talking about running a Zhuangzi, this is the sun that came to Yongzhou.

  Man Bao didn’t drink, so he was eating the dried fruits with great care.

  Bai Shan was exposed to the sun and slowly recovered, and he said to Man Bao: "I think you brought three big boxes back yesterday. Do you want to mix things up with the Wang family?"

  Man Baodao: "I just see a doctor."

  Bai Shan understood that she was just seeing a doctor, at most watching the excitement on the side.

Bai Shan was relieved, and relaxed one leg up and leaned on the couch and said, "It’s okay, I think Wang’s house is also in chaos, Wang Cheng, that is, Wang Wulang, he is not Wang Liuniang’s younger brother, but I've adopted it."

  Wang Wulang cried yesterday, so Bai Shan learned a lot from his mouth, “Listen to him, there is still his biological mother in this matter, so he cried very sad yesterday.”

  This Man Bao knew, “Six Niangzi went back to her family’s home, but she was sent back to Ma’s family by her own aunt.”

  She said: "She has no parents, only an adopted younger brother in the family, and the second room is not separated, so her aunt can be the head of her natal family, she was sent back directly, and the Ma family was not afraid of this."

  Yin or holding the book were dumbfounded, and asked: "Why is this?"

  It was him. He became ill. He was also taught to support the sisters in the family from childhood and not allow their husbands to bully them. Why did this Cui come the other way?

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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