Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2454: Why not think about it

  Chapter 2454 Don't think about it

  Man Bao scratched his head, “Sao Xue said that her aunt is a bit left-sided, but I don’t know if there are too many.”

  Man Bao waved his hand: "Don't talk about them, let's go to the fields for a while."

  Bai Shan, they have no objection.

  In fact, they have not been to Zhuangzi for more than a year.

There hasn’t been much change here in Putun, but the complexion on the faces has improved a lot. Now they are planting a full job field, not to mention, eat a little bit thicker, and they will be 70% full throughout the year. , The rest of the food can be sold to save some money, and later married the children.

  So the villagers who worked in the field saw Zhou Man and others subconsciously spreading smiles, greeted them enthusiastically, and carefully asked whether Zhou Man’s work went well or not, whether Shangguan liked it?

  Man Bao said inexplicably that his work went well, still like it, right?

  After all, she has a lot of Shangguans, and there is no guarantee that everyone likes her.

  The villagers worship the Mantian God and Buddha, hoping that they will bless Zhou Manshun smoothly and prosperously.

  Man Bao was a little flattered. The request from her family was reasonable, but she was not very familiar with these villagers.

  Pray for the gods and Buddhas to be enshrined, even if there is no enshrinement, she will definitely grab the share of other people’s wishes. Anyway, she will not give the share of wishes to people who are unfamiliar.

  Every time I make a wish, it’s not my own business, it’s the business of those close to me.

  Man Bao’s expression was touched, Bai Shan dragged her away, and said, “What are you surprised about? They are asking you to succeed in your official career, but they are also seeking success for themselves.”

  He said: "As long as you are prosperous with officials, the field will always be yours, and they can keep farming."

  Man Bao: "Then I am also very happy."

  After thinking for a while, she asked in a low voice: "You said, if there are too many people begging, will the gods and Buddhas really hear this wish, and then really let my official career prosper?"

  Bai Shan: "...Don't you believe that there are gods and Buddhas in the world?"

  Man Bao: "If it is a good thing, you can still believe it."

  Don't talk about Bai Shan, even Yin may think she is too clumsy.

  A group of people walked in the field happily, and looked roughly at the wheat fields, rice fields, and all kinds of beans that had just sprouted. Man Bao and the others went to see the experimental field.

  Zhou Lizhong was also in Zhuangzi, just to introduce them.

  Now the experimental field in Zhuangzi has been extended to a large area, covering a total of 12 acres, which Zhou Lizhong and his father are taking care of.

He took out the pamphlet and showed it to Man Bao, and said, "This piece is the new seed that my aunt gave us during the first month of the first month. Now we have planted the seedlings. Seeing that the seedlings are a little lean, they are all green now, and we have survived. "

   pointed to two fields again: "This is the No. 3 seed and No. 2 seed left from last fall..."

  Which type of seed came from, and what the output is, all can be traced back to the source in the notebook.

  Including whether they are cold-tolerant or drought-tolerant during growth, or need more water, whether they recruit insects, Zhou Lizhong has a record.

  Some were ordered by Zhou Man from the beginning to record, and some were added by himself.

  Man Bao looked a little confused on her own, but Zhou Lizhong remembered it, and Zhou Lizhong told her the previous generation of seeds on which field she went to.

  Bai Shan listened, and sighed: "If you weren't able to read, you can go to the Ming Dynasty to study arithmetic, and then try to enter the Sinong Temple..."

  Bai Shan had a meal here, and then he said: "Would you like to check the calculations?"

  As soon as I heard that Zhou Lizhong was reading a book, his feet were a little fluttering, and he was too vague. "That's not good. Even the words I remember now, many of them are still learning."

  In terms of farming, Zhou Lizhong is far less than Zhou Dalang last year. This ten acres of land, with the help of tenant households in Pu Village, was originally not needed by Zhou Lizhong, but in the end, why did he take care of it?

  Isn’t it because his father is not very literate?

  Zhou Dalang currently only recognizes his own name, and only some commonly used characters. He is still in a state of recognizing but not very good at writing.

  So Zhou Lizhong came here. He had studied for two years, and he had recognized a lot of characters with his sister-in-law. He knew all the basic characters.

  Even if some words cannot be remembered how to write, he can still find his sister-in-law's thick book of words, and even ask his wife if it doesn't help.

  Up to now, Zhou Lizhong has not only consolidated the previously learned characters, but also learned a lot of new characters, but...he didn't have the courage to say that he went to the imperial examination?

  Let’s not say whether he really counts, even if he does, who can think of him as a dog?

   "Obviously... I feel that it is better to establish a monarch."

  Man Bao: "...There are no women signing up."

  Zhou Li smiled at his aunt, but he didn't mean to go anyway.

  Man Bao also felt that it was a little difficult for him to pass the exam, so he said: "You should learn first, then I will ask, and see when there are too many people, you can take the exam."

  Bai Shan said: "You can go back to Luojiang County for the exam."

  Bai Jiro was taken aback and looked at Bai Shan in surprise, "Are you going to the back door?"

  Bai Shan couldn't help but pat him, "What are you talking about? Am I that kind of person?"

Bai Shan and Zhou Li said: "There are many people in the capital, and there are many people who are literate. Some people cannot pass the Jinshi or Mingjing exams, so they will choose Xiucai, Mingshu and Mingfa. In contrast, , Obviously it’s more remote, and few people go to the exam."

"But few people take the test, and some will take the test. So in the capital, these gates can be filled with people, but they are different in small places." Bai Shan said: "As far as I know, no one has applied for the test in Luojiang County for several years. There has been no one to pass the exams because of the mathematics department. If you are willing, we can teach you later."

"There are not many books to test for Mingju, so there are only three posts of "Nine Chapters of Suan Jing", "Five Jing Suan Jing", "Five Cao Suan Jing", "Xia Hou Yang Suan Jing", "Zhang Qiu Jian Suan Jing", There is one post each of Zhoutu Suanjing, Haidao Suanjing, and Sunzi Suanjing, six posts for Zhushu Shushu, and four posts for Jigu Suanjing. If you have learned these books, you must be sure in Luojiang County. can pass."

Zhou Lizhong was dizzy. He knew both "Nine Chapters of Mathematical Scriptures" and "Five Classics of Mathematical Scriptures". He had studied with Mr. Zhuang, but he only learned the first point. He didn't learn the advanced ones. Mr. Zhuang also said that he did. These are enough, and now...

   Zhou Li swallowed heavily and looked at his sister-in-law, "Is it too late for me to start learning now?"

   "It's not too late," Man Bao said, "How old are you. If you work for half a hundred in your life, then you have to do it for another 30 years. You will finish studying these books in two years, right?"

  Zhou Li shook his head again and again, wishing to shake his head down to him.

  White Jiro immediately said: "You can't save others by yourself, this, this, it will take at least four years!"

   Zhou Li nodded again and again, and then whispered: "Maybe it will be six years, or longer."

  Yin or: "...It is calculated clearly, there is no grade, at most it is counted as an official."

  So do you want to think about it again?

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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