Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2455: Persuade

  Chapter 2455 Persuade

I won’t talk about the selection of officials in Dajin. It’s similar to the previous inspection system. Local recommendations are basically the children of large families, otherwise they are also powerful people, and only a very small part will be A person of great reputation and great ethics.

  Zhou Lizhong is obviously not such a person.

   Then you can only take regular subjects.

  The Jinshi, Xiucai and Mingjing among the regular subjects are more difficult to test, and they are the easiest Mingjing. Liu Huan can survive the hard work of reading books for more than ten years.

  The rest of the Ming book and Ming law, calligraphy is too difficult, you don't need to ask Zhou Li to re-read the book for a few years, just the words that the dog crawled, I guess the examiner didn't even want to read the paper.

  The law is not simple, so a thick book of Dajin law must be memorized verbatim, not to mention that there are many ritual systems to memorize besides, even he dare not say that he can memorize it.

  Furthermore, most people from Mingfa Section entered the Criminal Ministry and Dali Temple as partial officials, while local officials served as assistants to the county lieutenant or directly served as the county lieutenant.

As for Mingju, the local assistant is for the master book. It is more difficult to get promoted than Mingfake, let alone in the capital. After the calculation, it is basically to enter the six third prisons of the nine temples. Influential staff.

  Remove from the staff to the promotion. If you are lucky, you may reach the rank of rank 5 or 6 in your life, or you can go to a place to become a county magistrate after accumulating certain qualifications.

  When Mr. Zhuang was rejected by the Imperial College and the important Jinshi Mingjing Section, he thought about getting the law test, but then his reputation was so bad that he felt it was difficult to get ahead even if he passed the exam.

  And the salary of a low-level official is very small, so he might as well be an assistant, so he left the capital.

  Now Zhou Lizhong has no troubles of promotion and raising a family, so Bai Shan suggested that he go to study the calculation.

  He said: "If you can pass the test, if you can grow the grain seed, it is a great achievement, and you can go directly to Sinong Temple."

   By then, he won’t be an influential man.

   Zhou Li asked: "What if you fail the exam?"

  "When you grow this grain, I'll go through the back door and ask for credit," Man Bao said, "But it costs money to go through the back door, probably..."

  Man Bao counted with his fingers, then looked at Bai Shan.

  Bai Shan said: "A member of a foreigner, twenty thousand tons of grain."

  Zhou Li’s feet were soft, he immediately shook his hand and said, "No, no need..."

  He gritted his teeth and said: "Then, then I will learn?"

Man Bao was satisfied, and said to him, "I will find the book for you later. If you don’t understand, you can ask Mr. Zhuang, or you can ask me and Bai Shan. If you learn, they must also study the "Nine Chapters of Mathematical Scripture". You can ask them."

  There are quite a few people studying in the old Zhou family.

   Zhou Li responded with a guilty heart.

Yin may look at Bai Shan and Zhou Man. Finally, he looked at Zhou Lizhong, who was in a cold sweat and was suffering from distressed food. He decided not to tell him that if he wanted to donate a vacant job like a member of the staff, it would require tens of thousands of burdens of food. I can definitely donate it.

But being an official is not so troublesome. To find a relationship, first stuff people into the yamen to be a quick catcher, and then mention that you can be a errand assistant under the master's hand. It's just right to do it for two or three years. NS.

  With Zhou Man’s current connections and relationships, there is no need to spend money at all.

However, Yin may hold back and didn’t say, Man Bao and Bai Shan didn’t mention it, but Bai Erlang and Liu Huan really didn’t understand, so Zhou Lizhong thought that there was only one way to go, so the skin tightened, feeling White noodles are not so delicious anymore.

  Now these rice seedlings are still seedlings, except for the thickness and the degree of greenness, nothing can be seen, so she wandered around and went back.

   Shirajiro suggested: "Let’s go outing tomorrow."

   Liu Huan said: "I heard that there is a temple in Yongzhou, and the scenery above it is good."

  Man Bao hit a Ji Ling, and immediately said: "Don't go!"

  When she saw the temple, she thought of King Gong’s legs.

  Bai Shan endured a smile and said, "I know there is a good place. We can go there for a spring trip. We will prepare something today and we will have a picnic tomorrow."

  Man Bao was relieved and nodded repeatedly, “That’s right, there is a temple in the capital. Can there be a Huguo Temple? We’ll just find a lawn and go out.”

  They were comfortable and happy. A group of five people spent this rare holiday beautifully. Ma Hongzhong in Yongzhou City was stopped and beaten again when he was out of the city. He was injured again, but this time he did not dare to leave his wounds to recuperate.

  Looking at the Wang family’s attitude, I’m afraid I won’t let it go, so I don’t know what’s going on at home.

  Mahon Center was anxious, so he hurried back to Bingzhou, and didn’t even care for the injuries.

  Wang Siniang and the others are also leaving, Wang Wuniang and Wang Wulang followed back to Taiyuan, but the person involved, Wang Ruile, was going back to the capital.

Seeing her worry, Wang Siniang said: "Don't worry, Ma Jia is bullying and fearing hardship. You are not in their hands now. They will definitely hold on to Cong'er and absolutely dare not treat him badly."

Wang Ruile said: "I know, but I also asked the fourth sister to pass on a message for me and Ma's family. Good child, no matter what Wang's side is, there is still a little bit of affection on my side. If the child is not well, I Never die with them."

  Wang Ruile said plainly, Wang Siniang heard her determination, nodded and said: "I understand, just rest assured."

  Wang Cheng didn’t think so, and said dissatisfied: “Sixth Sister, are you going to continue to have trouble with them if they hold Cong’er?”

  Wang Ruile said flatly: “It depends on whether they can wait any longer. It doesn’t matter if I am recuperating in Beijing now.”

  The shortest period of her illness is four months. If she does not recover well, it is possible to raise her for another half a year. She can wait, but can the Ma family wait?

  What she wants, is that the Ma family has a little hope, so that she won’t jump over the wall in a hurry to do anything to her son.

  Wang Ruile watched them walk away, and he felt worried in his heart, and it was difficult to settle down.

Madam Tang stretched out her hand to hold her hand and comforted her: "Don't be afraid. The Ma family used to think that no one in the Wang family was in charge of you, so that they dared to do whatever they wanted. Sample."

  Wang Ruile nodded slightly.

  Ms. Tang stood with her under the long pavilion and watched the carriage go far, and said after a long while: "Since you have decided to reconcile, you and Goro should go closer."

  She said: "Although he is the son of your uncle and aunt, he is also your heir, and he inherits the incense of your parents."

  Wang Ruile squeezed the kerchief in his hand for a moment, and said after a while: "Big sister, you said, how about our second room separation after this matter?"

  Her father has a good relationship with his uncle, so the second room has never been separated, and it is too late.

  Parents do not separate the family, the grandmother was always there back then, and later the parents and grandmother left in one step, the grandmother was even more reluctant to separate the two rooms.

  But the grandmother is no longer there, and Wang Cheng has also married a daughter-in-law, but because he is adoptive, the aunt has refused to separate the family, and even wanted to take the son back.

  It is also because of these disputes. The relationship between her and Wang Cheng has not been very good in recent years. The two brothers and sisters have not been in contact for a long time.

Mrs. Tang raised her eyebrows and thought for a while and said: "If it was before, our Dafang would naturally not be able to intervene in your second room, but this time Cui has done too much, and you have to return to Ning. You should not want to live together. Yes, I will write a letter to my father and ask him to mention it to my uncle."

   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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