Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2457: Can't i know

   Chapter 2457 Can't I Know

  Early in the morning, Man Bao put on his official uniform and was ready to go out. When he arrived in the front yard, he saw Bai Shan also dressed and waiting for her.

  She trot forward, raising a smile and asking: "Why are you so fast? Have you waited for me for a long time?"

  Bai Shan shook his head and smiled: "I've only been here for a while."

   Shiajiro reminded impatiently: "Hurry up, I'm going to be late in entering the palace."

  The three of them got on the bus.

  I only returned home yesterday afternoon. After playing for a few days, Man Bao was still a little tired, so he was a little dozed in the rickety car.

  At the imperial city, Bai Shan got off the car first, and then the car continued to take Man Bao and Bai Erlang to the gate of the palace.

  Man Bao is going to the Dachao Hui, Bai Erlang is going to Chongwenguan for school.

  He is still a little sad, immersed in the sorrow that his two friends will be able to go home every day and go shopping every day, but he is about to be locked in the palace.

Man Bao comforted him, "Don't be sad. You will have the exam in a few months. You should hurry up and study. If you pass the exam this time, you won't have to go to the palace to study in the winter, but if you fail the exam, After you and Ming reach a relationship, you may continue to study with the prince."

  This idea is a bit scary, and Bai Erlang wakes up with a spirit.

Man Bao continued: "If you keep failing the exam, your majesty may let you stay in the palace, so Mingda can still stay in the capital. Think about it, if you haven't passed the exam in five or six years, Then you will continue to study with your son."

  Bai Erlang was stunned, and when he returned to Chongwenguan, he was completely stunned.

  Yin may not help but look at him, "What's the matter with you?"

  How did you lose your soul as soon as you entered the palace?

   Baijiro clutched his chest and said: "It's terrible..."

  Yin or eye-full of question marks, what is terrible?

  Man Bao didn't know that he had scared Bai Erlang and lived, and went all the way to the hall to participate in the great court meeting, and then went back to the Tai Hospital to work.

The emperor has asked them to find the testers of all ages they need. If it is suitable, they may start the test again next month. When the test results are obtained this time, if they are good, then they can start after the Chinese New Year. I got vaccinated with cowpox.

  Because they look at the test results, they need time to wait.

  While they were waiting, they watched how the Wang family cleaned up the Ma family step by step.

  Of course, this incident did not make a lot of noise on the surface, but in private, many people still know about it.

  Unfortunately, after Bai Shan entered the imperial court, he went to the palace every day to listen to the announcement. What he did was divide the emperor's books and record edicts and other tasks.

  So he knew that Yushitai had sent someone to Daizhou to investigate the case of the governor's negligence. After confirming that this happened, he moved him to the left of Qizhou Sima and dropped two steps at once.

  This is Ma Hongzhong’s uncle, and he is considered the most promising person in their Ma family. It took him eight years from Sima to governor.

The decree for demotion was drafted by Bai Shan, and then sent to the province for review. After saving from the province, Bai Shan strolled around the hospital and went back.

  Man Bao was about to go to the harem for consultation. When he saw him, he raised his hand to say hello and curiously asked, "Why are you here?"

   "I am going back to the Tai Chi Hall," Bai Shan was happy with her, and couldn't help sharing with her now, "The Wang family's affairs, the Cui family is over."

Because the Spurs’ faults are not small or big, they are competing with the nearby two states for territory and robbing people. There are also some derelictions of duty. The government is more strict, but his strictness is also within the scope of the law. Inside, it's just that they are not so friendly to the military and civilians under the rule.

  But serious management is not necessarily bad.

With the emperor’s usual lenient attitude, he would probably make a request and let the other party change it. “When your Majesty mentioned this, Li Zuo Sanqi said that Daizhou was originally a border gate, and the people over there should have been tolerant. Only in this way can we conquer the people and make the military and people follow their hearts. However, the Spurs history has done the opposite. There is nothing to be seen in a short time, but over time, we are afraid that people’s livelihood will be resented and there will be some natural disasters and man-made disasters. Yes, the military and civilians tend to become rebellious."

  Different from the previous emperors, the emperor who was also a rebel did not kill the rebels in one shot, especially the ordinary people who participated in the rebellion.

  He believes that there are only two types of military and civilian rebellion. One is to be tempted and coerced by others and have to rebel. This one is to ask the person who is the head of the crime. This person is very sinful!

  One type is to rebel and seek a life after being unable to live. In this type, the emperor and local officials are the first crime.

So when it comes to the people's rebellion, the emperor will not blindly accuse these people of being stupid and rebellious, but thinking about it seriously. After a while, he felt that Zuo Sanqi was right, so he decided to transfer the history of Spurs from Daizhou, since he acted. Severe, then it should be placed in a wealthy place, such as the Jiangnan area that is difficult to control, and where various illegal and criminal activities are frequent but not exposed.

"It just so happened that the governor of Chuzhou was accused of corruption, so your majesty proposed to let him go, but Li Zuo Sanqi said that Chuzhou is close to Yangzhou, and the salt tax in the Jiangnan area was abnormal. Xu people indiscriminately, in the end, they picked Qizhou, and they were also reduced from the governor to Sima."

  Man Bao asked humbly: "This Li Zuo Sanqi..."

   "It's Mr. Cui's son-in-law."

Five of the ten officials in North Korea are directly or indirectly related to the Cui family by marriage. Bai Shan said, "Since the Cui family has taken action, this matter can easily be over. Would you like to tell my sister-in-law? It’s better to go out less."

  It is better to be quiet at this time.

  Man Bao nodded again and again, "I'll go to Xuesao when I'm next."

  Bai Shan went back as an errand.

His current position is next to the living room. The two are sitting on the left and right. One is to record the emperor’s words and deeds, and the other is to listen to the emperor’s political discussions with his ears upright. Go to the emperor to find the Zhezi he can't find, and maybe be called by the emperor to ask for politics. It's really too tired than going to class, and it won't work for a little walk.

   Secretary Bai, who just entered the workplace, oh no, it’s Bai Xing, he is very uncomfortable.

But in the eyes of Wei Zhi and others, Bai Shan is extremely adaptable, but he performed well. He was able to catch the emperor’s question in just a few days. Even if he answered badly sometimes, he at least knew What are they talking about, not to mention it?

  Wei Zhi expressed his satisfaction.

The emperor was also very satisfied. He liked to talk to him a lot recently, so when the ministers had retreated, the emperor left Bai Shan and asked him: "How do I feel that the impeachment of Daizhou Governor has been a lot? Li Meng, the servant. The handling is also stricter. Is there something outside that I don’t know?"

  Bai Shan did not expect that the emperor would ask him such a thing, this...isn’t it a government affair?

   So he didn’t know how to answer for a while. He subconsciously looked up at the emperor. The emperor couldn’t hear him answering. He just asked casually, but now he couldn’t help turning his head to look at him, "Why, is there anything I can’t know?"

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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