Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2458: Empathy

  Chapter 2458 I feel the same

"It's not." Bai Shan is not full of treasures and has no experience of gossip with the emperor, so he looked tangled and decided to tell the truth after a while, "Your Majesty, this is someone's private matter. I can't wait to talk about it. ?"

  The emperor was taken aback. This was the first time he was turned down like this. So he was refreshed and became more interested. He immediately said, "Why is it a private matter?"

The emperor said very spiritually: "Did you not listen to Wei Zhi and the others? The heavenly family is selfless. They even talk about it after eating half a bowl of rice. Now it has involved the promotion and transfer of officials. Where is the private matter? "

He stared at Bai Shan and said, "Obviously you know the truth. Tell me, what's the secret? Is it because Daizhou governor rejected Li Meng's request and offended them, so so many people have impeached him recently. of?"

   Bai Shan heard the emperor’s guess, and quickly said: "Your Majesty has misunderstood."

  He paused and said: "The minister doesn't know much about it, but the Ma family and the Wang family are related by marriage. There was a nephew in the history of the Spurs who married the Wang family's sixth wife..."

  Bai Shan treated Man Bao for Wang Ruile's illness, and concluded that she had had multiple miscarriages and had broken bones in many parts of her body.

I didn’t dare to recruit Mrs. Tang for telling Ma Hongzhong to go to Yongzhou for a fight, but he also mentioned Wang’s attitude, “Now that Wang wants to dissolve the marriage contract, it’s just that Wang’s daughter loves her son and is reluctant to separate from her younger son. So they are now fighting for children."

  Generally speaking, in husband and wife and separation, the children follow the father, and very few women can take the children away from the husband’s house.

  Obviously, Wang did not want to give up this child.

  The emperor understood, after a little thought, he asked in confusion: "What is the relationship between Li Meng and the Wang family?"

  I never heard that they are better.

  Bai Shan said, “Aren’t they all related to Cui? Maybe they are related to in-laws.”

  The emperor squinted his eyes, and Li Meng's temper was also very hard. If only his in-laws ask for help, I’m afraid it’s hard for him to say these things when discussing politics in private?

  However, he also knew that Bai Shan was young and had little qualifications, so he was not easy to talk about these things. Anyway, he already knew the most important thing, so he waved his hand to make Bai Shan retreat.

  As soon as Bai Shan left, he said to Gu Zhong: "Let Yin Li come into the palace."

   Hmph, Bai Shan dare not say, isn’t Yin Li dare not say too?

  As for whether Yin Li knew about this issue, the emperor really didn’t doubt that things were all up to the court. How could Yin Li not know?

  Yin Li really knew. Not only did he know, he knew better than Bai Shanzhouman.

  He took a sip of tea first, let's talk to the emperor, not only the emperor, but even the living man who was holding a pen to record was stunned, a little tangled for a while, I don't know how short this gossip should be recorded in the book.

  It’s not good if it’s too short. If there are any major consequences after this incident, what should future generations do if they can’t find the causes and consequences in the history books?

If    is too long, it will take up too much space, and it will be bad if it loses the focus.

  Although he was thinking about it, he still wrote down all this.

   Yin Li noticed that it was because Mrs. Tang and the others were beating people in Yongzhou.

  Although he only guards the capital, Yongzhou is the accompanying capital and is within his control. Mrs. Tang beats people in the street, and his son is on the scene. It is difficult for him not to pay attention.

  This attention found that Wang and Cui were both on the bar with Ma Jiagang, especially Cui, who had a stance of crushing them to death.

  So Yinli sent someone to check it. Not only did it find out that Wang's daughter was beaten under house arrest, but also that Wang's sent Cui's daughter back to Cui's family.

  The smile on the emperor’s face became weaker and weaker, and he asked: "Is such a violent person, has the Wang family never noticed it?"

Yin Li sighed and said: "Wang Liuniang's parents have died, there is only one heir in the family, and she is studying in the field, and she does not go home all the year round. When she returns to her natal house, her uncle and aunt are entertaining her. Her aunt is the Cui daughter who was sent back to the Cui family. ."

  The emperor understood immediately.

Yin Li said: "The boudoir girl is trapped in the backyard, and there are not many people who can use it. Once the channel for transmitting messages is cut off, and there is no one who cares about greetings at home, it is normal for outsiders to not see the abnormality for three to five years. "

"If the Ma family is smart, it will be fine to completely subdue Wang Liuniang in the past few years, or kill it directly. I am afraid that people outside will not feel abnormal, but they still have to take advantage of the Wang family's in-laws, so they are reluctant to kill. , And Wang Liuniang has never been subdued, so the trouble will come out."

  The emperor snorted and said directly: "This is called Ma Hongzhong, is he also studying?"

  "Yes, I took advantage of the Wang family to study in the state school. I heard that I took the Mingjing exam this year, but I have never taken it."

   "At this age, I can't pass the exam. Obviously, I don't have any talents. I don't have any talents. I have no virtue. It is a waste of places to stay in the government school. Turning back to let Bingzhou reorganize."

  But the emperor didn’t care about this matter most. What he cared about most was Cui’s attitude, "Cui’s lost a big face."

   "Yes, there are not many people who know, and the matter is suppressed, but the Cui family is indeed helping the Wang family to suppress the Ma family."

  The emperor began to ponder, and after a while, he said, "Go, find someone to seal the paper, and impeach the Spurs for lax management of the family, so you can get rid of the matter."

   Yin Li: "...Your Majesty, that's not a Spurs historian, Spurs history and his brother have already separated..."

   "I don't care, I will impeach someone, and I don't have to name the Cui daughter for the mistakes made in it. Anyway, the Wang daughter was beaten terribly. The discount will be on tomorrow. Go find someone."

The emperor was gearing up to do something secretly, but he still felt a little uncomfortable when he returned to the harem, so he and the queen said: "When Mingda Changyu gets married, we will give them more guards, just 800, no , How about a thousand people?"

  He said: "So, if they are bullied at their husband's house, they won't have nowhere to ask for help."

  Queen: "...Your Majesty, one thousand guards is the regulation of the Prince's Mansion."

   "What's wrong with me making Mingda the prince?" He said: "She is weak, but she can't be wronged."

  The queen said helplessly: "The Bai family will not bully Mingda. Do you think Bai Er is like someone who can bully Mingda? You give her so many people and she has to find a place to settle her. Isn't it a waste of talent?"

  And the courtier would not agree, the queen swallowed this, and did not dare to mention it at this time, otherwise it would arouse his dog's temper, which might be counterproductive.

  The emperor said: "Waste is wasted, only a thousand people, I can still afford it."

He said: "You don't know how bad the hearts of the people outside are. How does the Wang family compare to the Ma family? It's like ours compared to the Bai family. When Wang Feng chose the Ma family to be his in-laws, he must have thought that the Ma family was low. He didn't dare to bully his daughter. As a result, the Ma family and even a servant girl dared to humiliate Wang's daughter."

"Yin Li is right. If the boudoir girl is trapped in the back house, if she doesn't have any power outside, once she is held, she won't even have a way to ask for help." As long as the emperor enters the Mingda, he will be so frightened and sad that he wants to cry. With red eyes, I said, "As long as I think of Mingda being bullied in the future, she won't even pass the word back to the palace. She suffers outside, and we are still thinking about her all right in the palace, and my heart hurts too much. ."


   See you at nine in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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