Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2459: Impeach

  Chapter 2459 Impeachment

  The queen hesitated, she was not afraid that Mingda and Changyu would be bullied at her in-laws' house. The Wei family had a clean family. If Wei Zhi's character ranks second in Dajin, I am afraid that no one would dare to rank first.

  The son he taught does not say how talented he is, his character is still decent, at least he is a gentleman.

  She only worried that Changyu would bully her, never worried that she would bully Changyu.

  As for Mingda, not to mention it.

  Bai’s family members are loyal and honest people. She agreed at the time, and it was precisely this point. Another point was Bai Er’s affection for Mingda.

  However, guards still need to be available, not to prevent them from being bullied by their husbands, but with guards, it is easier for them to do what they want outside.

   Knowing daughter Mo Ruomu, she still knows the nature of her two daughters, and some guards can use them by her side.

  Just one thousand is unnecessary.

  The princesses of Dajin are guarded according to the regulations, ranging from eighty to five hundred, depending on the emperor's favor and rewards to them.

  At present, the emperor’s sister Princess Zhao has the largest number of guards, but Princess Zhao has passed away, and most of the remaining princesses are guards of 200 or 300.

  It is not the emperor's stingy, but, these guards are also the treasury who is paying for the army, so except for the princess who is particularly beloved, few people can get the top five hundred.

  The emperor originally chose five hundred for Mingda's guard, but now he feels that five hundred is not enough.

  Isn’t Wang’s daughter married?

  There must be some, but she was still bullied. Why?

  It is naturally because there are not enough dowries. If she has enough dowries, can it be taken down by the Ma family and disintegrated in one fell swoop?

It's a pity that the queen is unwilling, otherwise he can afford to give 500 more to him. It is a big deal that the extra people will go to his private treasury, um, or let Mingda raise it by herself, and give her more property. She didn't do anything, and the money she came out was enough for her to pay for the army.

The emperor planned in his heart and said to the queen: "Yinli talked about the crowded capital in the past, and even the houses on the side of Yongzhou were sparsely crowded. Many people who came to Beijing had to live in the lower villages. It was very inconvenient for me to travel. How about expanding Yongzhou City and building Xincheng Street?"

  The queen looked at him and asked: "Where does your Majesty want to expand?"

The emperor coughed slightly and said, "I think the southwest of Yongzhou is pretty good. That area is close to the Weishui River and the land is flat. It is also close to the capital. By the way, Yongzhou City is not far from Liyang, and Liyang is ten thousand years away. The county is near. If it is expanded, Yongzhou and Beijing will be able to be connected together in the future. This way, it will be closer to Beijing and it will be more convenient for travelers."

   Although the queen knew that he had selfishness, she thought that it was good for the people, so she smiled and nodded, but she still reminded: "Your Majesty must not be too much."

  The emperor was excited in his heart, nodded repeatedly, and reached out to hold the queen's hand and said, "I know, you can rest assured."

The emperor talked to courtiers about this the next day. Wei Zhi and they also knew that the capital was crowded, especially now that Guotai Min'an. More and more people came to Chang'an. Every year there are various people who come here to study, do business, and work. People have.

  Well-rich people can naturally buy or rent houses in the capital, but what about people who have no money or assets?

  Even locals may be squeezed out of the capital.

  Two years earlier, Wei Zhi proposed to expand the Chang'an city pool, but it was put on hold because of various problems. Now it is not the expansion of the capital, but the expansion of Yongzhou is not bad.

Yongzhou is the companion capital. It is not far from the capital and can be reached within two hours. The expansion site chosen by the emperor is closer. When the road is built, it will be convenient to reach Wannian County from Xincheng in one hour. Many poor students are studying in the capital.

  So everyone discussed it. As for the scope, people from the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry have to survey together, and after reporting the data, it will be discussed by the officials of the DPRK and the Chinese.

  This major event came to an end, and the people Yin Li sought impeached the Spurs’ history of impeaching the Spurs for lax family management, and the fact that Wang, Cui, and Ma’s family were kept together in private was brought to light.

  The ministers in the court did not change much, but there were all kinds of complaints in their hearts, and they were surprised.

  Among them, the most serious damage is not Wang, or even Ma, but Cui.

  Although there is no point on the booklet, anyone who asks for it knows that Wang's daughter was sent back to the Ma's family by her aunt Cui's, and that is why the Ma's family will torture the Wang's daughter unscrupulously.

  When people pity Wang's daughter, they can't help but question Cui's upbringing. It was a fatal blow to Cui, who now depends on his in-laws for survival.

  In the capital, the daughters of the Cui family in the back homes all hated the Wang Cui family for a while, but at this time they couldn't do anything, and they had to pretend to be the same enemy to deal with the Ma family first.

  Mrs. Tang also didn't expect that this matter would cause trouble to the court, they were already low-key enough. So frowning, a little worried.

Master Tang smiled and calmed her and said, "Don't worry, the Cui family can't just let it go, and don't worry, even if your father doesn't move, Cui family will not let the Ma family go. They are bound to do this. All his faults are planted on the Ma family."

   said again: "Now what you have to do is to keep an eye on the Ma's family, don't let them jump over the wall and act on the children."

  Ms. Tang said: "I have written a letter to my father."

   She sighed: "As soon as this happened, our Wang family was also considered famous."

  Master Tang smiled and said, "There is still Cui's top in front, don't be afraid."

  Ms. Tang gave him a sideways glance and said, "What's so happy about this? There are quite a few Cui girls in our Wang family's back house."

  Far away, her grandmother's surname is Cui!

  Master Tang touched his nose and said, “It’s the husband’s fault. It shouldn’t be so gloating. Then let’s send a comforting letter to my father.”

   "Go away, is it not annoying enough to abandon his father?"

  In fact, the royal patriarch is really not very troubled. Taiyuan is not very far from the capital. The news is always transmitted faster. He only received the news that Ma Hongzhong had returned to Bingzhou with a swollen nose on his front feet.

  Bingzhou is not far from Taiyuan. Ma's family still lives in the county town near Taiyuan, and it will be about an hour away.

  Wang Cheng stopped the people before Ma Hongzhong entered the county seat. This time, without Mrs. Tang's deterrent stop, he was a little bit cruel. Although he wouldn't be crippled, the injuries on his body looked terrifying.

  After finishing the fight, Wang Cheng went home with the Fourth Sister and the Fifth Sister.

  The royal chief met them in person, and after asking about Ma Hongzhong’s reaction, as soon as he got news from the capital, he called a steward and said: "Go to Ma's house and take Master Biao out."

  Wang Geng was taken aback for a moment and then said: "Uncle, take the child out at this time, if the Ma family sue us to **** the child..."

  (End of this chapter)

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